Teaching topicLearning outcomes
4.1 Database management systems
Understand the purpose of a relational database management system.
Describe the main components of a relational database management system.
Describe the facilities provided by a relational database management system for management, system administrators and for a range of users.
Understand what is meant by data consistency, data integrity, data redundancy and data independence.
Understand the purpose of data modelling.
Produce an entity relationship model for typical situations.
Perform data normalisation to third normal form for typical situations.
4.2 Network communication
Describe the main features of a range of transmission media and modes of data transmission on a network.
Describe the protocols used in data transfer over LAN’s (token ring, CSMA/CD) and WAN’s (TCP/IP).
Describe the main features of packet switching.
Explain what is meant by bandwidth and describe the impact of bandwidth on data transmission.
Describe the main methods of detecting, preventing and correcting errors in data transmission.
4.3 Networked systems
Describe the main measures which can be taken to ensure that data on a networked system is accessible to authorised users.
Describe the main measures which can be taken to ensure that data on a networked system is secure.
Explain the need for accounting and auditing software on a network.
Describe the main features of centralised and distributed databases.
Describe the main advantages and disadvantages of
centralised and distributed databases.
Teaching topic Learning outcomes
4.4 System Development
Describe system development life cycle models: the waterfall model and prototyping.
Describe the role of the analyst and the end user in the waterfall and prototype approaches to system development.
4.5 Software development
Describe a range of methods of producing software solutions: off the shelf, in house development and out sourcing.
Describe the main criteria for selecting the most appropriate method of producing software for a typical situation.
Describe the role of project management and the use of
CASE tools in software development.
Teaching topicLearning outcomes
4.6 Software quality
Explain the consequences when software proves not to be
suitable for its intended purpose.
Describe the main ways in which the quality of software can be measured.
Describe methods of ensuring that software is suitable for its
intended purpose: testing throughout the life-cycle, alpha testing and beta testing.
Describe the importance of software maintenance in
supporting quality: corrective, adaptive and perfective maintenance.
4.7 Human/computer interaction
Understand the importance of human/computer interaction in
an information management system.
Describe the main physical, ergonomical and psychological
factors which influence human interaction with computer
Describe the main features of a well-designed
human/computer interface for an information management