Updated March27, 2013
Indiana University Purdue University Columbus
NAME:Wills, Katherine V. (Tsiopos) Associate Professor of English
Ph.D.University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.Composition and Rhetoric2004
M.A.Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Writing Studies1991
B.A.Washington University, St. Louis, MO. English1978
B.A.Washington University, St. Louis, MO. Anthropology 1978
2012-2013Interim Division Head of Liberal Arts, IUPUC
2012-2013Associate Professor of English, IUPUC
2010-2012Coordinator of English, IUPUC
2004-2010Assistant Professor in English, IUPUC
2002-2006Lecturer in English. IUPUC
1998-2002Doctoral Student and Teaching Assistant University of Louisville Comp/Rhet
1996-1998Visiting Lecturer in English, IUPUI
1991-1996IUPUI Research Assistant in Biology NIH Alzheimer’s Weaver Mouse Study
1989-1991Master’s Student Indiana University in Writing
1986-1991President, Port of Nashville, Inc. Nautical Home Nautical Décor Boutique
1983-1986Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Mohs Surgery and Research Assistant
1981-1983University of Chicago Lying-In-Hospital Chicago, IL Histology Research Assistant
1978-1980St. Joseph Hospital Internship in Histology Technique
1976-1978Undergraduate Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Continuing EducationHours 52/5.2: scorer AP English Literature.Jun 7-14, 2012. Louisville, KY.
Certified Human Subjects Test. IUPUI (2012).
Continuing EducationHours 52/5.2: scorerAP EnglishLiterature. Jun 10-17, 2011.Louisville, KY.
Certified by IUPUI for a Certificate in Preventing Sexual Harassment(2011)
Certified by American Society of Histological Methods at St. Joseph’s Hosp. Chicago, IL 1980
National Conference of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Conference on College Composition & Communication (CCCC)
Research Network Forum Executive Council at the CCCC
Writing Program Administrators (WPA and WPA-L)
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Association for Business Communication (ABC), 6 years chair of MLA ABC Committee
Association of Teachers of Technical Writing ATTW & ATTW-L
Modern Greek Studies Association
International Society for Writing Research
FACET 2010-Current.
Nominated,OutstandingTeaching Award.IUPUC 2012. (T)
Nominated, Outstanding Faculty Service Award.IUPUC. 2011. (S)
Nominated, Outstanding Faculty in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity.IUPUC2010.(T)
FACET: Inaugurated into theFaculty Colloquium on Excellence inTeaching. Mar 2010. (T)
Prestigious External Award Recognition (PEAR) from IUPUC for collection below Apr. 2008. (T)
National Award for Best New Collection in Technical and Scientific Writing by National Council of
Teachers of English (2007)for co-edited collection Critical Power Tools: Technical
Communication andCultural Studies.Blake Scott, Bernadette Longo, and Katherine V. Wills (eds.). NY: SUNY, 2006. Teaching-related research:“The first book to focus on the intersection of cultural studies and technical communication,Critical Power Tools drawson various traditions of cultural studies to develop new or expanded theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical approaches to technical communication. The collection is offered as a sourcebook for the field.”
National Research Network Forum Award at CCCC for teaching-related research and service presented attheConference on College Composition and Communication for teaching- related research and service.Mar 2010. (R on T)
Affton School District Alumni Hall of Fame Award. External recognition for Lifetime community
achievement. St Louis, MO. Mar 2010. (S)
Outstanding Research Faculty Award.IUPUC.Columbus, IN. May 2008. (R on T)
Outstanding Fulltime Faculty Award.IUPUC.Columbus, IN. May 2006. (R, T, & S)
Nominated, Outstanding Female Faculty Leader.IUPUI. 2006.
