

Group Members______



The Civil Rights through the ages project assignment

Your group will take on a time period between 1865 and 1965 of the civil rights movement

In this project you will present your assigned timeframe in the following manner; Definition and at least 5 influences.

You can write and perform a play, present a power point, do a short film, create a story board, or do a poster. Whatever medium suits your group the best.

A few requirements; 1) all members in the group must participate in presentation and are expected to be dressed for success on the due date. 2) Presentations will be a minimum of 5 minutes.


The group leaders will select up to three members to work with. There will be no groups larger than 5 or smaller than 4, in other words no one works alone. Timeframes will be selected by a drawing by the group leaders.

This project is worth 100 pts. Due date______


Play/Content :80 Pts Possible / Pts Poss/Grd
Play must have parts for all group members at least 4 pages in length with at least 5significances, correct, typed, no grammatical errors, double spaced, with a rough draft ( that has been edited ) topic correctly defined / 72-80/A
Play must have parts for all group members at least 4 pages in length,Correct definition, typed, less than 3 grammatical errors, double spaced, with a rough draft ( that has been edited ) topic correctly defined w/4 influences / 64-71/B
Correct definition ,typed, less than 4 grammatical errors, double spaced, with a rough draft ( that has been edited ) topic correctly defined w/3 influences / 56-63/C
Play must have parts for all group members, less than 3 pages, correct definition, in pen
more than 4 grammatical errors, with rough draft ( that has been edited) w/2 influences / 48-57/D
Doesn't meet minimum requirements but was turned in / 1-47/ F
Play/Presentation: 20 pts. / Pts Poss/Grd
Play must have a title, copies of script for all members, all members must have speaking roles, every
member must be dressed according to the theme or professional, must be at least 5 minutes long and
informative, able to handle questions, with correct content / 18-20/ A
Play must have a title, copies of script for all members, all members must have speaking roles,not all
members dressed according to the theme or semi-formal, must be at least 5 minutes long and
informative, unable to handle all questions, with correct content / 16-17/ B
Play must have a title, copies of script for all members, all members must have speaking roles,not all
members dressed according to the theme or semi-formal,less than 5 minutes long and incorrect
unable to handle all questions / 14-15/ C
Doesn't meet minimum requirements , but a presentation was made / 1-13/ F
Power point 90 Pts. / Pts Poss/Grd
Power point must have a title page. At least 12 slides; graphics and text on each.
Information must be correct, no spelling errors
topic correctly defined w/5 influences / 81-90 / A
Power point must have a title page. At least 10 slides; graphics and text on each.
information must be correct, fewer than 2 spelling errors
topic correctly defined w/4 influences / 72-80 / B
Power point must have a title page. At least 8 slides; graphics and text on each.
information must be correct, fewer than 5 spelling errors
topic correctly defined w/3 influences / 63-71/ C
Power point must have a title page. At least 7 slides; graphics and text on each.
information must be correct, fewer than 5 spelling errors at least 1 influence / 54-62/ D
Doesn't meet minimum standards for power point / 1-53/ F
Power point Presentation 10 pts. / Pts Poss/Grd
Presentation must be clear, able to handle questions, all content is correct professional attire, minimum 5 minutes,
everyone participates with a speaking role and a script with rough draft / 10 /A
Presentation must be clear, not all questions are handled, some content incorrect, professional attire,
minimum 5 minutes, everyone has a speaking role with a script, but no rough draft / 8-9/ B
Presentation must be clear, not all questions are handled, some content incorrect, professional attire,
less than 5 minutes, everyone has a speaking role with a script, but no rough draft / 7/ C
Presentation not clear, most content incorrect, less than 5 minutes, not all in professional attire or have script / 6/ D
Doesn't meet minimum requirements for a power point presentation / 1-5/ F
Short Film 100 pts / Pts Poss/Grd
