Department of Applied Mathematics
Research Activity Report (January 2016- June2016)
1) Research activities of the faculty members:
Number of faculty in the Department : 17
Number of faculty with Ph D qualification : 11
Number of faculty pursuing Ph D : 03
A). Papers published by the faculty members in National and International Journals:
S. No. / Name of Faculty / Title of the paper / Name of the Journal / Date1 / Muthucumaraswamy R and Saravanan B. / Finite difference analysis of thermal radiation and MHD effects on flow past an oscillating semi-infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and uniform mass flux / Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol.9, pp.61-69 (IF : 1.35) / 2016
2 / Muthucumaraswamy R and Prema K M A / Hall effects on flow past an exponentially accelerated infinite isothermal vertical plate with mass diffusion / Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol.9, pp.889-897, / 2016
3 / Muthucumaraswamy R and Sivakumar P / MHD flow past a parabolic flow past an infinite vertical plate in the presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction / International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol.21, pp.95-105,
(IF : 1.35) / 2016
4 / Santhana Lakshmi C and Muthucumaraswamy R / Thermal radiation and chemical reaction effects on exponentially accelerated vertical plate with variable temperature and uniform mass diffusion / International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Vol.5, pp. 321-332. / 2016
5 / Geetha E and Muthucumaraswamy R / Free convective heat and mass transfer induced by a constant mass flux on a parabolic started vertical plate with variable temperature, International Journal of Advanced Scientific technologies in Engineering and Management sciences / International Journal of Advanced Scientific technologies in Engineering and Management sciences, Vol.2, pp. 12-16.(*) / June2016
6 / Santhana Lakshmi C and Muthucumaraswamy R / Chemical reaction effects Past an exponentially accelerated isothermal vertical plate with uniform mass diffusion in the presence of magnetic field and hall currents / Asian journal of research in social sciences and Humanities Vol.6, No.6, pp. 1783-1808.ISSN:2249-7315 / June2016
7 / Lakshmi V and Muthucumaraswamy R / Hall effects and magnetic field effects on flow past a parabolic accelerated isothermal vertical plate with uniform mass diffusion in the presence of thermal radiation. / International journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.Vol.3,
Pp.232-241.ISSN:2349-4182. / May2016.
8 / Lakshmi V and Muthucumaraswamy R / MHD and Thermal Radiation effects on flow past a parabolic started infinite vertical plate with variable temperature and mass diffusion. / Asian journal of research in social sciences and Humanities
Vol.6, No.7, pp. 1-17.ISSN:2249-7315 / July2016
9 / SivasankaranJanaki,ThilakaB / Decision Support for Employee Engagement Initiatives: Cumulative Value-Addition / Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol : 6, Issue : 6
pp:2136- 2151
ISSN : 2249-7315.
/ June-2016
10 / Vijayalakshmi AR and Ravikumar J. / Analytical solution of vertical plate in a rotating fluid with variable emperature, uniform mass diffusion in the presence of MHD and thermal radiation / International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 11, pp.2343-2348 / 2016
11 / Kanagarajan K and Suresh R. / Numerical solution for solving fuzzy fredholm integro-differential equations by Euler Method, / International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Science, Vol.4, pp.1-11 / Jan-2016
B). Papers presented by the faculty members in National and International conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S. No. / Name of Faculty / Title of the paper / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / National/International / Date
C). National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the Faculty members:
S. No. / Name of Faculty / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / Place / National/International / Date
1 / Dr B Thilaka / Summer Training Programme on "Financial Mathematics with Hands on R programming"
/ B S Abdur rahman University, Chennai-68. / National / June
2 / Dr.A.R.Vijayalakshmi / One day workshop on design of experiments / SVCE, Sriperumbudur / National / March 12,2016
3 / Dr R Umadevi / Faculty Development Training Program on PQT / Veltech Multitech Engg, College / National / Jan 4-11, 2016
2) Departmental research activities:
A). Symposium, Conferences, Workshop and Guest lecturers Conducted:
S. No. / Name of the Event / Place / Period / Funding Agency / National/International / Convener and Faculty In charge
1 / A seminar on Novel applications of differential equationsto physical phenomena. / SVCE / 23rd February 2016 / Indian Association of Physics Teachers (Rs. 5000) / National / Dr A R Vijayalakshmi,
B) Ongoing funded projects in the in the Department: Nil