COURSES TAUGHT (In rank since 2006)
Course Number / Title / Term / EnrollmentW130 / Principles of Composition / FA 06 / 20
W131 / Elementary Composition 1 / FA 06 / 22
W231 / Professional Writing / FA 06 / 9
W132 / Elementary Composition 2 / SP 07 / 17
W231 / Professional Writing / SP 07 / 14
W302 / Screenwriting / SP 07 / 1
W132 / Elementary Composition 2 / SU1 07 / 10
W132 / Elementary Composition 2 / SU2 07 / 6
W203 / Intro to Drama / SU2 07 / 2
W411 / Directed Writing / FA 07 / 1
W231 / Professional Writing / FA 07 / 14
W131 / Elementary Composition 1 / FA 07 / 18 Online
W132 / Elementary Composition 2 / SP 08 / 18
W132 / Elementary Composition 2 / SP 08 / 10
W301 / Fiction Writing / SP08 / 1
W400 / Issues in Teaching Writing / FA08 / 9
W231 / Professional Writing / FA08 / 12
W131 / Elementary Composition 1 / FA08 / 23 Online
W231 / Professional Writing / SP 09 / 14
E450 / English Capstone / SP 09 / 3
W231 / Professional Writing / FA 09 / 18
W400 / Issues in Teaching Writing / FA 09 / 8
W301 / Fiction Writing Workshop / FA 09 / 2
W231 / Professional Writing / SP 10 / 16
W208 / Introduction to Poetry Writing / SP 10 / 6
W303 / Poetry Writing Seminar / SP 10 / 6
E450 / English Capstone / SP 10 / 2
L431 / Topics in Literary Study: IS / SU 10 / 1
W131 / Elementary Composition 1 / FA 10 / 24 Online
L 115 / Literature for Today / FA 10 / 11
E450 / English Capstone / SP 11 / 5
W401 / Advanced Fiction Writing / SP 11 / 11
W301 / Fiction Writing Workshop / SP 11 / 10
W411 / Directed Writing / SP 11 / 3
W131 / Elementary Composition I / SU 11 / 11
W411 / Directed Writing / FA 11 / 1
Advanced Poetry Writing / FA 11 / 3
Poetry Writing / FA 11 / 4
W131 / Elementary Composition I / FA 11 / 17
W206 / Creative Writing / SP 12 / 14
W360 / Technical Writing / SP 12 / 8
W131 / Elementary Composition I / SU 12 / 15
L115 / Literature for Today / SU 12 / 8
E398 / English Internship- Disney / FA 12 / 1
W302 / Screenwriting / FA 12 / 9
W231 / Professional Writing / FA 12 / 22
W301 / Fiction Writing / SP 13 / 8
W401 / Fiction Writing Advanced / SP 13 / 2
TCM 36000 / Technical Writing / SP 13 / 16
Judge, National Council Teachers of English for best collection of essays and best book in scientific and technical writing 2008-2013. Invited.
Reviewer for Business Communication Quarterly.2009-13
Reviewer forComposition Studies Journal.2008-13
Chairperson, Allied Organization Association for Business Communication (ABC) 2006-2011.
Chairperson for ABC at Modern Language Association Convention 2006-2011. I organize panel
sessions at MLA for ABC: collect proposals, select and contact presenters, publish CPF, maintain
records, and disseminate the most current ideas of the business and technical writers.
Publicist :Research Network Forum at Conference on College Composition and
Communication (2001-2013).I publish the call for proposals for RNF, contact journals, design
ads, provide table and sessions numbers.
Chairperson, Allied Organization Non-tenure-Track Faculty at MLA, 2000-2006.
Breading News Editor: Workplace: E-Journal for Academic Labor. Breaking News Editor
2000 to 2008 < .
E.C. Moore Symposium
Wills, K.V. DISCUSSANT.“Service Learning and Community Literacies: Learning Across Difference.” Research Network Forum atConference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO. Mar 14, 2012. (T)
Wills, K.V. DISCUSSANT.“Professional Writing and Audience: Pedagogical Issues.”
Research Network Forum at Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO. Mar 14, 2012. (T)
Wills, K.V., & C. Scott (student). “Literacy and Local Archival Research on Chaos ISculpture: Service Learning Project.”Conference on College Composition and Communication. St. Louis, MO. Mar 22, 2012. Poster session. (T)
Wills, K.V., & C. Scott (student).“Engaging Students Archival Research in a Service Learning Project.”E.C. Moore Symposium. Indianapolis, IN. Mar 3, 2012. Poster session (T)
Wills, K.V., & C. Scott (student).“Researching of on Chaos ISculpture:Service Learning Near Home.”Office of Student Research IUPUC. Columbus, IN. Apr 3, 2012. Poster session (T)
Wills, K.V. “Teaching Business Communication through Simulation Games.”Modern Language Association session sponsored by Association for Business Communication. Seattle, WA Jan 7, 2012. (T)
Tsiopos-Wills, K.V.“Reflectionson Service Learning.”Fourth International Symposium on Service Learning.Ningbo Technological Institute. Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. Sep 24, 2011.
