Unit 1 Vocabulary Workshop English 9 Name____________________

Literary Devices

Read each sentence and identify the Literary Device.

For example: The teacher would not admonish the children for fear of provoking sleeping lions.

Which literary device is being used?____________________________

Work Bank: Simile:_________________________ Metaphor:__________________________

Allusion__________________________________ Hyperbole: _________________________

Alliteration:_______________________________ Oxymoron:_________________________

Symbolism:_______________________________ Personification:______________________

_________________1. My mother has admonished me ten thousand times for not cleaning up my room.

_________________2. I tried to carry the clumsy cumbersome cucumber into the corridor, but collided into the closet instead.

_________________3. Charybdis, the deadly whirlpool, and Scylla, the six headed monster, presented the hero, Odysseus, with a dilemma putting him between a rock and a hard place.

_________________4. The two were deadlock like two chess players who have reached a stalemate.

_________________5. The flower was a short-lived perennial that faded quickly.

_________________6. Someone who is opinionated is a stubborn as a mule.

_________________7. “ Everything in my world that was steady and sure and sturdy has been shaken out of place, and it's now drifting and swirling back down in a confetti of debris.” http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/figurative-language

_________________ 8. Salvaged beams in the World Trade Center wreckage.

_________________9. Relinquished from death’s gripe, they survived the accident with only minor injuries.

_________________10. The package drink particles diffused into the water and disappeared like snowflakes falling on a pond.