The name of this organization shall be Canadian Federation of University Women Edmonton Academic Awards Fund (known as CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards Fund or CFUW Edmonton AAF).




Membership and Dues

Section 1.

All members who have paid annual membership dues to Canadian Federation of University Women

Edmonton (CFUW Edmonton) shall be members of CFUW Edmonton AAF.

Section 2.

Members of CFUW Edmonton whose dues are not paid by October 31 are presumed to have withdrawn

from CFUW Edmonton AAF. Former members may be reinstated by the Executive Committee of CFUW

Edmontonupon full payment of current dues.

Section 3.

Any member upon a majority vote of all members of the organization in good standing may be expelled

from membership for any cause which the organization may deem reasonable.


Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the organization shall close on December 31.



Section 1.

At the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall submit all books, accounts and records belonging to CFUW Edmonton AAF for audit, by a duly qualified accountant. The Treasurer shall have the audited statement available to members at the annual general meeting of CFUW Edmonton.

Section 2.

The books and records of the organization may be inspected by any member of the organization at any time upon giving reasonable written notice and arranging a time satisfactory to the officer or officers having charge of same. Each member of the CFUW Edmonton AAF Executive Committee shall at all times have access to such books and records.


Executive Committee

Section 1.

The Executive Committee of this organization shall consist of the Academic Awards Chair of CFUW Edmonton (who shall serve as Chair of the AAF and be known as Academic Awards Chair), the President of CFUW Edmonton, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Convenor of the Bursary Committee, a Convenor of the Scholarship Committee and a Fundraiser if and when appointed. The members of the Executive Committee shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization. The organization will not have directors.

Section 2.

The Academic Awards Chair and the Treasurer must previously have served at least one year on either the Scholarship Committee or the Bursary Committee of the CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards Fund.

Section 3.

  1. No Executive Committee member shall hold the same position for more than three consecutive


B. No one shall be an elected member of the Executive Committee for more than five consecutive years.

Section 4.

  1. In the event of the Chair, the Secretary or the Treasurer being unable to complete her one year term of office, a successor to complete that term of office shall be appointed by CFUW Edmonton Executive Committee.
  2. In the event of the Convenor of the BursaryCommittee or the Convenor of the Scholarship Committee being unable to complete her one year term of office, a successor to complete that term of office shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.
  3. In the event of the Fundraiser being unable to complete her term of office, as identified in Article XII, Section 3, a successor to complete that term of office shall be appointed by the Executive Committee
  4. Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed from office for any cause which the Executive Committee may deem reasonable.
  5. Any member of the Executive Committeemay be removed from office by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Notice must have been given in writing by postal or electronic mail or by fax at least one month previously.


Powers of the Executive Committee

Section 1.

The Executive Committee shall direct the activities of the organization and conduct business as required to carry out the purpose of the organization. The Executive Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair and have the power to transact the business of the organization in the interim of its meetings. Neither CFUW Edmonton AAF nor the Executive Committee of CFUW Edmonton AAF shall have borrowing powers.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall:

  1. Make investment of monies received pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act of Alberta and pursuant to the provisions of the bylaws of this organization.
  2. Determine the amount of monies to be disbursed out of the monies received from investment ofcapital and fundraising. The amount of all awards disbursed shall be determined annually, taking into account the number and quality of applications received and current economic conditions. The amount to be disbursed shall be less than the return on investment of capital and fundraising net receipts during the previous year. Investment income in excess of disbursement is to be added to capital and reinvested.
  3. Pay administrative and operating expenses from the organization’s accounts.
  4. Ratify the selection of recipients for awards as decided by the Bursary Committee and the ScholarshipCommittee.
  5. Report at the annual general meeting and at a general or special meeting and, on request, at aCFUW Edmonton general meeting.
  6. Ensure that a financial statement is presented at the annual general meeting.

Section 3.

A. Signing authority on all accounts shall rest with the Academic Awards Chair, the Treasurer, the Secretary, any two of whom may act.

B. Signing authority on any fundraising account shall rest with the Academic Awards Chair, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Fundraiser, any two of whom may act.


Duties of Members of the Executive Committee

Section 1.

