Transportation Estimators Association
Minutes of the Annual Business Meeting
St. Louis, Missouri
October 5, 2007
TEA Chair Suzy Price (Montana) called the meeting to order. Secretary Greg Davis (Florida) called the roll. There were 17 States and 2 Provinces present for the meeting.
Roll Call of the States:
Alabama Russell Oliver
California Jack Young
Florida Greg Davis
Georgia Bobby McKissick, Jr.
Iowa Roger Bierbaum
Louisiana Charles Nickel
Maine Scott Bickford
Missouri Travis Koestner
Montana Suzy Price
Nebraska John Miller
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York Dave Kent
North Carolina
North Dakota
Ohio Jeff Hisem
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Tennessee Kip Mayton
Vermont Mike Fowler
Virginia Sharon Plymire
Washington David Smelser
West Virginia
Wyoming Ken Spear
Ministry of Transportation Ontario Paul Sosney
Nova Scotia DOT and Public Works Beverley Easton
Old Business:
Greg Davis (Florida) presented the minutes of the last annual meeting in Portland, Maine. Roger Bierbaum (Iowa) motioned to accept the minutes as presented. Mike Fowler (Vermont) seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Scott Bickford (Maine) presented the treasurer’s report. Travis Koestner (Missouri) motioned to accept the treasurer’s report as amended. Suzy Price (Montana) seconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Business:
Michael Arthur of New York showed a video to provide inspiration for the 2008 TEA/TUG conference. The conference will be held beginning October 2 in Saratoga Springs, NY. A block of rooms at the Holiday Inn are being held at the rate of $141/nt. The conference web page will be available shortly.
Jim Ferguson (Nebraska) presented a proposal for Nebraska to host the 2009 conference in Omaha. He also showed a video of the attractions in the area. Votes in favor of Nebraska hosting were counted. Roger Bierbaum (Iowa) motioned to pass the votes in favor of Nebraska hosting to the TUG. Mike Fowler (Vermont) seconded. The motion carried.
Election of Officers:
The Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasure positions need to be filled for 2008.
Nominations for Vice Chair were entertained: Greg Davis (Florida) was nominated by Mike Fowler (Vermont) and Suzy Price (Montana) seconded the nomination. Jeff Hisem (Ohio) moved to close nominations and Roger Bierbaum (Iowa) seconded the motion. Motion carried. Greg Davis (Florida) was announced as the new Vice-Chair.
Nominations for Secretary were entertained: Timothy Quinn (Minnesota) was nominated by Jeff Hisem (Ohio) and Suzy Price (Montana) seconded the nomination. Travis Koestner (Missouri) moved to close nominations and Scott Bickford (Maine) seconded the motion. Motion carried. Timothy Quinn (Minnesota) was announced as the new Secretary.
Nominations for Treasurer were entertained: Scott Bickford (Maine) was nominated by Travis Koestner (Missouri) and Suzy Price (Montana) seconded the nomination. Mike Fowler (Vermont) moved to close nominations and Roger Bierbaum (Iowa) seconded the motion. Motion carried. Scott Bickford (Maine) was announced as the Treasurer.
Jeff Hisem (Ohio) moved to have the TEA to continue to provide support to the TCCE for meeting rooms and incidentals. John Riedl (Oregon) seconded the motion. The motion carried.
A plaque of appreciation was presented to Suzy Price for her dedicated work as Chairman of the TEA and for the outstanding content of the conference.
Travis Koestner, Jeremy Kampeter, Rebecca Kyle and Patrick Byron and others from Missouri were thanked for making the conference an enjoyable and memorable one.
Ken Spear (Wyoming) moved to adjourn and Kip Mayton (Tennessee) seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned.
Officers for 2008:
Suzy Price (Montana) – Past Chair
Jennifer McAllister (Ohio) – Chair
Greg Davis (Florida) – Vice-Chair
Tim Quinn (Minnesota) – Secretary
Scott Bickford (Maine) - Treasurer
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