S. No. / Name of the Project / Funding Agency / Period &Amount Sanctioned / Coordinators / Status of the project
C). Projects submitted to Funding Agencies by the Department:
S. No. / Name of the Project / Funding Agency / Period &Amount applied / Coordinators
1 / Minor research project(Chemical Graph theory) / UGC / 2years,292354 / DrS.Prabhu
D). Research centre status of the department: yes
3) Student Research Activities:
1) A). List of projects carried out by the students in the department as in house and Industrial project:
S. No. / Name of Student / Title of the Project / Inherent project maker / In house / IndustryB). Research Publications by students in National and International Journal:
S. No. / Name of Student / Title of the paper / Journal Name / DateC). Research Presentations by students in National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S. No. / Name of Student / Title of the paper / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / National/International / Venue / Date
D) National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the students:
S. No. / Name of Student / Name of the Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops / National/International / Venue / Date
4) Sponsorship details of faculty and students:
I) Sponsorship for faculty members:
A) Faculty sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Title of the Paper / Name of the Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)
B) Faculty sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Title of the Paper / Name of the Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)C) Faculty sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)
II) Sponsorship for Students:NA
A) Students sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Title of the paper / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)B). Students sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Title of the paper / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)C). Students sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
S.No / Name of the Faculty / Date / Name of the Conference/ symposium/ workshop / Venue / Sponsorship Amount(Rs.)5) Research cell(s) /area(s) of research in the department:
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Complex Analysis
Fuzzy Algebra
Stochastic Process
6) Consultancy work in the department: Nil
7) Patent information: Nil
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Research activity report - June-December 2015
Objective / AP / AC / AM / AE / BT / CH / CE / CS / EC / EE / HSS / IT / MR / ME / Remarks1 / 5 / Will meet at the end of academic year
2 / -
3 / 1 / Submitted one project.
4 / 12
5 / - / Will meet at the end of academic year
No of faculty in the dept. / 40
Fill up the details as: A-Objective achieved; NA-Objective not achieved with respect to following objectives
Objective / AP / AC / AM / AE / BT / CH / CE / CS / EC / EE / HSS / IT / MR / ME / Remarks1 / NA
2 / NA
3 / NA
4 / NA
5 / NA
No of faculty in the dept. / 40
Fill up the numerical figures with respect to following objective
1. The number of published quality papers in National and international journal should be equal to 20% of total faculty strength, every year.
2. The number of proposal for research work to various funding agency should be 30% of total faculty strength, in every year.
3. Receiving at least one externally funded project by every eligible department, every year.
4. Attending at least one research seminar / symposia / workshop by the every faculty member, every year.
5. Mentoring at least two graduate students from each department to do research and subsequently publish at least two papers in journals, every year.
1. No. of Paper publications in National Journals: 1
2. No. of Paper publications in International Journals: 4
3. No. of Funded Projects and cumulative grant : -
4. No. of PhD degree holders in the Department: 9
5. No. of PhD Research Scholars: Full Time 0 Part Time 12
6. No. of eligible supervisors: 2 (1. Dr.R.Anitha, 2. Dr.Yashwanth)
7. No. of Conference publication (National): -
8. No. of Conference publication (International): -
9. No. of Consultancy projects: -
10 . No. of Patents:-
1. Research activities of the faculty members:
A). Papers published by the faculty members in National and International Journals:
Publications in National Journals : NIL
Publications in International Journals
1. Dr.Anitha.R & Ms.Madhumitha. T , “Efficient Data Retrieval in Cloud Using Combined Searchable Homomorphic Encryption Mechanism” in ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. , No. , pp. (Annexure – II – Accepted December 2015).
2. Dr.Anitha. R, John Bright. A, Nikhil Selvaraj 2015, ‘EHDFS: Overview Of Novel Architecture And Data Retrieval Model In Big Data Scenario”, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Advanced Technology, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 51-57, 2015. (2.317) SCI - ISSN, 2320-8791. September 2015.
