Make Your Mark Tally sheet
What is the Mark your Mark ballot?
On the 11th November 2016 – Members of UK Youth Parliament will come together to debate and decide at UKYP House of Commons sitting the most important issue to campaign on for the year ahead. The UK Youth Parliament is the only organisation that is allowed to sit in the House of Commons
They will decide from the top 5 issues voted on by young people across the UK
The topics on the ballot paper were all decided by Members of the Youth Parliament at the Annual Sitting in July 2016
What is the UK Youth Parliament?
Run by young people for young people, The UK Youth Parliament (UKYP) provides opportunities for 11-18 year-olds to use their voice in creative ways to bring about social change. The UKYP is made up of over 300 MYPs (Members of Youth Parliament), who are elected by their peers in youth elections throughout the UK. Any young person aged 11-18 can stand or vote. Once elected, MYPs organise events and projects, run campaigns and influence decision makers on the issues which matter most to young people.
Who can take vote in Make your Mark?
Young people aged between 11-18 can take part. We are looking for as many young people to debate and vote on the issues as possible.
What does my organisation need to do!
We need as many of your young people to fill them in as possible, Just follow these simple steps
1. Share the options with young people
2. Get young people to discuss the issues
3. Get as many young people to vote as possible – you can do a count of hands, vote with your feet or a paper ballot it’s up to you!
4. Total up the results
5. Return to the member of staff coordinating the vote
Topic / Tally of Votes / TotalVotes at 16. Give 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote in all elections/referendums.
A Curriculum to prepare us for life. Schools should cover topics like finance, sex and relationship education and politics.
First Aid Education for All Young People All young people should learn basic First Aid, on a regular basis, including CPR, and all schools in the UK should have a defibrillator.
Mental health. Services should be improved with young people’s help and mental health education should be compulsory and challenge stereotypes.
Transport. Make public transport cheaper, better and accessible for all.
Stop cuts that affect the NHS. Funding that affects the NHS shouldn’t be cut. We must keep up vital services to protect young people.
Body Image. More needs to be done to raise awareness on body image issues, particularly the effects of negative body image on mental health. Bullying connected to body image should be challenged, and reduced.
Fund our youth services, don’t cut them. Youth services provide us with vital support, development opportunities and positive activities.
Raising Awareness of Sexual Harassment in schools. Let’s raise awareness of sexual harassment in schools so that young people affected don’t suffer in silence and can get support from schools and teachers.
Tackling racism and religious discrimination, particularly against people who are Muslim or Jewish. All young people should work together to combat racism and other forms of discrimination, and ensure we know the dangers of such hatred.
PLEASE RETURN TO …………………………...... by …………….
For lead member of staff/volunteer: please note your total votes can be submitted online by 10am on 5th Oct. We are unable to include results returned using this form or by email