BIOL 1002: Introductory Biology-Cellular
Summer 2008
Lab Syllabus
Lab Instructor: Eylana Goffe
Office: Room 1132F Liston Campus
Phone: 455-6106
Lab Policy.
1)Lab is worth 25% of your final grade for the course.
2)Students who miss more than 2 labs will not be able to pass the semester. You must have a passing average in lab to pass the course.
3)Your lab grade is calculated as follows:
Quizzes 10% (average of best 10 of 11 quizzes)
Lab Reports10%
Attendance & Participation 5%
4)Quizzes will be given at the beginning of each lab meeting on the lab activity
being performed that day. If you carefully read the lab activity before coming into lab, you should be able to pass the quiz without a problem. Make-up quizzes will not be given, so please arrive to lab on time. The lowest quiz grade (including a zero for an absence) will be dropped.
5)Lab activities will be performed in groups, however lab reports should be
individual efforts. You will use the data generated by your group, but your report must be written by only you. Any paper containing plagiarism from a textbook, website or fellow student will receive a zero and will not be allowed to be rewritten. Late lab reports will have 10 points taken off for each day they are late.
6)Lab safety rules must be strictly adhered to. Violating any safety regulations may
result in dismissal from class. This includes the policy of NO OPEN-TOED
SHOES in lab (sandals with socks are not acceptable). If you show up to lab inappropriately dressed you will not be allowed to come into lab and will receive a zero for attendance and a zero on the quiz. Lab activities cannot be made up.
7) Any student with a documented disability should contact me immediately to allow
adequate time to establish the necessary accommodations.