May 25, 2017
Reminder – ordinations and confirmation are on Saturday, June 17
Saturday, June 17 will be a busy day at Grace Cathedral, Topek, with the ordination of seven people at 10:30 a.m. and the first of the regional confirmation services at 2 p.m.
> Ordinations. One priest and six deacons will be ordained: the Rev. Greg Doll as a priest, and Clay Calhoun, Bianca Elliott, Katie Knoll Lenon, Mike Loyd, Diane Kruger and Mark Ohlemeier as deacons. Everyone in the diocese is invited to attend. Bishop Wayne Smith of the Diocese of Missouri will be the celebrant.
A light reception will follow the service. Clergy are invited to vest in red stole and walk in procession. Those who do need to arrive at the cathedral by 10 a.m.
> Confirmations. The deadline is June 2 for clergy to register the number of people they will be bringing to the first regional confirmation service. Bishop Wayne Smith of the Diocese of Missouri will be the celebrant.
Churches that have people to be confirmed, received or reaffirming their faith should submit one form per church:
Anyone with questions may contact Jeanne Atha at , or Michele Moss at . They both can be reached by phone at (785) 235-9255 of (800) 473-3563.
Other regional confirmation services this year have been set:
- October 7, 10:30 a.m., Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, 8021 West 21st St. North, Wichita (Bishop Michael Milliken presiding)
- November 11, 10:30 a.m., St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 12251 Antioch Rd., Overland Park (Bishop Michael Milliken presiding)
- December 2, 10:30 a.m., St. John's Episcopal Church, 1801 Corning Ave., Parsons (Bishop Milliken Michael presiding)
Want to support innovative outreach ministries in churches of the diocese?
If so, please consider a gift to the Alleluia Fund. The deadline for donations is Sunday, June 4.
The Alleluia Fund was established with money from the Crossroads capital campaign designated for outreach efforts and provides matching grants of up to $3,000 to help launch outreach ministries in congregations across the diocese.
To make sure the fund can continue beyond the life of the initial allocation, a first-ever diocesanwide appeal is an opportunity for people to contribute during the Easter season.
Online donations may be made at In the section labeled “I want my donation to be designated toward” please select Alleluia Fund.
Youth news
> Parish packets for summer events are on their way to every church of the diocese. Each parish will receive a set of posters for summer youth events: Girls Only Weekend, Guys Only Weekend and MissionWichita. Please hang these where your youth will see them!
> MegaCamp update: Elementary camp is full, but there still are a few spots in Junior High and Senior High camp. We will continue to accept registrations for camp until all the bunks are full.
Camp is open to those currently in grades 3-12 and their friends. Cost is now $460 for the week.
Camp is June 4-10 at Camp Wood YMCA. Camp Wood features a variety of activities including horseback riding, archery, climbing tower, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, water slide, mud slide, arts and crafts, and sports. The volunteer Episcopal staff provides solid Christian education featuring worship, music, small group discussions and prayer.
For registration forms and more information see
> Registrations are open for the Guys Only and Girls Only Weekends this summer. These youth events will focus on issues specific to each gender, how society views those genders and what we’re called to do as Christians as a result. We’ll also eat yummy food, go swimming, get ice cream, watch a movie and encourage one another.
- When: Friday, June 30, 7 p.m. to Sunday, July 2, 11:30 a.m.
- Where:
- Girls Only: Trinity, 1027 Vermont St., Lawrence
- Guys Only: St. Margaret’s, 5700 W. 6th St., Lawrence,
- Who:
- Youth females in grades 6-12 (for the 2016-17 school year)
- Youth males in grades 8-12 (for the 2016-17 school year)
- Fee: $50 ($65 after June 21)
- Registration forms:
- Girls Only:
- Guys Only:
- Posters:
- Girls Only:
- Guys Only:
Youth now can register for the inaugural MissionWichita event
MissionWichita is an urban mission experience in Wichita, where participants will learnmoreabout the cycle of poverty; volunteerwithEpiscopalSocialServices, EpiscopalMigrationMinistries, SaintFrancisCommunityServicesandlocalchurches, and relax, hang-outanddofunactivitiesintheevenings.
This willcountasservicehoursifstudentsarerequiredtodothatforschooloraclub.
- When: Tuesday, July 25, 7 p.m.toSunday, July 30, 11:30 a.m.
- Who: Studentsenteringgrades 9-12 inFall 2017
- Where: St. John’sEpiscopalChurch, 402 N. Topeka, Wichita
NOTE: WewillbeshoweringattheDowntownYMCAoneblockaway. Youthneedtobringtowelsandwerecommendshower-shoes. - Cost: $100 ($120 afterJuly 11)
- Registration:
WearehopingchurchesinandnearWichitawillhelpkeepthecostofthiseventlowbyvolunteeringtoprovidebreakfastand/orsupper, aswellasvolunteerstoprepareandclean-up, onedayduringtheevent. Ifyourchurchisabletohelpout, pleasecontact diocesan Youth Missioner KarenSchlabachat (913) 708-5927 .
Grace Cathedral, Topeka, seeks new Director of Children's Ministries
Grace Cathedral in Topeka is seeking a person to head the church’s ministry with children. Duties include planning and providing oversight for Sunday school and Children's Chapel curriculums, scheduling childcare for church events and ministries, working with the youth music programs, and planning the yearly Vacation Bible School.
For more information or to apply, please contact Dominique Shannon at (316) 734-2227 or Dean Steve Lipscomb (785) 235-3457 before June 16.
Cursillo weekend is planned for June 30-July 2
Heartland Episcopal Cursillo is hosting a weekend for those wanting the Cursillo experience of community and spirituality. It will take place June 30 through July 2 at the Spiritual Life Center, 7100 East 45th St. North Ave. in Wichita.
