NRCS State Technical Committee Minutes
March 25, 2009
Vicky Drew, NRCS / Mike Kline, VT ANR/DEC-River ManagementChristine Kaiser, Northern Vt. RC&D / Ginger Anderson, VT Forests, Parks & Recreation
Judy Doerner, NRCS / Rachel Gilker, UVM Ctr for Sustainable Ag.
Dave Rogers, NOFA-VT / Tom Berry, TNC
April Moulaert, VT DFW / Jeff Cook, VT Agency of Agriculture.
David Adams, VT DFW / Meg Mitchell, USFS
April Moulart, VT DFW / Chris Smith, US F&WS
Bruce Howlett, VGFA / Steve Roy, USFS
Bob Paquin, Staff for Senator Leahy / Laura DiPietro, VT Agency of Agriculture
Nancy Everhart, VHCB / John Austin, VT DFW
Ted Grembowicz, Rutland NRCD / Kathy Hakey, NRCS
Bridget Bowen, Rutland NRCD / Jenny Nelson, Staff for Senator Sanders
Marli Rupe, Poultney-Metowee NRCD / Heather Mateja,FSA
Kim Peterson, FSA
Judy: Welcome/Introductions
Notice was provided in welcoming remarks that in the future, 10-15 minutes at each meeting will be allotted for public comment, should anyone from the public chose to attend.
Judy also announced that Dave White was selected to serve as the new Chief for NRCS.
All Program Review – Status of Rules
Vicky announced extension of comment period for WHIP, EQIP and GRP, extension of application deadline for AWEP; reviewed CCPI key dates; and, announced that no rule has been issued yet for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CtSP).
All programs will be administered this year under the interim final rules that have been published.
EQIP Ranking and Allocations for FY 2009
Vicky provided updates to the Committee on the following:
1. Index Payment Rates (inflationary adjustments) have been put on hold until FY 2010
2. EQIP provides us the ability to use FA to develop Conservation Activity Plans (CAPs), which will cover the development of specific management plans. The following activity plans will be used this year in VT:
a. Forest Management Plan Written
b. CNMP Written
c. Conservation Plan Supporting Organic Transition
d. Grazing Management Plans
3. Payment Rate is proposed for 75% of cost of installing typical scenario for all practices except roofs over Heavy Use Areas were Animal Units exceed number of contiguous grazing acres to facility – then payment rate is 50%
4. $300,000 payment limitation will be applied to FY 2009-2014 contracts, but ALL payments (even those on prior year contracts) will affect this payment limitation
State Technical Committee concurred on proposed distribution of EQIP funds this fiscal year and Practices by Funding Pool (see attached).
State Technical Committee reviewed and recommended changes to the EQIP ranking criteria. Final ranking criteria, incorporating recommendations, will be posted to the VT NRCS web page by April 30:
Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) FY 2009 Geographic Rate Caps
Vicky reviewed the number of WRP applications received thus far for funding this year: 14 in Rutland County, and one each in Washington, Windsor, Windham and Addison Counties.
Of those, 7 are ineligible, mostly due to the 7-year ownership requirement now part of WRP as a result of the 2008 Farm Bill. Our enrollment target this year is 1022 acres and the application deadline is June 1. We are about 100 acres shy of our enrollment target counting only the eligible applications in hand to date.
The VT 2009 WRP Geographic Area Rate Caps have been approved by the national office (see attached). Work is underway to develop a map that identifies all soils statewide as to whether or not they are in Category 1, 2 or 3.
GRP ranking and Allocations for FY 2009
Kathy Hakey provided a quick overview for members of the changes to the GRP rule. The following items were also agreed to:
a. Application Deadline for FY 2009 will be extended from May 1 to June 1 – NRCS will make other adjustments as needed to program timeline.
b. Grazing practice payment rate list was amended to delete high cost Stream Crossings
c. Easements will be prioritized over rental agreements, and all funds will be used for easements if given that flexibility in funding allocation from NHQ; if not, 40% will go toward rental contracts and 60% for easements – for both funding pools, projects that do not need GRP funds for restoration will be given priority
d. Ranking criteria was reviewed and a few adjustments made
As a reminder, for all programs, final ranking criteria, practice lists, and other program-specific information will be loaded to the web site when finalized.
FRPP Ranking Criteria
Vicky distributed draft FRPP ranking criteria, which was reviewed and approved by the Committee. Ranking will be conducted (if needed, dependant upon the number of applications received) in mid-May following the May 5 deadline to apply.
Agency is hoping to release the rule on the new Conservation Stewardship Program, and has asked states to begin gearing up for a potential sign up this year (likely in May or June). VT will not receive an allocation of money, but instead will receive an acreage allocation. CtSP will be offered statewide. Any member of the committee wishing to serve on the CSP subcommittee should notify Vicky Drew or Heather Wetzstein. The first meeting will likely occur the within the first two weeks of May.
Next Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 12:10. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for May 20, 9:30 a.m. – noon. Partners will be notified if a meeting is needed earlier than this date to address urgent issues related to program development for FY ’09.