3. Dr.Anitha, R & Dr.Saswati Mukherjee 2015, ‘MaaS: Fast retrieval of data in cloud using Metadata as a Service’, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol. 40, No. 8, pp. 2323-2343. (Annexure – I - .361) SCI - ISSN 1319-8025. August 2015.
4. M. Krishnamurthy, K.Manivannan,A Chilambuchelvan, E Rajalakshmi and A.Kannan, “Frequent Itemsets Generation from Transaction Database and Rule Generation using Quine-McCluskey Method” In Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23(sensing, signal Processing and Security):2015, PP : 222-231,2015 ISSN 1990-9233
5. M. Krishnamurthy, K.Manivannan,A Chilambuchelvan, E Rajalakshmi and A.Kannan, “Enhanced Candidate Generation for Frequent Item Set Generation" In Indian Journal of Science and Technology: JULY 2015,Volume 8, Issue 13,Print ISSN : 0974-6846,Online ISSN : 0974-5645
B). Papers presented by the faculty members in National and International conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
C). National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the Faculty members:
S.No / Faculty Name / FDP/Workshop/Seminar / Organized by / Duration/Monthsfrom / to
1 / Dr.R.Anitha / Cryptography and Network security / Department of Computer Science and Engineering, CEG- Campus, Anna University, Chennai / May 25, 2015 / May 31, 2015
2) Departmental research activities:
A). Symposium, Conferences, Workshop and Guest lectures Conducted:
Symposium organized:
Sl.No. / Name of the Faculty / Name of Symposium / National / international / Sponsoring Agency / Period / AmountFrom / To
1 / Ms.G.Janaka Sudha, Mr.K.Srinivasan / Interrupt 15 / National / SVCE,
Workshop organized
Sl.No. / Name of the Faculty / Name of workshop / National / international / Sponsoring Agency / Period / AmountFrom / To
1. / Mr.N.M.Balamurugan, Mr.K.Kumanan / Workshop on ‘Python’ / National / SVCE / 25/09/2015 / 26/09/2015
2. / Mr.K.Srinivasan / Roadmap to Next Generation Digital World / National / SVCE / 01/08/2015 / 01/08/2015
Guest Lecture organized
1. The department of Computer Science has organized a Guest lecture on the topic “Workshop on Cloud Computing and Windows Application”.The lecture was given by Mr. Abdul Rashid Feroz Khan, Senior evangelist, Microsoft Partners Chennai, 20/07/2015.
2. Department of Computer science has organized a guest lecture on “Workshop on Cloud computing like virtual machines” on 21/07/2015 by Mr. Abdul Rashid Feroz Khan, Senior evangelist, Microsoft Partners Chennai
3. Department of Computer science has organized a guest lecture on “Workshop on Hackathon” on 21/08/2015 by Mr.Krishna Murari, CEO & Founder, Peach Studios Chennai.
4. Department of Computer science has organized a guest lecture on “Workshop on Azure cloud” on 25/08/2015 by Mr. Arun Kumar , Evangelist, Microsoft Partners Chennai
B). Ongoing funded projects in the in the Department: NIL
C). Projects submitted to Funding Agencies by the Department: 1
1. Dr.R.Anitha,Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, proposal is under review by TNSCST DOTE Campus, Chennai. Titled: Enabling Efficient Data Retrieval In Cloud Using Combined Searchable Homomorphic Encryption Mechanism. (Accepted December 2015)
3) Student Research Activities:
A). List of projects carried out by the students in the department as in house and Industrial project: NIL
B). Research Publications by students in National and International Journal: NIL
C). Research Presentations by students in National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops:
1. Third year CSE students S.Gowtham, R.Sangeeth Kumar has secured the Third Prize in paper presentation titled “Smart Mobile application for pollution monitoring system-mobile computing”, in symposium Rendezvous 2K15 organized by R.M.D Engineering College.
D) National and International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops attended by the students: NIL
4) Sponsorship details of faculty and students:
I) Sponsorship for faculty members: NIL
A) Faculty sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
B) Faculty sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
C) Faculty sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
II) Sponsorship for Students:
A). Students sponsored for presentation in National Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
B). Students sponsored for presentation in International Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL
C). Students sponsored for attending national Conferences/ symposiums/ workshops: NIL