Registration Form – 2011 Transgenic Animal Research Conference

Every person who attends any of the scientific sessions of the meeting must be registered. Please submit your registration fee of $1,500.00(US currency) by mail or on-line as soon as possible but before June 15, 2011. The ISTT member registration fee is $1,450 if received by June 15, 2011. All registrations received after June 15, 2011 will be charged a late registration fee of $1,600. Individuals attending the conference, but not staying at Granlibakken, will be charged $700 for registration, meals, receptions and incidental charges.


Name: ______Affiliation: ______

Last First MI

Name for nametag______


Street City State ZIP Code Country

Telephone: (_____) ______Facsimile: (_____) ______e-mail: ______

Granlibakken is located two hours from Davis, and 55 minutes from the Reno airport. Transportation from Davis and from the Reno airport at fixed times will be included in the cost of registration. Transportation from Reno outside the set times will be provided by Granlibakken at a one way cost of $80.00 for one person and $40 per person if 2 or more are in the vehicle. This must be booked in advance. Call 800-543-3221. You will be informed of the set times for organized transportation when we receive attendees itineraries.

I do not need transportation.

Need transportation from Davis.

Need transportation from Reno Airport. Please provide airline, flight number, and expected arrival and departure date and time. Email this information to .

Registration Fee for complete package:

$1,450 ISTT Members (for registrations received before June 15, 2011, $1,600 as of June 16, 2011)

ISTT Membership # ______

$1,500 (for registrations received before June 15, 2011)

$1,600 (for registrations received after June 15, 2011)

$420 (for guests/spouses for the entire week including meals)

All payments must be made in US currency. Payment is to be by check drawn on a US bank or by money order. Make checks payable to: Regents of the University of California. Credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) may be used.

Accommodations: Lodging consists of one, two and three bedroom townhouses, and suites comprised of studio and bedroom. All rooms have private bath, cable TV and direct-dial phones. Kitchens, fireplaces, dining areas, lofts and decks or patios are also typical.

I prefer a single room (note: we can not guarantee single rooms so you maybe placed in a double.)

I prefer a double room.

Housemate(s) preference: Last Name: ______First ______Male Female

Roommate preference: Last Name: ______First ______Male Female

Guest: Last Name: ______First ______

Special arrangements needed, if any: ______

Special food requirements: ______

Graduate/Post Doctoral Student Assistance:

If applying for Graduate/Post Doctoral, please provide the following information:

Major: ______Grad Group: ______

Year of Graduate Study ______Professor: ______

Reason I should be supported: ______


Payment Information:

Enclosed is my check/money order made payable to “UC Regents”

VISA MasterCard American Express Discover

Credit Card Number ______Expiration Date ______3 or 4 digit security code: ______

Name as it appears on card ______Signature______

Please reply to: UC Davis Conference and Event Services

One Shields Avenue

University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616

To register online, please visit See website for cancellation policies and/or to pay by recharge. If you have any questions, please call (530) 752-5787 or e-mail .