BoxTops – The race is on! Mrs. Geis’ class is still in the lead! Our students are competing for a pizza party in December. The class that collects the most BoxTops wins the pizza party! Keep sending those BoxTops!
Dear Families,
Our carnival was a big success. We all had a great time and we made over $2000.00 towards getting some new playground equipment! Thank you to everyone that helped make our carnival so much fun. We want to do another carnival in the spring, but we really need more involvement to make it happen. It’s a lot of work, but so rewarding when we see our children having a good time. So start thinking about what you can do to help in the spring!
Our Chili’s night will be Tuesday, November 5th. We will be sending home the flyers you need to present at the door in order for us to get 10% of the profit for our school. We also have free kids meals to use to make it more feasible for a family to eat dinner! Tell all of your family and friends to come out that night to eat at Chili’s. This will just add to our playground equipment fund! We are going to improve our playground this year!!!
We are sending home a t-shirt order form today. We really want every child to have an Edmond Doyle t-shirt. Good.... better…Edmond Doyle!! We are the best and we want each child to feel proud to be a part of our great school. Hopefully, many of you will want to get a shirt to let everyone know that you belong to Edmond Doyle, too!!
Thanks to Mr. Cornish, our Red Ribbon celebration has been very successful. Our kids are so creative and have really done a great job with dressing up each day! I must say-crazy hair and hat day has been my favorite. They are so adorable. Our teachers have really been doing a great job, too! It’s fun to dress up, but it’s so serious to make sure that our children are drug free. We want to break the chains of drug and alcohol abuse. These kids are awesome-they are going to grow into amazing adults that say no to anything that will deter them from the lives of potential they all possess!!
Please be aware that after five tardies, each new tardy will result in one afternoon of academic detention. After five absences, you will receive a letter warning about getting a ticket after ten unexcused absences. Please get doctor’s notes, when possible- please make appointments after school, please be on time, and please make sure your child is at school on time with their homework done. Thank you for being our partners-when home and school work together-great things happen!! Edmond Doyle is proof of that!! Have a great weekend!
Sincerely, Kathy Hunt
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. ~Attributed to Harry S Truman
“Engaging Minds, Inspiring Hearts, Pursuing Excellence”
Below is a copy of our Edmond Doyle Creed. The students recite this Wednesday mornings at Rise N Shine.
The Edmond Doyle Creed
Every day is for learning
Do the right thing always
My actions reveal my character
Only I control my actions
Now is my time to grow
Decide to love, care, and respect today
Dive into Reading and Math daily
Only with hard work can I be the best
Yes, my home and school family believes in me
Loving to learn increases my chances for success
Every choice I make determines what I’ll have,
who I’ll be, and what I’ll do in my lifetime.
The 8 Expectations
1. We will value one another as unique and special individuals.
2. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes, nor use sarcasm or put downs.
3. We will use good manners, saying “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.
4. We will cheer each other to success.
5. We will help one another whenever possible.
6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it.
7. We will encourage each other to do our best.
8. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.