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Together we build life-long learners.
We believe that every student has unique qualities and skills; that each has talents and interests that should be used to develop their learning in all areas. The Otamarakau School and Community supports and encourages creative thinking and high expectations in all that we do.
Core Value - Respect
Historical Information
Local and Community Context
● Otamarakau School is a small rural school established in 1916 and situated in a coastal area south of Te Puke.
● The school is a full primary school with a decile rating of 7.
● Otamarakau School is situated close to the local Playgroup and Community Hall.
● Parents regularly offer their services to enhance the educational and extra-curricular opportunities for our students.
● Otamarakau School is a fully committed ICT school which currently operates two fully digital classrooms (with a pod of IPads for the junior classroom) and one that intends to establish itself as a leader in digitally focused learning in the Western Bay of Plenty.
● Otamarakau School has a clear charter statement which is reviewed annually after consultation with the community.
● We are proud of being a Silver Award winning Enviro-School and as such have developed a working partnership with Environment BOP and local Iwi, which has resulted in significant enhancement of local recreational areas.
● Otamarakau School are proud of our community involvement and annually hosts:
o A Super 4 Sports Competition.
o A Surfcasting Fishing Competition each Easter weekend.
o A Trail Bike Ride
o Maize Scramble
● Otamarakau School is currently involved in an HPS (Health Promoting Schools) contract and Otamarakau School is participating in Mathematics professional learning development.
● In 2016, Otamarakau School will be celebrating 100 years of existence.
“The charter outlines the school’s vision of looking to the future and states shared beliefs that every student has unique qualities and skills to be nurtured. The core value of respect for self and others is evident throughout the school’s positive climate for learning. The school tone is enhanced by the caring relationships among staff, students and their families.”
[2013 Education Review Office Quote]
Statement of Intent-Cultural Diversity and Maori Students.
Otamarakau School values all heritage and culture, Otamarakau School will endeavour to correctly pronounce Maori words/names/place names and recognises the importance of dual language. Maori students will be identified on enrolment. Iwi affiliation will be determined and relevant iwi notified where appropriate. Learning programmes will reflect the needs and skills of students, ensuring coverage and skills are built upon, via our goal sheet. Progress to be regularly and sensitively monitored. This will be reported on to relevant parties. Outside help from the community, will be actively encouraged and used for guidance and programme ideas. Consultation with our Maori community will be regular and include informal and formal practices such as questionnaires, surveys, specific questions during meetings/interviews, visits to home and community meetings. Students of all ethnic and cultural backgrounds will be acknowledged and valued. If a parent requires a child to be taught in full immersion Te Reo Maori, possible correspondence avenues will be explored. If Otamarakau School could not meet the language immersion needs of the child and family we will direct them to alternative schooling such as the closest Kura.
Charter Consultation and Development
Strategic Goals 2015 - 2017
STUDENTS: Develop each student to their full potential by:
● identifying and developing student qualities, talents and interests
● encouraging high expectations, promoting independent, creative thinking and excellence especially in literacy and numeracy
● all students are able to access THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM as evidenced by progress and achievement in relation to the National Standards
● Māori students are engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success, with pride, in their unique identity, language and culture as Māori
● Pasifika students and students with special needs are engaged and achieving educational success
● Students with special education needs are supported in their learning so they can progress in relation to THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM and fully participate in and contribute to their school and community.
LEARNING COMMUNITY: Quality teaching and support to:
● identify and use key community resources
● improve the quality of teaching
● Māori whanua support their children’s learning
● involve the entire community in the school (It takes a whole village to educate a single child)
PROCESS: Resources and school environment:
● provide a safe physical and emotional environment
● provide adequate resources to deliver a curriculum with a view to the future
Goal: To develop each student to their full potential
What are we planning to do? / 2016
Actions / 2017
Actions / 2018
Actions / Review
Identifying and developing student qualities, talents and interests / Develop a structured Te Reo Māori and history programme within the school.
Develop a careers programme for years 7 and 8.
Involvement in Aims Games.
