Number / Action / By Whom / Actioned
1 / 3 /
- Lorna and John Taylor to develop 3 -4 questions and an introduction to survey
- JS, SE to comment then send to all Board members for comment
- Lorna to get the list of 80 organisations directly impacted from cuts from Suzy James/Richard Harling
- This survey monkey questionnaire to be sent to 75 H& WB orgs, 80 listed above, orgs on WV database, through Board member contacts
- Issue of a press release alerting VCS orgs of this questionnaire and pointing to WV website to access information.
- The evidence gathered would inform the proposal to Suzy James.
- RQ will circulate details of the support programme.
2 /
- SE, JS, JT to meet to discuss Agenda Item for possible inclusion on March H & WB agenda
3 /
- Agree who will take meeting notes for meetings attended with several Board members present. Send notes to Lorna to put on website.
- Send meeting proforma to all Board members again and put on website.
- Put Future Lives consultation results on website.
- Ensure Action Points from meeting with Richard Harling to be put on website.
- Put more detailed notes when issued on website (re above)
4 / 4.1 /
- Outstanding Action Plan: An interim 3 month work plan be devised in order to have something in place before the action plan is finalised.
- Put 4 key priorities or work strands on the website
5 / 5.2 /
- Circulate information on changes to H&WB Board and planned new structure
6 / 6.1 /
- All forum sub group members to respond to requests from meeting dates to Sally M.
7 / 6.3 /
- All Board members to declare at beginning of meeting if they need to leave early to ensure Chair can revise agenda accordingly.
8 /
- KH has a contact with Comms expertise to invite to attend Comms Group.
- Lorna to put on agenda for next meeting‘How to use Forum’ session and ensure meeting room has internet access.
- CI to run 1 hour session for Board members.
- CI/Lorna to develop a paper ‘Joining and using the Forum’. And send sent to all 75 on the WV database (and Board)
- Send questions that could stimulate debate, adding events or forwarding pictures that could be used on the marketplace banner to Lorna
- CI will take up with Nexus issues of website that are not working properly.
- CI to discuss website instruction manualwith Nexus.
9 /
- Send news, events, updates, interesting articles (links) to Lorna/JulieC each month to go into e-bulletin.
10 / 7 /
- Organise another social event agreed by the Board in Spring/summer.
Outstanding Actions from previous meetings
Date of meeting / MinuteNumber / Action / By Whom / Actioned
September 13 / 9.2 /
- TLI – Circulate final report before the next WV Board meeting
9.3 /
- Compact – Proper briefing for Board members and the sector need to be established
2 /
- Write a paper on how the WV website will be managed
2 /
- Feedback to the Board at Board meetings an update on website usage (when the website is fully operational)
October 13 / 4.2 /
- Circulate reports re the Health and Wellbeing Board and Worcestershire TLIF as soon as possible
5.5 /
- Produce a list of her and Lorna’s roles
December 13 / 3 /
- Meet about developing the Compact
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