Molecular and Cellular Biology Program

Graduate Recruitment and Student Support

Options for Graduate Student Support

1. Provost’s Fellowship Nominations. MCB has the opportunity to submit two nominations for these competitive university fellowships. These awards offer $30,000 stipends and tuition waivers. MCB has been historically been highly successful in this competition, always getting at least one every year nominations went forward. You can find out more about these awards here.

MCB accepts pre-nominations for the Provost’s Fellowships from MCB faculty. The MCB Graduate Recruitment Nomination Form (here) must be filled out by the MCB faculty member and returned to MCB Assistant Director Kirstin Carroll () by the stated deadline. An ad hoc committee will evaluate nominations, and make recommendations to the MCB Director. The MCB Director will submit information for nominees by the fellowship deadline.

2. Molecular Systems Biology Graduate Research Awards. The MCB Program will offer two competitive Graduate Research Awards each academic year, focused on the theme of Molecular Systems Biology. These awards will support recruited students on a GRA for their first academic year at OSU (9 months), with $2,000 monthly stipends. Tuition remissions and OPE costs will also be covered. The MCB Program is grateful to the College of Agricultural Sciences, College of Pharmacy, College of Veterinary Medicine, and the Graduate School for financial support making these awards possible.

MCB accepts pre-nominations for the Graduate Research Awards from MCB faculty. The MCB Graduate Recruitment Nomination Form (here) must be filled out by the MCB faculty member and returned to MCB Assistant Director Kirstin Carroll () by the stated deadline. An ad hoc committee will evaluate nominations, and make recommendations to the MCB Director.

Note: the top-ranked Molecular Systems Biology award nominee will also be nominated for a Provost’s Scholarship, providing an additional $6,000 to the awardee.

3. Mentor Financial Support. Members of the MCB faculty are welcome to provide nominees immediate direct support through grant funds or other resources available to them. The MCB Graduate Recruitment Nomination Form must still be filled out by the MCB faculty member and returned to Kirstin Carroll. MCB will consider these nominations until the application deadline.