Fall 2012
NURS 2410 7A and 7B
Nancy Pares, RN, MSN
Angela Wortman, RN,BSN
“Your success is not based on how you are taught, but how you choose to learn”
-Lois White, RN, PhD
MetropolitanCommunity College
Course Syllabus – Fall 2012
Title:Adult and Child Health Nursing II
Prefix/Section: NURS 2410 7A and 7B
Credit Hours:5 Credits (3 credits lecture; 2 credits clinical (66 clock hrs)
Begins/Ends/No-Class Days:September 4, 2012 – November 13, 2012
Meeting Day/Time:Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. OR 12 noon. – 3:00 p.m.
Last Day to WithdrawTuesday, October 30, 2012
No Class/College Closed:
ClassLocation:SOC, Mahoney RM 503/511
Lab Location:SOC, Mahoney RM 505
Course Web Address:
Instructor Name:Nancy Pares, RN, MSN
Office Telephone:402-738-4787
Cell Phone:402-651-9671
Office Hours:Posted outside office
Email Address:
Instructor Name:Angela Wortman
Office Telephone:402-738-4075
Office Hours:Posted outside office
Email Address:
Office Location:SOC, Mahoney RM 513
Course Description: This course is taught in the 4th quarter of the Associate Degree Nursing Program at Metro Community College. The course will expand on content taught in NURS 1400 to focus on the complex health/wellness needs of individuals/families in the childbearing to adolescent lifespan. The course will explore the needs of the high risk obstetric client, neonate, acutely ill child and the nurse's role in each area. The learner will also use skills in communication,caring, computer literacy and the nursing process to facilitate the attainment of individual and family health and wellness. Pathophysiology and nutrition will be integrated into the course. Clinical experiences will be provided in acute healthcare facilities and community based settings with maternal/child clients, pediatric clients and their families.
Course Prerequisites: Satisfactory completion of the first three quarters of the nursing program.
Course Objectives: At the completion of NURS 2410, the student will:
1.Demonstrate the role of the nurse in maternal/child nursing.
2.Demonstrate therapeutic communication with healthcare professionals/teams within diverse healthcare settings.
3.Demonstrate caring behaviors into the holistic nursing care of individuals, families, andgroups throughout the lifespan.
4.Demonstrate knowledge from nursing and related disciplines while applying the nursingprocess in the provision of holistic nursing care and health promotion/wellness education to individuals and families experiencing health alterations in the reproductive and childbearing periods.
5.Demonstrate knowledge from nursing and related disciplines when applying the nursing process in the provision of holistic nursing care and health promotion/wellness educationto individuals and families experiencing health alterations in the infant, toddler, preschool, school age and adolescent stages of development.
Required & Supplemental Materials:
- Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: A Guide to Planning Care: 9th ed Ackley ISBN: 9780232071503
- Laboratory and diagnostic tests, 8th ed, Corbett ISBN: 0132373327
- Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses, 13th ED 2013, Vallerand, FA Davis ISBN:9780803628373
- Math for Nurses: Stassi, M; Kaplan publishing, 2nd ed ISBN: 9781607140474
- Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions. Mosby 2007, 8th ed ISBN: 978032304975
- 2013 Intravenous Medications. Gahart, B. Mosby ISBN: 9780323084819
- Pearson package 0133095940 Kozier + MNL 9th edition text with 9th ed MNL
- Ball, Bindler (2010) Child Health Nursing 2nd ed.; Pearson/Prenhall – with My Nursing Lab
- Davidson, (2010), Olds Maternity, Newborn Nursing 9th ed., Pearson/Prenhall with My Nursing Lab
Course Structure:
- Classroom- variety of teaching strategies will be used in presenting theory content Instructional strategies may include: computer aided instruction, handouts, study guides, case studies, power point presentation and other computer media. This course has two clinical components—pediatric and obstetric. The clinical hours are divided evenly between these two areas.
- Clinical- a variety of teaching strategies applicable to clinical experiences will be utilized, such as case studies, client care experiences, demonstration, discussion, student presentations, and questioning.
- Types of Assessment/Assignments
a.Student progress is evaluated using a variety of methods including written examination/quizzes, observation of client care and assessment of skills in a clinicalsetting, client centered concept maps/care plans, patient documentation/charting andother written assignments appropriate to the clinical setting.
Faculty observations ofstudents' completion of skills and ability to respond to questions are the primary methods of evaluatingstudents in a clinical setting. If a student's clinical performance is evaluated as unsatisfactory, the student must meet with the faculty.
b.Students are expected to participate in all theory and clinical classes. Assigned readings, study guides, etc are to be completed prior to attending the class/clinical session scheduled for the specific topic.
c.Examinations/quizzes may include multiple choice completion, true-false or short essaytype items. Exams and quizzes will begin on time. Students may not enter the classroomafter the exam/quiz has begun.
d.Make up procedures: If it is necessary to be absent during an assigned test period, the student must make up the exam prior to the next scheduled class date. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the exam. The student may miss one exam without penalty, as long as the test is made up within the specified time period. If the student misses more than one exam, the exam may be made up, but the maximum score allowed is 80% for the second missed exam, 50% for all others missed. The final examination must be taken on the scheduled date and at the scheduled time.
