As a Supervisor or Manager at Worldwide Flight Services…
I understand it is my responsibility to provide employees under my supervision a workplace free of harassment. It is also my responsibility to provide a business environment where customers, passengers, vendors and other third parties who interact with my employees are treated professionally, with dignity and respect.
I understand that as a Supervisor or Manager, I represent the company in my actions and I am held to a higher standard than my subordinates.
I understand that having sexual contact with an employee under my management is strictly prohibited and will result in termination of my employment, even if there is mutual consent.
I understand that viewing pornography on company computers or smart phone violates WFS’ harassment policy, our IT Individual Responsibility policy and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
I understand that using offensive or disrespectful language when speaking to employees, customers, vendors or other third parties doing business with WFS, indicates disrespect and is not acceptable in the workplace. This includes, but is not limited to, giving people nicknames. I accept the responsibility of ensuring all new hires in my area of responsibility:
1) are made aware of WFS’ commitment to provide a harassment-free workplace,
2) read our policy against harassment
3) receive the harassment-free workplace training and
4) treat co-workers, customers, vendors & other third party business contacts professionally, with dignity and respect
I have read the ADA materials available via mywfs, completed the ADA training quiz with a passing score and faxed this quiz in along with this form. I understand it is my responsibility to assure my employees know how to carry on a respectful conversation with any individual with a disability who may be in our workforce or may do business with WFS.
I understand if I become aware of any inappropriate behavior by any WFS employee or against any WFS employee, I am obligated to report it immediately to Headquarters’ HR.
I agree that if I have any questions as to my role or responsibility, I will ask Headquarters’ HR for assistance.
______________________________ _____________ ___________ ________
Supervisor or Manager Signature Title Station Date
______________________________ _____________
Supervisor or Manager Name Printed Empl. Number
Please fax signed agreement and passing ADA quiz to (972) 629-5033 & have original stored in Station personnel file. This is a NEW commitment for ALL Supervisors & Managers to sign.
Managers in charge of station and senior management are to fax their signed copy and mail original regular mail to be filed in their personnel files at HDQ to:
Worldwide Flight Services, Attn: HR Compliance
1925 W. John Carpenter Frwy, suite 450
Irving, TX 75063