Western Alamance High School

Parent Teacher Student Organization

1731 North NC 87Elon, NC 27244

Federal EIN Tax ID #56-1762187

Dear Parent of 2013 Senior Student,

Each year the parents and PTSO coordinate a Senior Breakfast for the graduating class of Western Alamance High School. This has become a tradition at our school and is an exciting event for each senior to be involved in. This breakfast is part of their graduation day on Friday, June 7th, which begins with the breakfast at 8am, followed by the graduation rehearsal and culminates in the 2013 graduation ceremonies. This has become a wonderful day to honor them and celebrating their achievements as they look forward to a bright future.

This year along with a delicious breakfast, the 305 members of the Senior Class will also enjoy a special speaker and slideshow. With your help we hope to provide all this with little to no cost to the student. This can only be done with the support of local businesses and parents such as yourself. Your donation will be tax deductible through the WAHS PTSO Tax ID# 56-1762187.

At this time, the cost for each student is estimated to be $10. We are hoping to reduce that amount through the generosity of parents who would be willing to sponsor multiple students and/or local businesses that you work for or come into contact with that are interested in sponsoring this event. We are grateful for any monetary and/or food donation and have included a personal and/or business sponsorship form to be completed and returned to WAHS by March 15th, 2013. We thank you for your dedication and generosity to WAHS.

The slideshow this year will be showcasing the 2013 class and we need your help! We would like to have two pictures of each student, preferably a current picture and a past picture. If you have any group shots, past or present, we would be grateful for those also. These can be sent via email to or aCD of the picturestaken to the front office via your student. Please no hard copy pictures. To be included in the slideshow, we will need these by April 1st, 2013.


The 2013 Senior Breakfast Committee

Kristi LongKit ShieldsPaula Wallace


____Yes, I would like to personally sponsor ___ students for the 2013 Senior Breakfast at $10 each. I have included a check for _____made payable to WA Senior Breakfast.

___Yes, I would like my name to be listed on the Sponsor list as ______. You may list your name, family name, or in honor of a loved one.

___No, I would not like my name to be listed on the sponsor list.

____Yes, I would like to be a sponsor of the 2013 Senior Breakfast but would like to take advantage of your Business Sponsor opportunity. I have checked the level of sponsorship and enclosed a check made payable to WA Senior Breakfast.

_____Gold Donor $500

  • Full page ad in slideshow
  • Dining Table recognition

_____Silver Donor $250

  • Half page ad in slideshow
  • Sponsor Table recognition at event

_____Bronze Donor $100

  • Quarter Page ad in slideshow
  • Sponsor Table recognition at event

_____Friend of WAHS Donor $25-$99

  • Eighth page ad in slideshow
  • Table recognition at event

Name of Business______Phone Number______

___Yes, I can donate baked goods and/or drinks to be delivered on Thursday, June 6th from 8am-12.


Name______Phone Number______

Forms may be returned via mail to Kit Shields @ 815 Croftwood Drive, Gibsonville, NC 27249 or via your student to the front office.