Tsiopos-Wills, K.V.“Service-Learning Experience as a Teaching Tool for Technical Writers across Cultures. “Fourth International Symposium on Service Learning.Ningbo Technological Institute. Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. Sep 24, 2011. (T) INTERNATIONAL
Wills, K.V.,& T. Dibble. (2011). “Bringing Back the Face ;-))to the Classroom: Transforming
Virtual Presence to Face-to-Face Presence in the Classroom through Technology.” FACET
Seminar for Associate Faculty. Indianapolis, IN (T)
Wills, K.V. RESPONDENT: “Do You See What I See?:Affective and Empirical Uses of Visuals in Business Writing.” Association for Business Communication at the Modern Language AssociationConvention.Los Angeles, CA. Jan 8, 2011. (T)
Wills,K. V.“Making an Argument for Teaching Code-Switching in First-Year Writing Classes.”Thomas R. Watson Conference on Composition and Rhetoric.University of Louisville.Louisville, KY. Oct.15, 2010. (T)
Killian, L., K. V. Wills. “International Perspective on Service Learning: Crossing Boundaries through Research.” IUPUI. Oct 28-31, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V., D. Wiley. “PUL-LEASE!: Teaching of Critical Thinking PUL Two.” Columbus Center for Teaching and Learning. Columbus, IN. October 8, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V. “Teaching in the Writing Center.”IUPUC Bridge Program. Academic Resource Center.Aug 17, 2010.(T)
Wills, K. V., R. Rice.“Supporting ePortfolios from the Classroom to the Workplace.” Conference for the Association for Authentic Evidence-Based and Learning.Boston, MA. Jul 20, 2010. (T)
Killian, L.,& K. V. Wills, with S. BreedingC. Warner (2 students). “Alternative Spring Break: Spring Break Plunge 2010.” IUPUI 6th Annual Civic Engagement Showcase. IUPUI Apr 6, 2010.(T)
Killian, L.,& K. V. Wills, with D. Miller S. Breeding, C. Warner (2 students).“Service Learning Panel Discussion.”Columbus Center for Teaching and Learning.Apr 9, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V. “How to Teach ePortfolios.”Research Network Forum atConference on College
Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY.Mar15, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V., & T. Clerkin. “Reflective Practice and Team Simulation Projects for Improved Learning Outcomes.”College Conference on Composition and Communication. Louisville, KY.Mar14, 2010. (T)
Killian, L. & K. V. Wills. “Service Learning and Teaching.” Columbus Center for Teaching and Learning. Columbus, IN.Apr9, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V., T. Clerkin,A. Solis (student).“Reflective Practice and Team Simulation Projects for Improved Learning Outcomes.”Edward C. Moore Symposium. Apr2, 2010. (T)
Wills, K. V., & L. Killian. “Learning about Community Service through an Alternative Spring Break Course.”Indiana Governor’sConference on Service and Volunteerism. Oct30, 2009. (T)
Wills,K. V., & T. Clerkin. “Incorporating Reflective Practice into Team Simulation Projects for Improved Learning Outcomes.” Ninth Annual Hawaii international Conference on Business. Honolulu, Hawaii. Jun. 14, 2009. (T)
Wills. K. V.,M. Dahlquist (student). “Overcoming Student Resistance to E-books.” 2009
Edward C. Moore Symposium.Indianapolis, IN.Apr. 2, 2009. Poster session.(T)
Wills, K.V. RESPONDENT: “Programmatic Horizons in Business Communication: Visions and
Revisionists.” sponsored by Association for Business Communication at the Modern Language
Association Convention. San Francisco, CA. Dec 29, 2008. (T)
Fox, S., S. Weeden, K. Lovejoy, & K. V. Wills. “Different Voices in the Writing Classroom.”
