Paws for…

Haude News

September 2015

Welcome back Haude Jaguars! We are excited to start a new school year. A special welcome goes out to our new faculty and staff members to Haude Elementary for the 2015-2016 school year. New staff members are: Sarah Schiffer-Carter and Andrea Hay in Kindergarten; Kimberly Gibson in Fourth Grade; Rachel Namkin-Hamaan in Music; Amber Perez is our Speech Therapist and Sharon Ishup in our Developmental Class.


Classroom meetings will be held by your child’s teacher on September 21, 6:30 – 8:00pm.

Information Session 1: 6:30-7:15

Information Session 2: 7:15-8:00

Homeroom teachers will present the same information at two different times. This way parents with more than one child will have a better chance of personally hearing their child’s teacher. If you have only one child, please choose the session that works best for your schedule. If possible, we ask that students not attend these presentations.


The Volunteer Tea will be September 15 from 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. in the Haude cafeteria. This meeting is for current and future Haude volunteers. Come hear about all of the opportunities you can be involved with as a Haude volunteer. Your helpful hands will be appreciated. Also, if you are a new parent at Haude, we cordially invite you to stay afterwards and Mrs. Thomas or Mrs. Wall will take you on a tour of the building. Welcome to the Haude family!


We are very fortunate to have an active and supportive PTO at Haude Elementary. Thanks to the following wonderful ladies who are serving on our PTO Board this year! The Haude PTO Board members for 2014-2015 are:

President Angela Prichard

1st Vice President-Fall fundraiser Angela Prichard

Treasurer Deborah Prevatt

Corresponding Secretary Sarah Knight

Recording Secretary Kortni Mann

Parliamentarian Rachel Gutierrez

Membership Shirl Scanlin

Hospitality Co-Chairs Julie Hronas/Jenny Lanning

Room Parent Coordinator Julie Hronas

Cultural Arts Coordinator Crystal Wardell

Directory Tara O’Donnell

Historian/Memory Book Angela Scott

5th Grade Appreciation Sarah Knight/Sue Roman

Reading Coordinator Amanda Johnson

Volunteer Coordinators Summer Perkins/Michelle Garza

Workroom Coordinator Jennifer Rios

Literacy Support Coordinator Rosalie Reynoso

Box Tops for Education Angelica Perrier

Watch D.O.G.S. Crissy Zak


Kelly Alexander and Summer Perkins are our Volunteer Coordinators. They will be sharing information about all the committees Haude parents can be involved in at our Volunteer Tea. If you would like to volunteer at Haude, please complete the volunteer forms and criminal background check online now at our KISD web address - Click on Departments – Communications and Planning– Volunteers – Volunteer Sign- Up. This is a mandatory procedure for all volunteers throughout the district as a safety measure for our children. If you completed this process last year, there is no need to do it again. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to call Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Perkins or Danette Mordente, school receptionist.


Be sure to view current Haude news by accessing our website through the Klein ISD site. The address is: Our monthly newsletter will be posted online at the campus website. If you do not have access to a computer and you want to continue receiving a paper copy of the newsletter, please complete the form provided at the back of this newsletter and return it to your child’s teacher.


The Klein ISD Student Handbook is accessible on the Klein ISD website. A parent/guardian may request a paper copy of the handbook by completing the form that was sent home the first day of school or by contacting our front office.

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Daily Schedule:

7:50 a.m. Doors Open

8:15 a.m. Morning Bell

8:20 a.m. Tardy Bell

11:05 a.m. End of morning Pre-Kindergarten

3:10-3:15 p.m. Dismissal of car riders, walkers, daycares and buses

The doors to Haude open at 7:50 a.m. In order to keep the line flowing, we need to have each child exit the car when the carpool lines stop. If you are closest to the cafeteria, your child will enter through the cafeteria doors. If you are closest to the front of the school, your child will enter through the front doors. This will allow the line to keep flowing. If you need to enter the building in the morning, please park in the parking lot by the cafeteria. Cars backing out of the main driveway slow down the drop-off traffic. .Bus riders and daycare will continue to be dropped off and picked up by the gym.

Carpool is dismissed from the cafeteria. Parents will display their hang tag number in the right corner of the dashboard. Please pull up in front of the cafeteria doors and wait in your vehicle. A faculty/staff member will bring your child to your car. During afternoon dismissal, please do not block the entrance to All State Leather. This business supports the school throughout the year by allowing us to use their parking lot for special Haude events.

If your child is to go home by any means other than his/her usual way, please send a note to the teachers and the front office so that we will be aware of your plans.

Dismissal is safest and most efficient when:

  1. Students know exactly how to go home.
  2. Students are prepared to follow directions.


If you know that your child will have to leave early, please send a note on the morning of the early dismissal. Parents are required to come in, show identification, and sign the child out before he/she will be allowed to leave the school. Please obtain a doctor’s note or excuse when your child has an appointment with a doctor or dentist. These should be given to our attendance office upon return. Please schedule early dismissals before 2:45pm.


There is an online process available for locating your child’s bus assignment on the district’s website. Go to and click on ‘Departments’, ‘Transportation’, then ‘Bus Route/Street Directory’. Bus-riding rules, miscellaneous questions, seatbelt questions, and a reference to the student handbook can be found on the Klein ISD’s Transportation Department’s home page.


Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the principal a certified copy of the court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any questions, please call Rachel Wall, Principal, at 832-484-5590.


Every pupil who is enrolled in school is expected to attend school regularly, unless he is prevented by illness, death in the family, or other legitimate reasons acceptable under Board of Trustees’ policy or state law. In the event a pupil is absent from school for any reason, he is required on his return to school to bring a written excuse signed by his parents. A student must present a note from his or her parent or guardian within 5 school days after the absence or it becomes categorized as an unexcused absence. It is recommended that the date(s) of the student’s absence be included in the signed parent excuse.

Good attendance is of prime importance for the educational development of each student. A student should never be absent unless it is absolutely necessary. Acceptable and excused absences are the following: personal sickness, sickness in the immediate family (immediate family includes father, mother, brother, sister and grandparents), and school-sponsored activities. Any variation of this may be discussed with the principal.

A student who is absent more than 18 days during the school year may not be given credit except for an illness of the student, as verified by a doctor’s written statement showing the dates of absence, or extenuating circumstances approved by the campus attendance committee, the majority of which consists of classroom teachers.

It is not necessary for a student to have a note from a doctor each time he/she is ill; however, if the number of absences exceeds 18 days in the school year, and if medical reasons are given for an additional absence, a doctor’s note will be required for the day(s) of illness in order to receive academic credit unless waived by the attendance committee.


When your child is absent, you will receive a phone call to your “primary” phone number on file from the automated calling system, Parent Link. Calls will be made each school day starting at 11:30 a.m. Even though you may have called or we may have called you, a written excuse is required upon the child’s return to school. Physician or dentist notes may be faxed to school at 832-484-7862. Please Note: Absences automatically become unexcused if no parental note or doctor’s note is submitted within 5 days of the absence.


In grades K through 12 the opening exercises each morning must include the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Texas flag. In addition, the students must observe one minute of silence. During the one minute of silence, the student may choose to reflect, pray, meditate or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with other students. This is in accordance with Section 25.082 of the Texas Education Code. A parent has the right to submit a letter excusing the student from this activity. If you desire to excuse your child from this activity, please send a letter to his/her teacher.



Students are welcome to participate in our school’s breakfast program. Breakfast will be served from

7:50 a.m. – 8:10 a.m. It is expected that students eating breakfast will finish breakfast and be in their classroom when the tardy bell rings. Students may use the same personal food service account they use for lunch. The cost of a student breakfast is $1.00 and $1.50 for adults.


Student lunches are $2.05. Each student is assigned his/her own PIN (Personal Identification Number) for purposes of purchasing food in the cafeteria serving line. The PIN number should be memorized so that the serving line progresses smoothly and quickly each day. When sending money for breakfast/lunch for a week or more, please place the money or check in an envelope and label as follows:

Child’s Name


Teacher’s Name, Grade

Amount enclosed

If you wish to eat a school lunch with your child, please call to order a lunch. The phone number for the cafeteria is 832-484-5610. This will ensure that everyone will be served. An adult lunch is $3.25.

Due to the limited space in our cafeteria, we ask that parents eat lunch with their child on their grade level’s assigned day of the week. Our schedule this year is as follows:

Monday: 2nd Grade

Tuesday: Kindergarten

Wednesday: 4th and 5th Grade

Thursday: 3rd Grade

Friday: 1st Grade

If you are requesting to eat lunch with your child on a different day of the week, please contact the front office for a lunch reservation.

Please remind your child that the only food that may be consumed at school is that which is provided by the cafeteria, the classroom teacher for instructional purposes, or food brought to school by themselves for their consumption. They may not share or trade food.

Free/Reduced Price Lunch Applications

We are required by Texas Education Association guidelines to give every K-5 student a Free/Reduced Lunch application on the first day of school. Only one application is necessary per family. All applications (new or those who wish to remain in the program) should be returned to the food service department. Processing of the application will be faster if the following information is provided on the application:

  1. Student ID number, grade, school
  2. Correct address and zip code
  3. Social Security number

4.  Signature


Every year we have a number of unclaimed articles in our lost and found because the lost items do not have the student’s name written on them. To avoid losing clothing and/or other items, please write your child’s name on each of his/her belongings.


We would appreciate donations of the following items:

·  Empty Plastic containers with lids of all sizes and shapes

Ex. Butter tub, Creamer bottle, whipped cream tub, etc.

·  Plastic Squeeze Bottles ( Ex. Ketchup Bottle)

·  Plastic Bottles with Pour Spouts (Ex. Coffee Creamer)

Please make sure items are washed out. You can drop off items or send them to school with your student.

Students may drop-off items in the box outside my door.

Thank You,

Leah McWhorter

Art Teacher


Shorts (“athletic attire”, walking or “Bermuda” type)/skirts/dresses are acceptable as long as they are mid-thigh or below. Bike shorts of any style or length, worn either as an outer or visible under garment, are prohibited. Please see page 31-32 of the Elementary Student Handbook for additional information.


One of the service projects and fundraisers for Haude is the operation of a school store. Students may purchase some of their school supplies and/or a Haude t-shirt at the school store on TUESDAY AND THURSDAY mornings from 7:50 - 8:10 throughout the year. The School Store will officially open on September 10th. The new location of the school store is room 107 by the 4th grade hallway.