Minutes – 31/01/11

Tweeddale Community

Safety Panel

Minutes of Meeting held on 31st January 2011 at 7pm within Peebles Fire Station

Present: Brian McCrow, Karen Borthwick, Lorna Evans, Chris Stark, PC Hamilton, Karen Borthwick, Patricia Purvis, Tony Butcher and Gavin Logan

1. Apologies: Inspector Wynne, Sergeant Marker, Constables Rogerson and Tait.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

These had been circulated and the panel agreed they were a true minute.

3. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes

3.1 Dog Fouling

·  Craig Blaikie to be contacted regarding dog fouling bins – Brian McCrow

·  Agreed that PC Rogerson could purchase dog fouling bags at cost of £18.00 for 300 – Action - PC Rogerson

3.2 Bin it to Win it

Chris Stark reported that it was going well and would be launched soon. Sainsbury’s agreed to sponsor £20 a week for 1 year. To be promoted in school with Eco Group assisting. Still looking for business to sponsor main prize.

3.3 Schools Competition

It was agreed to leave until schools go back in August 2011.

3.4 Christmas Project – 12 Days of Christmas

It was agreed that this was a good idea and to progress it for Christmas 2011. Lorna Evans to progress over the summer and bring ideas to the panel. Action - Lorna Evans

3.5 Shopwatch

It was explained to the panel that Shopwatch was started a number of years ago by the panel along with the police. At present shopwatch is split into 10 groups and if there is an incident then the police phone the 1st shop on each list. A system whereby a text message is sent out is being looked at in conjunction with Positively Peebles. Obviously there is a cost implication and further information is required to see if it would be cost effective. Action – Lorna Evans

3.6 Security Pens

It was explained that these were required for checking counterfeit currency and it was hoped to use them in conjunction with Shopwatch. These could be purchased as follows: - 10 = £1.44; 20 = £1.14; 50 = 68p; 100 = 58p all were plus VAT. It was agreed to purchase 50 @ 68p + VAT. Action – Lorna Evans

3.7 Community Beat Officer – Assistance to purchase Laptop/Projector

Brian McCrow reported that the Joint Panel had provided money for this.

3.8 Community Beat Officer – Assistance with purchase of clothing for officers using Mountain Bikes

Lorna Evans explained to the panel that the Community Beat Officers were in the process of getting mountain bikes and obviously they would need special clothing for this at a cost of £561.00 each. After discussion the panel agreed to pay for clothing for one officer.


4.1 Tweeddale Citizen of the Year

It was requested that the panel look at nominating someone for this award. It was too late for this year but maybe next year.

5. Date of Next Meeting

5.1 9th March 2011


Lorna Evans - Secretary

Peebles Police Station

Rosetta Road, Peebles EH45 8HH Tel – 01721 720637

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