Students will participate in Te Puke School’s Kapa Haka festival.
Implement a special teaching programme to celebrate 100 years of Otamarakau School.
Graduate profile to be finalised, shared with community and begin to be used. / Review Otamarakau School Curriculum.
School production to be held.
Health statement reviewed.
School Charter to be reviewed
Develop a structured music programme within the school.
Graduate profile will continue to be used. / Health Promoting Schools review.
Review of Te Reo Māori and history programme.
Continue music programme
Encouraging high expectations, promoting independent, creative thinking and excellence in literacy and numeracy / Those students achieving ‘Below’ and ‘Well Below’ in the mathematics standard will receive targeted teaching and learning.
Invitation for past students and role models to share successes.
Develop and publish a centennial newspaper.
PLD- Mathematics / Those students achieving ‘Below’ and ‘Well Below’ in the mathematics standard will receive targeted teaching and learning.
Invitation for past students and role models to share successes.
PLD- Mathematics. / Those students achieving ‘Below’ and ‘Well Below’ in the writing standard will receive targeted teaching and learning.
PLD- Writing
All students are able to access THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM as evidenced by progress and achievement against National Standards. / Student performance in Reading, Writing and Mathematics will be measured against National Standards.
Digital Technologies will be used in all classrooms to support all curriculum areas.
Student attendance will be monitored and targeted. / Student performance in Reading, Writing and Mathematics will be measured against National Standards.
Digital technologies and their use across THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM will be embedded in teacher practice.
BoT to review School Charter
Student attendance will be monitored and targeted. / Student performance in Reading, Writing and Mathematics will be measured against National Standards.
Student attendance will be monitored and targeted.
Māori students are engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success, with pride, in their unique identity, language and culture as Māori. / Māori student achievement information collated and analysed against National Standards.
Ngati Makino will be invited to be involved in 100 year celebrations.
Kapa Haka group to perform at festival. / Māori student achievement information collated and analysed against National Standards.
Māori community to be asked to participate in charter review.
Marae to contribute to school curriculum review. / Māori student achievement information collated and analysed against National Standards.
Kapa Haka group to perform at festival.
Pasifika students and students with special needs are engaged in their learning and are achieving educational success. / Currently no Pasifika children attend Otamarakau School. / Currently no Pasifika children attend Otamarakau School. / Currently no Pasifika children attend Otamarakau School.
Students with special education needs are supported in their learning so they can progress in relation to THE NEW ZEALAND CURRICULUM and fully participate in and contribute to their school and community. / Reading Recovery programme will be requested and BoT to fund a portion of teachers salary.
Assistance for ESOL children will be applied for and utilised the best way possible to meet their needs.
Special needs students will have their needs assessed and appropriate support agencies contacted.
Review Reading Recovery / Special needs students will have their needs assessed and appropriate support agencies contacted.
Assistance for ESOL children will be applied for and utilised the best way possible to meet their needs.
Special needs students will have their needs assessed and appropriate support agencies contacted. / Special needs students will have their needs assessed and appropriate support agencies contacted.
Goal: Quality teaching and support
Objectives / 2016
Actions / 2017
Actions / 2018
Actions / Review/Reporting
Improve the quality of teaching / Continue professional development in digital technologies.
Two members of staff to attend ULearn or equivalent ICT conference.
School to work with Pukehina and Maketu Schools to moderate Mathematics OTJ’s in our cluster.
Mathematics Professional Development
Learning conversations to be increased to 3 a term. / Embed digital technology in all teaching and learning.
Two members of staff to attend ULearn or equivalent ICT conference.
School to work with Pukehina and Maketu Schools to moderate Maths OTJ’s in our cluster.
Maths Professional Development / Writing professional development
Review appraisal system
Identify and use key community resources / Members of local community will assist in careers education.
Have ‘students of yesteryear’ day.
Former pupils to be invited to attend and to share their experiences of Otamarakau school with current students.
Target group parents will be invited to participate in learning discussions.
Local tutor/volunteer to be sort for Kapa Haka.
Grandparent day.
