Simpson Eagles Robotics Team

Teacher Recommendation

The mission of the Simpson Eagles Robotics Team is to develop effective teamwork, communication, research, and technology skills through participation in First Lego League Competition.


I have completed an application for the Simpson Eagles Robotics Team. As part of my application, I must have recommendations from at least two teachers (at least one academic teacher). I am asking you to complete this form on my behalf. I have put my name on the form.

Teachers: When you have completed this form, please return to Mr. Smith’s box

by Friday, September 4th

Student Name / Grade Homeroom
Please indicate your opinion of the student’s progress in the areas below
Task Oriented
Able to work well with others
Self motivated
Independent worker
Good public speaking skills
Creative Thinker
Academic standing: (Please circle one) Good Fair Poor

I would ___ would not ___ recommend this student for the Simpson Eagles Robotics Team.

Teacher signature:______Date:______

Teachers: When you have completed this form, please return it to Mr. Smith’s box.