MarionSchillingElementary SchoolNewsletter
Phone 250-372-2027 Fax 250-372-2027
PAC email is
“Learning is Cool at our School!!”
September 22, 2014
Dear Students, Parents/Guardians:
Welcome back to another fantastic year of learning at MSES! I trust you have enjoyed your extended summer and are ready to get back into the routines of the school year. I want to extend a very special welcome to all of our new students, families and staff! If your son or daughter is new to MSES, or just anxious about starting a new school year, please help with their adjustment by reassuring and encouraging them that new friendships will be made, old acquaintances renewed and they will have a very good year of learning. Before you know it, students will quickly settle into school and classroom routines.
For the first couple of days this week, teachers will work with a variety of grade groupings, thereby getting to know a large number of students, while at the same time promoting school spirit and important success messages! Our goal is to finalize classes as soon as possible this week. Be assured we will create the best learning environment for ALL students and classes will be finalized as quickly as possible.
It is important for students and parents to be aware of our new start time. To accommodate our 2 week Spring Break, school will start each day at 8:36. Recess and lunch adjustments have also been made. Our new bell schedule is as follows:
8:26 Students enter the school
8:31 Warning Bell
8:36Announcements and beginning of Classes
10:25Students re-enter the school
12:05Students exit for lunch playtime
12:32Students come in to eat lunch
12:52Warning Bell
12:55Classes resume
School newsletters are generally published the last Thursday of each month and posted on our website. For this month, our next Newsletter will be posted on Monday, September 29, as we are awaiting confirmation of some important dates.. If you would like to receive our school newsletter by email, please complete the form on the back of this page with your email address. If you have submitted this form last year, you do not need to re-submit it. For the first couple of weeks of school, please check your child’s backpack daily, as papers will be sent home often from the office and classrooms (meals program, verification forms, etc).
Once again, I want to welcome our students, staff and parents back for another exciting year of learning together. To our youngest learners, our new Kindergarten students, we are excited to have you at school and look forward to getting to know you!
Mrs. Colleen Wood, Principal
MEALS PROGRAM WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 1st. Meals forms will be sent home tomorrow and must be returned on Friday, September 26th by 8:36 am. Please ensure your child arrives to school each day with a healthy snack and lunch. Please be aware that we do not warm lunches up for students.
Our family would like to receive monthly school newsletters electronically.
Email address:______Parent Signature:______
School Supplies 2014 - 2015
School supplies may be purchased throughour school. Participation in the school supply program ensures that the school will supply all pens, paper, crayons, scissors, exercise books etc, for the school year. All students in Grades 1 – 7 are asked to purchase an Agenda for $8.00, even if they do not participate in the school supply program. All Marion Schilling Elementary students will be attending Young Peoples’ Concerts at the Sagebrush Theatre. The cost for these 4 performances is $15.
***If you choose to purchase your own school supplies, please notify your child’s classroom teacher and the office ASAP. A list of required supplies and quantities that your child will need for the year can be picked up at the office. A classroom teacher may add an item/s throughout the year.
Grade / Basic Supplies / Young Peoples’ Concert / Agenda / TotalK / $27 / $15 / None / $42.00
Grade 1-3 / $27 / $15 / $8.00 / $50.00
Grade 4-7 / $42 / $15 / $8.00 / $65.00
For your convenience, you may complete one form for your family. Please return this completed form, along with payment as soon as possibleTO THE SCHOOL OFFICE. You may pay in cash or write a cheque payable to
MarionSchillingElementary School.
Marion Schilling Elementary –School Supplies/YPC Payment
Student’s Name:Grade: Amount $
Student’s Name:Grade: Amount $
Student’s Name:Grade: Amount $
Student’s Name:Grade: Amount $
Total Payment Enclosed $
(This form will be stamped and returned to you. It will serve as your receipt.)