Indiana Teachers of Writing.Indianapolis, IN. Oct10, 2008. (T)
Wills, K. V."Eportfolio as Panopticon of Academic Labor." Graduate Research Forum at
Computers and Writing Conference. Univ. of Georgia. Athens, GA. May 22, 2008. (T)
Wills, K. V. “What and Who do ePortfolios Represent? The Changing Realities of Electronically
Supporting Documenting, and Assessing Learning and Teaching.” Conference on College
Composition and Communication. New Orleans. LA.Apr5, 2008 (T)
Wills, K. V. “Addressing and Expanding Language Diversity in Writing Instruction: Issues and
Implications.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New Orleans. Apr 3,
2008. (T)
Wills, K. V. “Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Composition to Learning Disabled Students.”E.C. MooreSymposiumPoster Session. IUPUI at Indianapolis, IN. Mar 2, 2007. (T)
“Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Composition to Learning Disabled Students.” E.C. Moore SymposiumPoster Session. IUPUI at Indianapolis. IN. Mar 2, 2007.
Wills, K. V., & J. Spector. “Classroom Politics of Autism Syndrome Disorder. Building Classroom Culture with OCD/Aspergers’s/NLD Composition Students: Assessment and Collaboration.”Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. Mar. 23, 2006. (T)
Wills, K. V. "Enhancing Your Teaching by Understanding Generational Trends Among College Students." Center for Teaching and Learning Professional Development Week.Columbus, IN. Sept. 16, 2006. (T)
Wills, K. V.,B. Smith (student). "Innovations in Writing Center Online Tutoring Delivery." E.C. MooreSymposiumPoster Session. Indianapolis, IN. Feb.24, 2006. (T)
Wills, K.V. "Innovations in Writing Center Online Tutoring Delivery." E.C. Moore SymposiumPoster Session. Co-presented with student Brandi Smith IUPUC Indianapolis. IN. Feb 24, 2006.
Wills, K.V. “Diasporic Identity: The Struggle to Find Meaningful Work in Three Anglophone Caribbean Novels: Brown Girls, Brown Stones; Zami: A Biomythography; and Lucy” Third
International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Aug 3, 2005. INTERNATIONAL
Wills, K.V. “Inviting Language Diversity in the Composition Classroom, in the Writing Program, and Across Campus.” (2005). Kim Lovejoy, Steve Fox, and Katherine Wills. Second Annual Written Discourse and Intercultural Rhetoric Conference. Sponsored by Indiana Center for Intercultural Communication (ICIC) at IUPUI. Indianapolis, IN Jul 23, 2005.
Wills, K.V. “Language Diversity in the Classroom: A Campus-wide Perspective.” Conference on College Composition and Communication San Francisco, CA. Mar 17, 2005.
Wills, K.V. “Never Missing a Beat.” Creative Writing Special Interest Group. Conference on College Composition and Communication San Francisco, CA. Mar 17, 2005.
Wills, K.V. Research Network Forum Discussion Leader. Conference on College Composition and Communication San Francisco, CA. Mar 16, 2005.
Wills, K.V. “Daddy Dearest: Chaos Theory and the Demise of Patriarchy in Magnolia and American Beauty.” Twentieth Century Literature Conference. Louisville, KYFeb 24, 2005.
Wills, K.V. “Using Cultural Studies Strategies to Teach Technical Communication.” Association of Business Communication at the Modern Language Association. Philadelphia, PA. Dec 2004.
Wills, K.V. “Sustainable Distance Education.” Computers and Writing Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. May 2004. DickieSelfe, Stuart Selber, Karla Kitlalong, Kate Latteral. Virtual attendance.
Wills, K.V. “Center-fugal, Center-Petal: Composition at the Center.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Workshop (W3). Mar 24, 2004.
Wills, K.V. “No Student Left Unresearched: Facing Ethical Methodological and Theoretical Concerns When Researching K-12.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. (E.35). Mar 25, 2004.
Wills, K.V. “Writing Down the Body.”Poetry Special Interest Group. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Mar 25, 2004.
Wills, K.V. “Research Network Forum” Discussant. Conference on College Composition and Communication.Mar 25, 2004.
