Indicator B1 (Graduation) and Indicator B2 (Dropout) Improvement Plans
- Establish process for developing a team.
- Include someone who understands data.
- Include middle and high school personnel.
- Invite a broad group to participate.
- Exemplary: At least 3 members with different roles
- Meets requirements: At least 2 members—any roles
- Minimal effort: One person team
Data Review / Process / Example / Outcome / Review
- Gather sources of information on transition age students.
- What do the results show?
- Are the graduation rate increasing and/or the dropout rate decreasing? Why? If no change, why?
- What factors influence graduation and dropout at district level, at the school level, in transition programs, such as assessment or behavioral programs?
- What is happening in general education? Is the gap between general education and special education closing?
- Has the data reporting or verification changed?
- Review data results.
- Identify and explore factors within the district that influenced the results.
- Leaver Report (SPR&I)
- Assessment results
- Behavioral Data (Discipline Incidents collection)
- Data from programs focused on keeping students in school (i.e. mentoring)
- Multiyear Database (MYDB)
- District Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
- Exemplary: Broad review of relevant factors
- Meets requirements: Lack of specific reason, or vague evaluation of data sources andrelevant factors
- Minimal effort:No context provided for failure to meet target or show improvement. Restatement of data provided through existing reports.
Measurable Objectives / Process / Example / Outcome / Review
You have assembled a team, analyzed the data and explored the circumstances and influences in your district.
- What short-term objectives were identified for next year?
- How will you prioritize and implement changes with the resources available?
- How will you know you have made progress?
- What long term objectives did you select after the discussion?
- How far into the future did you plan? How long does the district need before they can meet the target?
- By 2014 the district will meet the state target of 72% of students leaving with a regular diploma.
- At the end of the 2013-2014 school year, Central HS will be successfully implementing a mentoring partnership program for students at risk of dropping out as evidenced by…….
- By Sept 2014, the district will establish a PBS system in one of the middle schools as evidenced by…….
- By 2014, the district will have fully implemented a positive behavior support program in both of the middle schools and high school as evidenced by…
- Exemplary:At least one clear, measurable short-term and long-term objective.
- Meets requirements:One clear measurable objective
- Minimal effort:Unclear measurable objective
Specific Activities & Timelines / Process / Example / Outcome) / Review
- Now that you know what the district wants to put into the improvement plan, you will need to define the activity steps needed to reach the objective(s).
- Once the steps are broken down into specific activities, assign reasonable completion dates for each activity.
- Contact ODE for information on implementing a behavior program by (include date).
- Research a behavior program by (include date).
- Develop budget proposal by (include date).
- Involve parents in planning process(include date).
- Involve middle school administrators in planning process(include date).
- Present the behavior program proposal and budget to school board by (include date).
- Prepare training materials by (include date).
- Staff development training for MS teachers (include date).
- Implement a behavior program at MS (include date).
- Establish formative evaluation steps to monitor progress.
- Exemplary:Clearly defined attainablesteps and appropriate timelines
- Meets requirements:Vague or nonspecificactivities.
- Minimal effort:Activities and timelines not tied to measurable objective(s).
Person(s) Responsible for Activity / Process / Example / Outcomes / Review
- Who is the district person most appropriate for each of the activities to support the objective?
- How will process be tracked and information on progress be distributed?
- Will the team meet regularly to review the plan?
- Who are the backup personnel to support each activity?
- Assign a primary person for each action step with a secondary person as appropriate for larger tasks.
- Establish meeting schedule and communication plan.
- Exemplary:Clear link between activity and expectations for team members/staff
- Meets requirements:partiallist of responsibilities and individuals
- Minimal effort:Individualsnot tied to activities and timelines that support measurable objective
Evidence of Completion / Process / Example / Outcomes / Review
The graduation data and dropout data are not available to districts until the fall of the next school year. Therefore, districts may view the “evidence of completion” as:
1) Have we successfully met the identified measurable objective listed above?
- How will you know that you have made progress towards meeting your objectives?
- Review the previous steps in your improvement plan to identify the components that show clear evidence of completion.
2) Have we successfully increased the graduation rate or decreased the dropout rate for the following year?
- How will you know if your graduation rate is increasing and your dropout rate is decreasing?
- Are you comparing the graduation and dropout data between regular education students and special education students?
- Are you closing the gap between regular education students and special education students?
- Determine how to demonstrate evidence of completion.
- Report results by measurable objective or the following year’s graduation or dropout rates.
- Describe how you will evaluate your progress.
- Accurate and timely data to ODE is the result of an improved system of collection from the schools, to the district, to the ODE.
- 13-14data School District, IDEA Students report on Graduation greater than 74% (6.5% increase from 11-12 report data)
- 13-14data School District, IDEA Students report on Dropout less than 3.5%).
- Successful completion of measurable objective.
- Improved results on the district’s performance for graduation and dropout.
- Exemplary:Clear demonstration of successful completion of measurable objective and/or specific activities within timeline.
- Meets requirements:Unclear link between the objective and the evidence of completion
- Minimal effort:No link between objective and evidence of completion, but the evidence of completion shows some success.
- Does not meet requirements:Did not address required component.
- Exemplary:Clear demonstration of successful increase to target in graduation or decrease in dropout for the following year.
- Meets requirements:insight improvement in graduation or decrease in dropout for the following year.
- Minimal effort:Nochange in graduation or in dropout for the following year.