The final exam must be taken on the scheduled date and at the scheduled time. If the student is not in the classroom when testsare being distributed the student must follow the provision for the make up testprocedures. When necessary to make up an examination, it will be placed in the testing center. It is the student's responsibility to make an appointment and take the test with the specified period of time. Exceptions to these guidelines may be considered, but only if the student consults with the instructor in advance.
e.Late assignments: Assignments are expected to be completed and turned in by the dates stipulated on the course calendar and the individual instructor due dates. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the clinical course instructor BEFORE any delay in meeting the stated written deadlines. Lateness in handing in assigned work may contribute to course failure.
f.Course calendar/outline is attached.
- Grading Policy
a.A student's theory course grade will be determined as follows:
Eight Unit quizzes (four OB and four Pediatrics) (70%)
Study Guides for each Unit from mynursinglab assignments (5%)
Peds Group Teaching Project and EFM Packet (5%)
Final comprehensive exam (20%)
Unit exams are averaged at the end of the course. The unit exams are equal to 70% of
the final grade. Group teaching projects are equal to 5% of the final course grade. Final
exam is equal to 20% of course grade. Study guides are equal to 5% of the final grade.
b.Clinical is graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. Students must obtain satisfactory on all assignments, quizzes (including pharmacology, written skills, math, etc) and skills performances to obtain a satisfactory evaluation for clinical. Students should keep these handouts and refer to them as necessary throughout the quarter.
Students are expected to come to clinical prepared to give care to their clients. Beingprepared includes such things as looking up medications, knowing the diagnosis of the clients, being prepared to do procedures, treatments, having data related to previous assessments completed before clinical and having a written plan of care. Faculty will provide students with clinical expectations the day of orientation. Students that do not come prepared will be sent home and will be counted as missed clinical hours. IF A STUDENT'S CLINICAL PERFORMANCE IS EVALUATED AS UNSATISFACTORY, THE STUDENT MUST MEET WITH THE FACULTY.
c.Written assignments, theory, and clinical assignments must be completed by specifieddates. Due dates for clinical assignments will be given with clinical information from the clinical instructor.
d.A math exam will be given at the beginning of the clinical quarter. The student must obtain a 100% on the math exam to pass the clinical portion of the class. The student will have 3 attempts to attain the 100% on a math exam.
e.Final course grades are based on the following:
1.Theory is graded on the following letter scale and will not be rounded up.
93-100= A
84-92= B
78-83= C
70-77= D
Below 70= F
2.There will be no rounding of grades.
3.The student must maintain a 78% to pass the course. The student must also maintain a passing grade in clinical practicum to pass the course. To satisfactorily complete a nursing course, the student must receive a 'C' (78%) or above in theory and a satisfactoryin clinical. Failure by a student in either theory or clinical will necessitate repeatingthe complete course (both theory and clinical components).
4.Students will take ATI proctored exams for Pediatrics and Maternal Newborn at the end of the quarter. If the student achieves a level 2 or greater on the exam, 2 points will be added to the lowest unit test grade for that content…ie 2 points possible for Pediatric content and 2 points possible for Maternity content. No points will be awarded for less than Level 2 achievement. Total points
possible = 4. Student must have course grade of 78% overall to get ATI points.
Practice exams must be submitted prior to proctored exams. See course calendar for due dates.
Maintenance of Student Records
The tests will be reviewed in thenext class meeting following administration of the exam.
All test papers are to be returned to the instructor at the completion of the review. Exam answer sheets will be kept for one academic year. The comprehensive final answers will not be reviewed. Final grades will be posted per college policy.
MetropolitanCommunity College is committed to continuous improvement of teaching and learning. You may be asked to help us to accomplish this objective. For example, you may be asked to respond to surveys or questionnaires. In other cases, tests or assignments you are required to do for this course may be shared with faculty and used for assessment purposes.
Required Expectations
1.Each student is expected to recognize the importance of class attendance and of promptness. If a student should miss class for any reason he/she is expected to cover, on his/her own, the material missed. All work must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor involved. For absences on days when exams are given, refer to section related to missed exams. It is the student's responsibility to notify the faculty immediately if unable to attend class.Students who attend no class meetings up to and including the
Section Census Date published in the Class Schedule at
may be disenrolled from the class. There is no appeal for this disenrollment.
2.Clinical attendance: Refer to attendance policy in the Nursing Program Policy/Procedure Student Manual.
3.Expected Classroom Behavior: If a student demonstrates unprofessional behavior in the classroom, the student will be asked to leave.
1.Class Participation: Students are expected to be prepared for class and clinical and to participate in learning activities.
2.Disruptive Classroom Behavior: Any persons involved in disruptive classroom behavior will be asked to leave the classroom
3.Portable Electronic Devices Usage: Students may not use portable electronic devices in the classroom or clinical setting unless approved by the instructor.