Wills, K.V.” Each One, Teach One Old Pedagogies Combine with New Media or Using Class Archives to Enhance Student Learning.” Technology: With student Debbie Sexton Poster Session. E. C. Moore Symposium. IUPUI Indianapolis, IN. Feb 7, 2004.
Tsiopos-Wills, K. “Social Agency in the Administration of Writing and Technology.” Eleventh International Literacy and Education Research Network Conference. Havana Cuba, Cojimar Pedagogical Convention. Havana, Cuba Jun 27, 2004. (Virtual presentation and registration).
Wills, K.V. “Each One, Teach One: Using Old Time Pedagogical Strategies to Enhance Learning.” E. C. Moore Symposium. IUPUI Indianapolis, IN Feb 2, 2004.
Wills, K.V. “Centrifugal Forces: Writing Centers.” Thomas R. Watson Conference. Louisville, KY Oct 2004.
Wills, K.V. Respondent “Professional Communication and Globalization II: Integrating Global
Issues into Pedagogy. San Diego, CA. Modern Language Association. Dec.29, 2003.
Wills, K.V. “Writing Program Administrators in Computer-Mediated Environments.” Computers and Writing.Purdue University. Lafayette, IN. May 22, 2003.
Wills, K.V. “An Ecological View of Education: Campus, Community, and Cummins Engine Company.” Edward C. Moore Symposium. With Student IUPUI Indianapolis, IN. Mar 7, 2003.
Tsiopos-Wills, K. “Ambrosia and Abuse: Greek Male Violence on the Female Body in
American Media.” The Flesh Made Text: Bodies, Theories, and Cultures in the Post Millennial Era
Conference. Aristotle University: Thessalonica, Greece: May 17, 2003. INTERNATIONAL
Wills, K.V. “Eros and Thanatos: The Consequences of Love at the Margins in American Beauty.” Co-presented with Judy Spector. Twentieth Century Literature Conference.Louisville, KY. Feb 28, 2003.
Tsiopos-Wills, K. “Auto Ensc(s)cryption/ AutoErasure: Ghetto Wannabes and the Female Body as Billboard”. Body Modification Conference. MacQuarie University-Division of Society, Culture, Media and Philosophy. Sydney, AUS. Apr25, 2003 (In Absentia). INTERNATIONAL
Wills, K.V. “Who is Competent to Assess?” Assessment Special Interest Group. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Co-presenters: Kathleen Yancey, Michael Williamson, Sandra Murphy, Arnetha Ball, Monica Luebke, Peggy O’Neill. New York, NY. Apr21, 2003.
Wills, K.V. “Body/Slam: An Exercise Toward Creative/Body Awareness.” Poetry Special Interest Group. Conference on College Composition and Communication. Co-presenters: George Kalamaras, Joan Goodman, Patrick Lawler, Janine DeBaise. New York, NY.Apr 1, 2003.
Wills, K.V. “’Pedagogy of the Oppressors: Literacy Lessons From Corporate Universities.” Modern Language Association. New York, NY. Dec. 29, 2002.
Wills, K.V. “’You’re Stupid.’ How Ignorance of Non-Native Language Speaker Traits Shapes Identity.” Thomas R. Watson Conference. University of Louisville. Louisville, KY.October 10, 2002.
Wills, K.V. ‘’Reading Uncle Sam: A Bakhtinian Analysis of the NII Agenda for Action.” Rhetoric Society of America.Las Vegas, NV. May 26, 2002.
“Pedagogy of the Accessed: Towards a Computer-Mediated Pedagogy.” Computers and Writing Conference 2002. Illinois S.U. Normal, IL. May 17, 2002.
Wills, K.V. “Hip Hop WAC: Students Redefine Writing in a Junior High School Technology Camp.” Writing Across the Curriculum Conference 2002. Houston, TX. Mar. 9, 2002.
Wills, K.V. “An Ideograph of Diasporic Experience: Reading Kingston’s The Woman Warrior.” Twentieth Century-Literature Conference.Univof Louisville. Louisville, KY. Feb. 22, 2002.