School to work with SAF facilitator and community members. / Continue developing strong ties with the Local Maori community.
Provide support for the local physical environment.
Grandparent day.
Target group parents will be invited to participate in learning discussions. / Local tutor/volunteer to be sort for Kapa Haka.
Māori whanua support their children’s learning / Whanau group to be set up.
Invite the Ngati Makino people to school for an open day. / Continue supporting the development of the whanau group. / Continue supporting the development of the whanau group.
Involve the entire community in the school / School Kapa Haka to be performed to community.
100 year celebrations held. / School production to be held. / School Kapa Haka to be performed to community.
Goal: Resources and School Environment
Objectives / 2016
Actions / 2017
Actions / 2018
Actions / Review/Reporting
Provide a safe physical and emotional environment / Health and Social services incorporated in school programmes.
Develop new 10ypp and 5ya.
(If we are at category four plan for interview room and upgrading of junior toilets.)
Make any access changes before 100 year anniversary celebrations.
Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS) police education programme to be run.
Review Health Promoting Schools (HPS).
Staff to update first aid certificates
DP to undertake nonviolent crisis intervention course. / Health and Social services incorporated in school programmes.
Begin property works according to new 5ya.
Implement any changes from HPS survey.
Kia Kaha police education programmes to be run. / Keeping Ourselves Safe police education programme to be run.
Continue property works according to new 5ya.
Provide adequate resources to deliver a curriculum with a view to the future / Mathematics focus to be budgeted.
Replace aging athletics equipment.
Review ICT resources.
Mathematics resources to be updated, restocked and/or replaced. / School Production and/or talent show to be budgeted for.
Maths focus to be budgeted for.
Maths resources to be upgraded. / Writing focus to be budgeted for.
Actions to achieve target / Who / Budget (if any) / Timeframe
Review data from last year to identify learning needs. / Teachers/Principal / Term 1
Each teacher will be involved in learning conversations at least 10 times throughout the year. These will be focused on the target children. / Teachers/Principal / On-going throughout year
All children will be assessed using one of the following NUMPA, GLOSS, JAM. / Teachers / Termly
All teachers to participate in PLD for Mathematics using outside expert(s). / Teachers / $1500 / On-going throughout year
Otamarakau School will work with Student Achievement Function (SAF). / Principal/ Pat Workman (SAF) / On-going throughout year
In conjunction with SAF a change team will be formed which will consider the capabilities of organisation and parents, family and whānau. / Principal, some teachers, a parent and a member of BoT. / On-going throughout year
Analysis of midyear data will be completed to inform ‘where to next’ and levels of progress. / Teachers/Acting Principal / Term 2
Parents will be notified that their child is in a target group and will be offered opportunities to meet with their teachers to discuss their child’s progress and offered things they can do to help at home. / Teachers/Parents / Termly
Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for following year. / Teachers/Acting Principal / Term 4
Review mathematics assessment practices- are current assessment practices providing the amount, type and level of data needed? / Teachers/Principal / Term 4
Combined moderation between Otamarakau, Maketu and Pukehina Schools / Teachers/Principals / Term 2 and Term 4
Teachers to observe other teaching and learning of maths at other schools / Teachers / Release / Term 2 and 4
Purchase of new materials to support the learning of target students / Math leader(s) / $400 / On-going throughout year
Actions to achieve target / Who / Budget (if any) / Timeframe
Parents will be informed regularly of the school attendance target and its importance to student achievement. / Principal / All year/ ongoing
Attendance rates will be checked regularly to see ‘how we are going’. / Principal / All year/ ongoing
Children’s attendance will be monitored every Monday. Actions taken if necessary. / Principal / Term 1
School to purchase cell phone so parents can text absentees and vice versa. / Office manager / $150 / All year then ongoing
Attendance rates will be supplied to the BoT termly / Principal / Termly
100% attendance rates for each term will be celebrated at class assembly. / Principal / Termly
Coming to school and having good attendance will be regularly discussed with the children. / Principal / All year/ ongoing
Glossary of Abbreviations