Chaska Figure Skating Club

Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

Meeting called to order by Treasurer Erica Gisel in absence of a President and Vice President at 7:01p.m. Quorum was declared.

Board Members present: Erica Gisel, Jenn Gizinski, Elizabeth Matvick, Sandy Larson, Barb Swanson, Elisa Holzhueter and Melissa Hukriede.

Board members absent:

Others present: Jackie Jiran, Laurel Peabody, Amy Nunn, Kristie Mitchell, Erin Swanson, and Catie Cison-Flaten.

Meet and Greet: None.

President’s Report: Kristy Korba officially resigned as the Vice-President of CFSC. Discussion to move the mandatory Parent Skater meeting to mid-July.

Secretary’s Report: Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to accept the February meeting minutes. Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve the February Closed Board Meeting minutes. Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve Kristie Mitchell as the 2nd Governing Council delegate.

Treasurer’s Report: January ice-bill paid and February bill is to be paid. Ice-show preliminary financial numbers are in. Hope to provide final numbers at the April meeting. Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve payment of the Wellhausen going away party from the Social budget.

Safe Sport: No new cases. 1 case closed and 1 still on-going with updates coming.

Communication: No volunteers have come forward. Melissa Hukriede will take on the role of communication. Communication to Club on skaters who are skating in at the Minnetonka competition and Bloomington competition, we are putting in a jacket order and to turn in any orders within a week, Star of the North competition is open, Kristy Korba has resigned as Vice-President and Jenn Gizinski has been approved to serve the remainder of her term as Vice-President, if you would like to have your skater’s photo updated on the electronic video board in the lobby to send a current pic to Elizabeth, and everyone will need to volunteer for River City Days is July 28th and 29th and proceeds will be used pay for the Coach’s traveling fees.

Ice Coordinator: Decision to hold the Spring Exhibition at the end of April. Decision to hold the Summer Exhibition at the end of July.

Marketing/PR: Discussion to establish a newsletter as communication to include Skater’s birthdays, Coaches Corner, upcoming competitions, social events, photos, introduce new skaters, and more. A sample will be brought to the April meeting. Discussion on incorporating a Traveling Trophy concept twice a year. Qualifications to receive the trophy to come at the April meeting. Working on updating the electronic video board in the lobby at the CCC. Discussion to use BIG as a vendor for our Club apparel and proceed forward with ordering Club gear.


Introduction of Laurel Peabody as a Home Club Member. Introduction of Amy Nunn as an Associated Coach. Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve Laurel Peabody as a Home Coach and Amy Nunn as an Associate Coach.

Current Membership Totals for 2016 – 17

Transfer Out: Grace Potenza

Upgrade to a Home Club Member: Alicia Diaz-Ortiz

1st Year Junior Club Member: Alyssa Tsu

Reciprocal Member: Morgan Briggman, Emma Staples, Ashley Witte, and Bryn Ziegler

Home Club: 42

1st Yr Junior Club: 6

2nd Yr. Junior Club: 2

Associate: 1

Reciprocal: 0

Collegiate: 4

Sustaining: 8

Home Club Coaches: 4

Associate Coaches: 4

Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve Grace Potenza transferring out of CFSC, upgrading Alicia Diaz-Ortiz from a 1st Year Junior Club Member to a Home Club Member, Alyssa Tsu as a 1st year Junior Club Member, Morgan Briggman as a Reciprocal Member, Emma Staples as a Reciprocal Member, Ashley Witte as a Reciprocal Member and Bryn Ziegler as a Reciprocal Member.

TCFSA: No report.

Test Chair: Next test session is April 5th 11:15 – 1:30pm at CCC. Test session scheduled for May 6th 4-8pm at CCC.

Social: No report. OGG thinking about planning an Escape Room event. Idea to have a younger skater event at Sky Zone, AirMaxx, and Ninja Warrior course.

Fundraising: No report.

Pro Liaison: No report.

Volunteer Coordinator: Putting in Ice Show hours now.

Junior Club Coordinator: Trained new Junior Club moms on rink monitor duties.

Ad Hoc Committee Reports:

Older Girls Group: 10 participants in the February event. Passed out good luck signs at the Ice Show to all skaters. Lauren and Carson are working on locker room and bulletin board decorating. Anita working on a birthday list. Paula is signed up for April and May seminars.

Star of The North: Registration is open, but there are not a lot of registrants yet. Discussion of a back-up plan to host an event for our Club after the competition if the competition does not use-up all of our pre-bought ice time. Discussion on adding a used skate apparel sale. Decision that if a Club Skater is competing in the competition, the family must volunteer.

Policy and Procedure Updates: No report. Circle back around to the group who was meeting and start this back up.

Ice Show: Survey went out. April we will have the survey responses tallied.

Spring Banquet: Decision to host the Spring Banquet May 21st 11am – 1 pm at Oakridge Conference Center.

Old Business: No report.

New Business: Discussion on establishing a nominating committee. Jackie Jiran will ask Heather Vangrood, and Pam Newman if they would like to join her on the nominating committee. Motion made, Seconded and carried unanimously to approve Jenn Gizinski as the Vice-President.

Adjournment: Motion made, seconded and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:14p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Melissa Hukriede, Secretary