Spanish 2 Vacation Project
In order to better know the Spanish-speaking countries and cultures of the world, you are going to plan a 2-week vacation to one of those countries. You will be required to write and present to the class a detailed itinerary of your plans as well as investigate the culture of the country you are planning to travel to. You will be given a budget of $4,000 American dollars ($8,000 for groups of 2)
Step 1: Write a proposal (10 points)
You must write (hand-written or typed) a proposal of your initial vacation plans. This must include the Spanish-speaking country on your choice and the member s of your group (2 people maximum). This must be approved by Mr. Williamson before research can begin on your trip. Think fast because once a country is taken by another group from your class, that country cannot be repeated. Spanish is spoken in many countries around the world, but you must choose a country where Spanish is officially listed as a national language. You can choose from the following 20 Spanish-speaking countries:
Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela
Step 2: Write a 1-2 page, double spaced paper IN SPANISH on the culture of the country you have chosen. Consider the following topics in the paper. (50 points)
-Type of Government -Food -Music/Dance
- Climate -Geography -Sports/Entertainment
-Money -Historical Events -Famous countrymen
-Population (what are the people like?) -Tourist Attractions
Step 3: Plan and present your trip. (150 Points)
Using a $4,000 budget ($8,000 for groups of 2), plan and present a detailed itinerary of your vacation. There is a 15 slide minimum and can be in English. Posters can be created to accompany your presentation but a PowerPoint or open office presentation is required. You must include information from your paper in your presentation. A detailed tracking of your budget is required and it is mandatory to keep yourself under budget. Things to consider for your trip:
-Transportation: How will you get there and back? How will you get around once your there?
-Lodging: Where will you stay?
-Attractions: What tourist sites will you see? Where and what will you go while you are there?
-Food: How much will you allow for food expenses? Where and what will you eat?
-Miscellaneous: How will you get a visa? Does it cost anything? Are their luggage expenses? What is the money exchange and how much will it cost to exchange it? When will you need days to rest?
Grading for Culture Paper:
Research/Citations: All research is properly documented and sited in APA style. You must use (but are not limited to) 2 online sources and 1 non-online source. (Books, encyclopedia, magazines, etc.)
______/10 points
Content: All the topics listed before addressed for full credit.
______/20 points
Grammar: Grammar and spelling are correct.
______/ 20 points
______/50 points Total
Grading for Presentations:
Itinerary: A complete itinerary for the entire 2 weeks is included including flight information dates and day by day details of the activities and tourist sites to be visited.
______/30 points
Budget: A detailed version of the budget is kept and included and the trip is completed with out overspending.
______/30 Points
Culture: An overview of the countries’ culture is presented and complete.
______/ 30 Points
Creativity: The presentation and trip is organized, creative, colorful and includes various pictures of the sites to be seen.
______/30 Points
Overall Presentation and Citations: All sources are properly documented and cited. (At least 3 different online sources and one non-online source in proper APA style. (Books, magazines, travel brochures, etc.) The presenters present their project in a professional manner.
______/ 30 Points
______/ 150 Total Points