Students will use the theory of development that they made a power point presentation for during 1st quarter to track their own childhood development. Any electronic format is acceptable. If you do not know your information, use the text as a guide to go by. Electronic submission is also acceptable.
Each year must have:
- A picture and is worth 5 points
- Description of Physical milestones met and is worth 10 points
- Height
- Weight
- What you can do
- Description of Cognitive milestones met and is worth 10 points
- What you have learned
- Description of Social milestones met and is worth 10 points
- Who do you know
- Where do you go
- Description of Emotional milestones met and is worth 10 points
- Temperament
- Level of maturity
- Maturation achieved or not
- Particular theorist theory for this age group and how met or not met and is worth 20 points
- Stage of theory
- How you compare to the stage
Each year is due on a given week. Work submitted after the full credit due date will have 10 points deducted per week it is late.
Although this work is a part of the final exam work must be submitted weekly starting 12 weeks out form senior exams so that all students have time to complete. An oral presentation will be given on exam day.
Overall appearance of the project is worth20 points
The oral presentation will be worth 100 points
Total project grade is 900 points
Age / Picture5 point / Physical
10 points / Cognitive
10 points / Social
10 points / Emotional
10 points / Theorist
20 points / 65
Total points/
Due for full credit Feb. 1st
Due for full credit March 10th
Due for full credit March 17th
Due for full credit on March 31st
Due for full credit on Apr. 7th
Due for full credit on Apr. 13th
7th year
Due for full credit on April 21st
Due for full credit on Apr. 28th
Due for full credit on May 5th
Due for full credit on May 12th
Due for full credit on May 19th
Due no later than May 26th / 780 points
Overall appearance / 20
Oral Presentation / 100 points
Project is worth / 900 points
Title Page-
Your name
Table of contents- each year’s information may take up more than one page.
The following is an example from Mrs. Nealy’s own life:
Year One: September 24 1965-1966
Physical Development
Height- 20.5 inches
Weight- 8 pounds 2.5 ounces
Apgar Scale- Not known
Abilities: Could sit up with support by six months, could sit up without support by nine months, walking by 10 months
Cognitive Development
Very alert
Aware of comings and goings in the house
Social Development
Oldest child, therefore an only child for first 362 days of life.
Lived primarily with mother. Father was back and forth while in U.S. Navy and Vietnam
Lived in Naval housing
Black lab, Mike, was in house companion
Children next door were also friends, best of all Tommy
Baptized October 5th, 1965 at the Catholic Chapel on Mare Island Naval Base #BR 646-317
Emotional Development
Very quiet and an easy baby as noted by mother
Flirtatious, also as noted by mother
Theory Connections
Erik Erikson’s Stage of Psychosocial development
Erikson emphasizes the role of culture and society and the conflicts that can take place within the ego itself. According to Erikson, the ego develops as it successfully resolves crises that are distinctly social in nature. These involve establishing a sense of trust in others, developing a sense of identity in society, and helping the next generation. According to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality and acquisition of basic virtues. Basic virtues are characteristic strengths which the ego can use to resolve subsequent crises. Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. These stages, however, can be resolved successfully at a later time.
How I compared to this theory
Age zero to one and a half years is Erikson’s first psychological crisis of Trust v. Mistrust with HOPE as the basic virtue. During this time I was left alone in the house while my mother ran ot to complete errands. I cried persistently in her absence, thus alerting a neighbor who came into our house and took me to her house until my mother returned. On another occasion while less than 3 months old my parents took me camping in Yosemite. My father suffered and injury and my mother had to hold me while driving a stick shift sports car downhill to Yosemite Village for help. From retrospect it is thought that perhaps this first crisis was not mastered or acquired right away.