Session I: Evidence-Based Neonatology (EBN) Worksheet
- Choose a clinical question from the clinical scenario: ______
- Type of clinical questions you are asking? ______
¨ Therapy - How a treatment (alone or in comparison to another) may affect a patient’s outcomes for an existing condition/disease.
¨ Diagnosis/Screening - Will a test (often in comparison to the 'Gold Standard') differentiate patients with and without disease?
¨ Etiology/Harm/Casualty - How exposure may affect morbidity and/or mortality in a patient.
¨ Prognosis - Likely future outcome for patients with a given diagnosis or possible future diagnosis. (Operative word here is future, so can be confused with therapy, but therapy deals with a more immediate result in an existing condition.)
3. Covert to an answerable question (PICO model)
¨ Your target Patient group (e.g. age, gender, specific disease or health condition)?
¨ Which Intervention (treatment, diagnostic test or exposure) are you considering?
¨ What intervention (treatment, no treatment, diagnostic test, exposure) are you Comparing with (if appropriate)?
¨ What Outcome do you hope to accomplish, measure, improve, or affect?
- Identify search concepts from your PICO and translate them into searchable keywords or subject headings:
Age group: ______Gender: ______
5. Which online resource/database did you use to find the best available research evidence?
- How many citations did you find? ______
- Types of research evidence (publication type) you found? (Look at the detail record of the citation)
ÿ Case control study / ÿ Patient education materials / ÿ Narrative Review, book chapter
ÿ Qualitative study / ÿ Practice Guideline / Expert consensus / ÿ Randomized controlled trial
ÿ Cohort study / ÿ Meta-Analysis/Systematic Review / ÿ Other ______
8. Record the complete citation (author, title, and source) of the best research evidence you found?
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