Strategic Plan for MI ACE Executive Board
We envision an open and just higher education environment in which women and men share their talents and voices equally in management and policy making to improve the quality of higher education. Therefore, we focus on building a substantial network of women in Michigan higher education by providing leadership, resources, and services such as professional development, networking, partnering with women’s networks in other professional fields, advocacy for women, and engaging in public advocacy to empower our members to achieve career success and gain a greater voice.
In concert with the American Council on Education’s (ACE’s) Office of Inclusive Excellence Group, the Michigan ACE Network for Women Leaders in Higher Education is committed to improving the general climate and professional environment for women by identifying, developing the leadership of, encouraging, advancing, linking/networking, and supporting women in higher education throughout the state.
We value
- Quality leadership
- Inclusive participation, community, and leadership
- Diversity
- Teamwork
- Mentoring
- Collaboration with other groups/building alliances
- Support for women in higher education, including balance in work and family pursuits
Our planning efforts and actions will be based on these values and guiding principles because we believe that quality higher education governance is best practiced in a fair, equitable, and supportive environment for both women and men of different ethnicities and backgrounds.
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Increase Visibility of Women Leaders in Higher Education
- Identify and nominate women leaders from the state of Michigan for recognition at the state and national level.
- Expand number of member institutions in the state of Michigan.
- Expand recognition opportunities beyond the Distinguished Woman Award
- Achieve national recognition for the Women of Color Collaborative
- First year establish benchmarks for success
- Achieve national recognition for Young Women Strong Leaders
Goal 2: Develop Leadership Skills to facilitate advancement of Women in Higher Education
1.Provide professional development /networking opportunities to increase the number of women aspiring to senior leadership positions in the state of Michigan
2.Continue to identify, recognize and actively engage the Network’s Presidential Sponsors who are interested in advancing and supporting women in Michigan higher education
3.Invite women trustees to the annual conference
4.Strengthen and expand support for Young Women Strong Leaders
- Create memorandum’s of understanding regarding the roles of all involved
- Develop/update the manual in order to ensure transfer of knowledge
5.Strengthen and expand support for Women of Color Collaborative
- Establish benchmarks for success this year
6.Provide funding for participation in regional and national professional development opportunities for women, based on pre-established selection criteria and level of engagement within the Network
- Redesign process for applying for funding in order to make it more user friendly
Goal 3: Expand our public policy advocacy efforts via relationships
- Advocate for MI ACE public policy priorities
- Strengthen relationships with state policymakers
- Encourage IRs to advocate for MI ACE public policy priorities
- Collaborate with other targeted organizations to advocate for public policy priorities
Goal 4: Strengthen relationship with Institutional Representatives
- Establish the IR Coordinator position
- Maintain regular and ongoing communication with the IRs via the IR Coordinator
- Provide excellent communication tools and links via the website in order to assist IRs in their work
- Incorporate feedback from IRs into the training provided to them prior to the Annual Conference.
Goal 5: Develop Sustainability Plan for MI-ACE Network
- Develop a timeline and action steps for achieving the goals and objectives identified in our
strategic plan. Review progress annually and revise plan in keeping with the needs and priorities of the Network.
- Identify host institution for the annual conference two years in advance.
- Identify host institutions for Young Women Strong Leaders regional conferences two years in
- Expand committee structure
- Align with other women’s organizations
- Provide continuous interesting communication from the network
- Identify and publicize opportunities for engagement with the MI-ACE Women’s Network
- Make communication tools excellent and desirable, a place to go for information
- Increase fund-raising/sponsorship dollars
- Charge the finance committee with establishing targeted goals
- Secure a level of permanent administrative support for the MI-ACE Network