All those participating need to have a sponsor who previously has attended a Cursillo weekend.
For more information, please contact Laura or Larry Hannan by email at .
The deadline to register is Saturday, June 10.
Additional information is online at
Lawrence church offers Godly Play training
St. Margaret’s, Lawrence, is hosting core training in Godly Play during a three-day event July 28-30 at the church. The event begins on Friday, July 28 at 1 p.m. and concludes at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 30.
The cost is $355 per person and includes the cost of dinner on Friday, as well as lunch on Saturday and Sunday. The trainer will be Christen Erskine.
Core training is recommended for every adult leading Godly Play sessions, for administrators and for clergy in congregations using Godly Play or wanting to adopt its use.
Godly Play helps children explore their faith through story to gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. It is based on Montessori principles and is designed to serve children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond.
More information about Godly Play is online at
Registration is at
For more information, contact Cate Zimmermann at (785) 840-6602 or Carol Gaumer at (785) 331-9208.
eFormation conference is offered online and free
The eFormation conference will take place this year online via webinar on Tuesday, June 6. This digital-media-for-ministry learning conference provides opportunities for personal and professional development.
Workshops include: Digital-Only Faith Formation, Using Videos for Ministry, Theology by Design: A Practical Approach to Design Thinking for Congregations, Trying Everything: Experiences of Digital Evangelism and Fundraising.
Two affinity group gathering times also will be offered for participants to share and ask questions about the future of their ministry. All workshops will be available afterwards.
Register and receive email reminders by signing up at
More information is online at
Episcopal Church joins worldwide Anglican Communion campaign calling for prayer
The Episcopal Church has joined the worldwide Anglican Communion in “Thy Kingdom Come,” a campaign initiated by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby calling for prayer by individuals, congregations and families.
It invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension Day (May 25) and Pentecost (June 4) for more people to come to know Jesus.
More information is available at
Nuevos Horizontes Conference focuses on Latino ministry
“Latino Ministry for the Next Generation” is the title of the Nuevos Horizontes Conference being offered July 31 to Aug. 3 at Camp Allen Conference Center outside Navasota, Texas.
The conference, sponsored by the Seminary of the Southwest in collaboration with the Latino/Hispanic Ministries of the Episcopal Church, will explore Latino ministry today as well as into the future.
More information is online at
Training offered for volunteer disaster chaplaincy
The Beecken Center of the School of Theology at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., in partnership with the National Disaster Interfaith Network, offers a three-day course in disaster chaplain training Aug. 7-9.
The curriculum prepares chaplains and credentialed religious leaders to provide spiritual and emotional care during deployment to disaster sites as well as within their own communities.
The training is in two parts. The first, Engaging Faith Communities in Disasters, focuses on why and how to engage faith communities during disasters and public health emergencies.
The second part prepares people to volunteer as disaster chaplains in mass-care settings or in their own institution.
The cost to attend is $550 and does not include lodging. More information and a link to register are online at
Minutes from Council of Trustees meeting are online
Minutes of the April 19, April 27 and April 29 meetings of the Council of Trustees have been posted online.
All minutes can be found on the diocesan website at
Clergy news
Placements have been finalized for these people who were ordained last June and are completing their internship year following graduation from the Bishop Kemper School for Ministry:
Deacon Mary Becker, St. David’s, Topeka
Deacon Jim Cummins, St. Francis’, Stilwell
The Rev. Greg Doll, St. Mark’s, Blue Rapid and St. Paul’s, Marysville (following his ordination to the priesthood on June 17)
Anniversaries of ordinations
Congratulations go to these people as they celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination in the next two weeks:
May 26: The Ven. Monte Giddings, St. Michael and All Angels, Mission, and diocesan archdeacon (18 years)
May 29: The Rev. Jon Hullinger, Trinity, Atchison (18 years)
May 31: The Rev. Carolyn Ballinger, St. John’s, Ulysses, St. Thomas’, Garden City, St. Andrew’s, Liberal, Diocese of Western Kansas (3 years)
June 1: The Rev. Art Rathbun, St. Mark’s, Blue Rapids and St. Paul’s, Marysville (53 years); the Very Rev. Rob Baldwin, Trinity, Lawrence (15 years); the Rev. Eileen Heden, retired, Diocese of Western Kansas (13 years)
June 2: Deacon Peg Flynn, St. James’, Wichita (5 years); Deacon Sandra Horton-Smith, St. Paul’s, Manhattan (5 years); Deacon Rex Matney, Covenant, Junction City (5 years);
June 3: Deacon Steve Segebrecht, Trinity, Lawrence (11 years); Deacon Jesse Milan, retired (11 years)
June 5: The Rev. Kathi Babcock, retired (7 years); the Rev. Sue Oldfather, non-parochial (7 years)
June 6: The Rev. Shawn Streepy, St. Aidan’s, Olathe (8 years)
June 8: The Rev. Machrina Blasdell, licensed (32 years); the Rev. Ashley Null, non-parochial, Diocese of Western Kansas (31 years)
Diocesan office will be closed on Memorial Day
The diocesan office in Topeka will be closed on May 29 in observance of Memorial Day. The office will reopen on Tuesday, May 30 with regular hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Stay in touch with the diocese on social media
You can find news, features and updates from the diocese on social media. We’re on Facebook – EpiscopalDioceseofKansas ( Twitter – @EpiscoKs and now on Instagram – @EpiscoKs.
Next DioLog
The next edition of DioLog will be sent to subscribers on Thursday, June 8. Information to be included should be sent to Melodie Woerman, diocesan director of communications, no later than Tuesday, June 6.
Parishes are free to excerpt anything printed in DioLog; attributionthat material is reprinted fromDioLogis appreciated. Feel free to copy this and make it available to parishioners in whatever way is most useful.
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