The Academic Awards Chair shall be the administrative head of the organization and shall ensure that the bursary and scholarship programs are conducted according to the regulations set out in the bylaws. She shall be responsible for ensuring that a full slate of officers of the Executive Committee is presented at the annual general meeting. She shall be responsible for receiving the annual report from the University of Alberta Student Awards Office, naming the recipients of the CFUW Edmonton Scholarship. This entrance scholarship, renewable for a second year, is endowed by CFUW Edmonton and administered by the University of Alberta. She shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee. She is a member ex officio of all committees.

Section 2.

The President of CFUW Edmonton shall be the representative of CFUW Edmonton.

Section 3.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee, and shall carry out the official correspondence of the organization. She shall be responsible for maintaining the organization’s records and arranging their regular deposit in the CFUW Edmonton archives. She shall send the annual financial statement and the list of incoming officers to the Office of the Alberta Corporate Registry. NOTE: CFUW Edmonton AAF does not have a Seal.

Section 4.

The Treasurer, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall establish bank accounts pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act of Alberta; keep account of receipts and disbursements; report to the Executive Committee; and submit to theannual general meeting a financial statement for the previous year. After each fiscal year end she shall submit for audit, by a duly qualified accountant, all books of account and records belonging to the organization, and shall submit the audited statement for filing to such designated institutions as may be required by law. She shall have the audited statement available at the annual general meeting of CFUW Edmonton.

The Treasurer shall ensure that monies received for bursary awards be kept separate from the monies designated for the Margaret Brine Scholarship(s).

The Treasurer shall deposit and disburse monies received as follows:

  1. Monies received from other registered charities shall be disbursed in full before the end of the next fiscal year. Registered charities are not issued tax receipts.
  2. A portion of tax receipted donations shall be disbursed as required by the Income Tax Act. The balance shall be considered as capital and dealt with according to Article V, Section 2 B. and C.
  3. All other donations not receiving tax receipts shall be considered as capital and dealt with according to Article V, Section 2 B. and C.
  4. All bequests, unless specified otherwise in the will, shall be considered as capital and dealt with according to Article V, Section 2 B. and C.
  5. All gifts which are subject to the written trust or direction of the donor that such gifts be held for at least ten years shall be considered as capital and dealt with according to Article V, Section 2 B.
  6. If any revenue is received from Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission programs, it shall be disbursed as required by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission rules and regulations.

Section 5.

The Convenor of the BursaryCommittee shall call and preside at meetings of the Bursary Committee and arrange for minutes to be taken and circulated. She shall represent the BursaryCommittee at all meetings of the Executive Committee, carrying forward to it the award decisions and any recommendations of the Bursary Committee.

Section 6.

The Convenor of the ScholarshipCommittee shall call and preside at meetings of the Scholarship Committee and arrange for minutes to be taken and circulated. She shall represent the Scholarship Committee at all meetings of the Executive Committee, carrying forward to it the award decisions and any recommendations of the ScholarshipCommittee.

Section 7.

The Fundraiser shall be responsible for the organization of all fundraising initiatives, the purpose of which is to support the scholarship and bursary programs.


Standing Committees and Their Duties

Section 1.

The Bursary Committee shall consist of a Convenor, appointed as stated in ARTICLE XIISection 2, and at least four members, appointed by the Executive Committee. It shall perform the duties and follow the procedures prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization. It shall select the recipients of bursaries and take that selection to the Executive Committee for ratification. It may make recommendations to the Executive Committee on any matters concerning bursaries.

The number of awards and the individual value of each shall be determined by the Bursary Committee. This shall be done on an annual basis, with the awards being distributed early in December.

The criteria for bursary awards are as follows:

  1. Applicant must be a female registered full-time at the University of Alberta who either is inan undergraduate degree program and has completed at least 36 credits recognized by the University of Alberta, or is in a graduate degree program.
  2. Applicant must be a mature student, i.e. be able to document a significant break in her education (minimum 2 years).
  3. Financial need is the first priority.
  4. Special attention will be paid to unusual or emergency situations.

Three of the bursaries are to be awarded annually in the names of the following:

Margaret Brine (largest award)

Frances McConnell

Elsie Mitchell Newland

Section 2.

The Scholarship Committee shall consist of a Convenor, appointed as stated in ARTICLE XII Section 2, and at least four members, appointed by the Executive Committee. It shall perform the duties and follow the procedures prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the organization. It shall select the recipients of scholarships and take that selection to the Executive Committee for ratification. It may make recommendations to the Executive Committee on any matters concerning scholarships.