Film must cover topic, content correct, minimum 5minutes in length, all group members
must have speaking roles, copy of script must be provided for follow along; / 90-100/ A
At conclusion of showing, questions must be handled, professional attire ( rough draft is required) topic correctly defined w/5 influences
Film must cover topic, content correct, minimum 5minutes in length, all group members
must have speaking roles, copy of script must be provided for follow along;
At conclusion of showing, questions must be handled; professional attire, rough draft is incomplete. topic correctly defined w/4influences / 80-89/ B
Film must cover topic, content correct, minimum 5minutes in length, all group members
must have speaking roles, copy of script is incomplete; / 70-79/ C
At conclusion of showing, questions must be handled; professional attire rough draft is incomplete. topic correctly defined w/3 influences
Film must cover topic, , content correct, minimum 5minutes in length, all group members
must have speaking roles, copy of script is incomplete; / 60-69/ D
At conclusion of showing, unable to handle questions, professional attire rough draft is incomplete
Incomplete by short film rubric / 1-59/ F
Story Board 80 pts / Pts. /Grd
Storyboard must have a title, at least 15 panels, with dialog, colored, no grammatical errors. topic correctly defined w/5 influences / 72-80/ A
Storyboard must have a title, at least 13 panels,with dialog, colored, no grammatical errors. topic correctly defined w/4 influences / 64-71/ B
Storyboard must have a title, at least 11 panels, with dialog, colored, less than 2 errors topic correctly defined w/3 influences / 56-70/ C
Storyboard must have a title, at least 10 panels, with dialog, colored, less than 3 errors / 48-55/ D
Storyboard doesn't meet minimum rubric requirements / 1-47/ F
Story Board presentation 20 pts / Pts ./Grd
Storyboard presentation will tell the story, be clear, able to handle questions, professional attire, full participation / 18-20/ A
With script so as not to be reading off storyboard, vocab words highlighted, need a rough draft
Presentation will tell the story, not clear, some members reading off storyboard, script incomplete with rough draft / 16-17/ B
Presentation will tell story, unable to handle questions, reading off story board, script incomplete, no rough draft / 14-15/ C
Presentation will tell story, unable to handle questions, reading off story board, no script / 12-13/ D
Presentation incomplete by storyboard presentation rubric standards / 1-11/ F
Poster 80 pts / Pts Poss/Grd
Poster will be minimum size 22" x 28", fully colored, titled, with definition, 5 influences with titles, pictures, and captions on influences, / 72-80/ A
no pencil, content must be correct, no spelling errors, 1" border themed, names on back
Poster will be minimum size 22" x 28", fully colored, titled, with definition, 4 influences with titles, pictures, and captions on influences,
no pencil, content must be correct, less than 2 spelling errors, 1" border themed. / 64-71/ B
Poster will be minimum size 22" x 28", not fully colored, titled, with definition,3 influences with titles, pictures, and captions on influences,
pencil, content must be correct, less than 3 spelling errors, border not themed, names on back / 56-63/ C
Poster less than minimum size 22" x 28", not fully colored, titled, with definition less than 2 influences without titles, pictures or captions on influences
pencil, content must be correct, less than 3 spelling errors, no border / 48-55/ D
Poster does not meet minimum rubric requirements / 1-47/ F
Poster presentation 20 pts / Pts Poss/Grd
Poster will be presented by full group in professional attire, with script, no reading off poster, handles questions, / 18-20/ A
minimum 5 minutes, needs a rough draft
Poster will be presented by full group in professional attire, with script, reading off poster, handles questions, / 16-17/ B
minimum 5 minutes
Poster will be presented by full group in professional attire, with script, reading off poster, unable to handle questions, / 14-15/ C
minimum 5 minutes
Poster will be presented by full group in professional attire, script incomplete, reading off poster, unable to handle / 12-13/ D
questions, less than 5 minutes,
Presentation incomplete by rubrics standards / 1-11/ F

*Must turn in full rubric for credit

Your Product score______+ Your Presentation Score______= your total______