Rotary Nomads

Dot Points

Meeting Held 5th August 2015

The meeting was opened by President Greg at 6.30pm CST



Greg Fallon, Meg Fallon, John Clements, Gary Adams, Jenny Adams, Pam Fallon, Kathlyn Rowlands, Gary Latcham, Camilla Barker, Paul Northrop, Neil Mathews,Wendy Thomas, Louise Lemon, Peta Higginbotham, Peter Cox, Barry Tait, Lee Tait, Kathlyn Rowlands, Gary Latcham, Colin Gard, Barbara Gard.


Lorelle St Clair, Geoff St Clair, Wayne Kemmis, Annette Bailey,Robin Bailey, Philip Hughes, Mary Henderson.

Service Work

  • Robin Bailey - 126 hours - 1 week working in new Guinea.
  • Greg Fallon and Meg Fallon – 21 hours with the ‘Fergies for the Bush’ project.

Make Ups/Inter Club Visits

  • Robin Bailey – 3 Makeups
  • Annette Bailey - 1 Makeup
  • Robin Bailey and Annette Bailey doing a Make Up at the Rotary Club of Koo Wee Rup tonight
  • John Clements – 1 Interclub Visit at the Rotary Club of Strathalbyn on Tuesday 4th August

Member 30 Second Talk:

Travels (past, present and future), projects, cutting firewood,work, wine tasting (but mainly drinking), family visits and more adventures were shared.

Behind the Badge – Kathlyn Rowlands:

  • Born in WA
  • Dad was in the Railways so she moved around a lot as a young person.
  • Went to University
  • Competed in Dressage at a high level
  • Worked in and passionate about Boarding
  • Spent time in England
  • Bred Dobermans
  • Now retired with plans to travel
  • An interesting life (so far!!)

General Business:

1. A reminder that there is a Masters BBQ at Richlands on Sunday 20th September. See Peta Higginbotham if interested.

2. Proposed Partnerships

  • RFDS – No!
  • Care Flight. They are keen to partner with us as a ‘Hands on’ group.
  • Greg has spoken with people at Viva Creators and offered our help. Pam spoke about her devotion and dedication to Viva Creators who provide funding for children’s education globally at our last meeting. There is currently a membership drive on. Membership only costs around A$26.50 and provides much needed funding that goes towards kid’s education. For every Rotarian that joins we get around $3. The facebook page is at:

‘The purpose of VIVA Creators is to make a significant and enduring improvement to educational funding within a single generation. VIVA Creators ‘creates’ money for education.’

Perhaps these proceeds could go to “Drought Relief’ or ‘Mental Health’ or the “Presidents selected Project’ or to ‘Disadvantaged Groups’.

  • Lockyer Valley Regional Council. Greg has spoken with the Mayor and they are interested in setting up some sort of relationship with us. They have trouble getting a group to cook a BBQ at appropriate times for example.

3. Upcoming Events

  • Ipswich Music Festival – 2 volunteers still needed, (Geoff St Clair, Lorelle St Clair, Terry Barker and Camilla Barker currently attending). There is camping available at the festival which is on 17thOct 2015
  • Wagga Event NSW. This is a one day event and is ‘our event’ supported by a local Rotary Club. 17thNov 2015
  • Shepparton Event VIC. 19thNov 2015
  • Kids Fun Run With Thomas. Kids running for Kids. John Clements and Greg spoke further to this event. This is an annual fundraising event organised by the Rotary Club of Emerald and District. Held at Gembrook Stationthe event provides for a wonderful day out whilst helping children less fortunate.The event is on Sunday 22ndNov 2015 with organisation and set up on Saturday 21st Nov. If anyone not listed (as emailed around and shown on screen at the meeting) wishes to be involved please contact John Clements.

4. Book Club

  • Kathlyn appealed to members interested in the Book Club to let her know, She plans to have an initial meeting next Tuesday 11th August. John suggested that the first book could be one that he is currently reading called, ‘The Perfect Man’!!! There was some discussion about who this actually was!

Meeting closed at 7:35pm CST.