The Margaret Brine Scholarship(s) for Women is to be awarded annually. The amount and number of scholarships are to be determined annually by the Scholarship Committee.

The criteria for awarding the scholarship(s) are as follows:

1. Candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree and must have completed successfully at least one term of graduate work leading to a Master’s degree at the University of Alberta.


Candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree and must have completed successfully at least one year of graduate work leading to a Doctoral degree at the University of Alberta.

2. Candidate must be a female full-time student as defined by the University of Alberta.

3. Candidate may be enrolled in any University of Alberta faculty or School.

4.Academic excellence will be the major criterion; however, need and/or unusual circumstances may be taken into consideration.


Special Committees

Special committees may be appointed for specific tasks by the Executive Committee. Their terms of reference and their period in office shall be determined by the appointing body.


Use of Name

Any member of the organization when speaking or writing or appearing to speak or write, on behalf of Canadian Federation of University Women Edmonton Academic Awards Fund, shall not use the name “Canadian Federation of University Women Edmonton Academic Awards Fund” without prior approval from the Executive Committee of the organization.



Section 1.

The annual general meeting of this organization shall be held within thirty days of the fiscal year end as hereinafter defined, with at least one month’s written notice having been given to members by means of the CFUW Edmonton Newsletter or other appropriate means.

Section 2.

General meetings may be called by the Executive Committee and held in conjunction with those of CFUW Edmonton with at least one month’s written notice having been given to members by means of the CFUW Edmonton Newsletter or other appropriate means.

Section 3.

Special meetings may be called by the Executive Committee and held in conjunction with those of CFUW Edmonton with at least one month’s written notice having been given to members by means of the CFUW Edmonton Newsletter or other appropriate means.

Section 4.

Ten percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum for any annual general meeting, general meeting or special meeting and they shall be present at said meeting.

Section 5.

  1. Meetings of theExecutive Committee and other committees shall be convened by their chair or convenor as and when deemed appropriate by her. A meeting shall also be convened by its chair or convenor if any three of its members request a meeting. At least five days notice of any meetings of the Executive Committee and other committees shall be given.
  2. Members of the organization may attend Executive Committee meetings at the invitation of the Executive Committee, but shall have no vote.
  3. In the event of special or exceptional circumstances, Executive Committee meetings and committee meetings may be held at times decided by the chair without five days notice being given. In these circumstances, all members of the committee shall be notified if possible; only the business announced in the meeting notice shall be considered; and two-thirds of the members of that committee shall be considered a quorum. Minutes of such meetings shall be read and approved at the next meeting of that committee.

Section 6.

The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee is fifty percent of its members and, at all meetings of other committees, a majority of its members shall constitute a quorum except as noted in Article X Section 5 C. Members who constitute a quorum at a meeting shall be present in person.



Section 1.

At any meeting there shall be no proxy votes.

Section 2.

Each committee member at a meeting of that committee shall be allowed one vote. The chair shall be allowed one vote. In the case of equality of votes, the chair shall not be entitled to a second vote. Voting shall be by show of hands.

Section 3.

Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, every question at any meeting shall be determined by the majority of votes cast on the question. A majority of votes shall be any number greater than half the total votes cast.

Section 4.

Any member who has not withdrawn from membership or been expelled as herein provided shall have the right to vote at any annual, general or special meeting of the organization.



Section 1.

The Chair of CFUW Edmonton Academic Awards, who is the Chair of AAF, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected for a one year term of office by CFUW Edmonton at the January general meeting, in accordance with provisions stated in the CFUW Edmonton bylaws. When there is more than one candidate for an office, the following procedure shall be followed: voting shall be by ballot and only members shall be entitled to vote; the President of CFUW Edmonton shall appoint scrutineers to supervise the election; the candidate who receives the most votes shall be declared elected.

Section 2.

The Convenor of the Bursary Committee and the Convenor of the Scholarship Committee shall be appointed for a one year term of office by the Executive Committee of CFUW Edmonton and take office at the annual general meeting of the Academic Awards Fund.

Section 3.

The term of office of the Fundraiser shall be determined by the Executive Committee of CFUW Edmonton at the time of her appointment.