Wills, K.V. "Mean E-Streets: The Violence of the Virtual." Conference on College Composition and Communication.Chicago, IL. 2002. Mar 22, 2001.
Wills, K.V. “Writing Program Administration Poster Session. Poster Session: Administrative Agency Update.” Conference on College Composition and Communication.Chicago, IL. Mar21, 2002.
Wills, K.V. “Bakhtin and Vygotsky Special Interest Group: Analysis of the National Information Infrastructure.” Conference on College Composition and Communication.Chicago, IL. Mar 22, 2002.
Wills, K.V. "Maxine Hong Kingston’s The Woman Warrior: Encouraging Diasporic Diversity through Literature." Baltimore, MD.National Council of Teachers of English. Nov 17, 2001. JK7.
Wills, K.V. "Exegesis of the Exile: Re-inscribing the Political Émigré as the American Bootstrap Immigrant." Modern Language Association. Section on Non-Fiction Writing: Exile, Emigration and Ethnography. New Orleans, LA.Dec 28, 2001.
Wills, K.V. "Using Bloom to Bridge the WAC/WID Divide." Writing Across Curriculum National Conference. IndianaUniversityBloomington, IN. With Geoffrey Cross. May 2, 2001.
Wills, K.V. "Distance Education and the Military." CPE Faculty Development Kentucky
Conference on Scholarship of Teaching and Distance Learning. Bowling Green, KY. May 21,
Wills, K.V. “From Classroom to the Cubicle: Reading the Rhetoric of Emerging Corporate Universities." International Reading Association. New Orleans, LA. May 4, 2001.
Wills, K.V. “Assessing Sex: Who Benefits from De-Gendered Writing and Visual Rhetoric in the Computer-Mediated Classroom?” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Denver, CO. Mar 16, 2000.
Wills, K.V. "Kosovo: The Uses of the Internet for War." Session: (Web) Weapons of Mass Creation and Destruction.” Computers and WritingConference2001. Ball State U. Muncie, IN. May 22, 2000.
Wills, K.V. "Discussion on Part-timeand Non-tenure Track Faculty." Modern Language Association. Washington, D.C. Dec 27, 2000.
Wills, K.V. "Clashing Titans in the Classroom: What Happen(ed) in the Classroom When Departmental Objectives Conflicted With Computer-Mediated Instruction." Thomas R. Watson Conference, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Oct 27, 2000.
Wills, K.V. "Poster Session of an Electronic Classroom Etiquette Page/Handout." Computers and Writing2000. Texas Women's University. Ft. Worth, TX. May 26, 2000.
Wills, K.V. "Form Follows Function: A Hypertext Syllabus Encourages Critical Thinking in the Business Communication Class." Association of Business Communication in the 21st Century Conference. Indianapolis, IN. April 28, 2000.
Wills, K.V. “Research Network Forum." Conference on College Communication and Composition. Apr 12, 2000. Minneapolis, MN. With Geoffrey Cross and Mary Jane Cherry.
“Ambrosia and Abuse: Patricia Storace’s Dinner with Persephone.” Twentieth Century Literature
Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KYFeb 17, 1999.
Wills, K.V. “Degrees of Shame: Part-time and Non-Tenure Track Faculty as the New Majority.”
Modern Language Association. San Francisco, CA. Dec 28, 1998.
Wills, K.V. “Under-Prepared Students: Teaching Teachers About Education.” Roundtable
discussant. National Conference of Teachers of English. Nashville, TN. Nov18, 1998.
Wills, K.V. “The Verticulization of literacy of Corporate Universities: Tommy Hilfiger vs. Thomas
Mann.” Colloquium on Graduate Pedagogy and Literacy. University of Pittsburgh,PA. Nov5, 1998.
Wills, K.V. “Interdisciplinary Use of Writing to Teach Mathematics: Four Exercises to Increase
Student Learning Through the Use of Writing.” University of Cincinnati Teaching Academic
Survival Skills. Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill MA. Jun 14, 1998.
“Interdisciplinary Use of Writing to Teach Mathematics: Four Exercises to Increase Student
Learning Through the Use of Writing.” University of Cincinnati Teaching Academic Survival Skills.
Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill MA. Jun14, 1998. Co-presented with Howard W.