4.Internet Use During Class: There will not be any internet use during class time unless directed by the instructor.
Optional Notice: This syllabus is written as an expectation of class topics, learning activities, and expected learning outcomes. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule that may result in enhanced or more effective learning for students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and will be done within the policies and guidelines of MetropolitanCommunity College.
Students who attend no class meetings up to and including the Section Census Date published in the Class Schedule at may be disenrolled from the class. There is no appeal for this disenrollment.
WX: After the first class meeting and through the Census Date, the instructor will disenroll (WX) students who have never attended. The Census Date is listed under the Important Dates for the course in the official Class Schedule at
FX: A student who fails to meet class attendance expectations will receive a final grade of FX, indicating an absence-related failure. A student earning an FX grade prior to the end of the quarter may avoid receiving the failing grade by withdrawing from the course before the Last Date to Withdraw from Class.
When you communicate with others in this course, you must follow the Student Code of Conduct ( which calls for responsible and cooperative behavior. Please think critically, ask questions, and challenge ideas, but also show respect for the opinions of others, respond to them politely, and maintain the confidentiality of thoughts expressed in the class. You may also wish to review information at
Students may not video or audio record class sessions without the instructor’s knowledge and permission. If recording of class sessions is authorized as a reasonable accommodation under Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the instructor must have the appropriate documentation from College Disability Support Services. Permitted recordings are to be used only for the individual student’s educational review of the class session and may not be reproduced, posted, sold or distributed to others. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Student Conduct Code.
Students are reminded that materials they use as sources for classwork may be subject to copyright protection. Additional information about copyright is provided on the library website at or by your instructor. In response to incidents of student dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, illegal peer-to-peer file sharing, etc.), the College imposes specific actions that may include receiving a failing grade on a test, failure in the course, suspension from the College, or dismissal from the College. Disciplinary procedures are available in the Advising/Counseling Centers or at
If you cannot participate in and complete this course, you should officially withdraw through WebAdvisor at or by calling Central Registration at 402-457-5231 or 1-800-228-9553. Failure to officially withdraw will result in either an attendance-related failure (FX) or failing (F) grade. The last date to withdraw is noted in the CLASS IDENTIFICATION section of this syllabus.
MCC's AcademicResourceCenters, MathCenters, and WritingCenters offer friendly, supportive learning environments that can help students achieve educational success. Staff members in these centers provide free drop-in assistance with basic computing, reading, math, and writing skills. Self-paced, computer-assisted instructional support in reading, vocabulary, typing, English as a Second Language, and online course orientation is also available.
Detailed information about the Academic Resource, Math, and WritingCenters is in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, and online at
Metropolitan Community College will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with documented qualifying disabilities. It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations from Disability Support Services (DSS) located in each Student Services Office. After students have arranged for accommodations with DSS, the student and instructor should privately discuss these accommodations. For further information, please contact DSS or visit
For assistance with student email, passwords, and most other MCC technology, contact the Help Desk at 457-2900 or .
By using the information technology systems at MCC (including the computer systems and phones), you acknowledge and consent to the conditions of use as set forth in the Metropolitan Community College Procedures Memorandum on Acceptable Use of Information Technology and Resources. It is your responsibility as a student to be familiar with these procedures. The full text of the Procedures Memorandum may be found at the following website:
College policies, such as student rights and responsibilities, academic standards, plagiarism, and etc. are outlined in the College Catalog and Student Handbook. This information can be accessed via the online catalog at
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: The college has a standard code of conduct that involves consequences for specific academic and non-academic behavior that may result in a failing grade, probation, or suspension from the college. More complete information about the code of conduct is located in the Student Services portion of the online catalog(
[Other pertinent college policies are posted on the CDS website it is suggested, but not required, that they be attached to your syllabus.]
Course Outline NURS 2410
Order of delivery ofcourse content is dependent upon which rotation the student has first and second (This does not pertain to summer RN class)
Date / Assignment / InstructorWeek 1/Week 6 / Introduction and Unit 5(Peds content)
Week 2/Week 7 / Quiz Unit 5
Lecture Unit 6 and 7
Week 3/Week 8 / Quiz Unit 6 and 7
Lecture Unit 8 and 9
Week 4/Week 9 / Quiz Unit 8 and 9
Lecture Unit 10 and 11
Week 5/Week 10 / Quiz Unit 10 and 11. Peds ATI due OB ATI
Begin Unit 1 lecture
Week 6/Week 1 / Continue Unit 1(OB Content)
Lecture Unit 2
Week 7/Week 2 / Quiz Unit 1
Lecture Unit 2
Week 8/Week 3 / Quiz Unit 2. OB ATI due/Peds
Lecture Unit 4
Week 9/Week 4 / Quiz Unit 3
Week 10/Week 5 / Quiz Unit 4
Week 11 / FINAL
NURS 2410
At the completion of this project, the learner will:
- Determine a client teaching/learning need with focus on health promotion, wellness,
and patient education…ex..breastfeeding, postnatal exercise, bike safety, poison control,etc)