Work Experience Policy

Work Experience Policy

Document Status: Final

Document Ref: HRPOL - 003

Originator:Zoe Wolicki

Updated: Zoe Wolicki

Owner: Anica Goodwin

Version: 01.01.02

Date: September 17

Approved byCorporate Management Team / Appointments and Staffing

Classification: SEC1 - Routine

1 of 13

Work Experience Policy

Document Location

This document is held by Tamworth Borough Council, and the document owner is HR.

Printed documents may be obsolete; an electronic copy will be available on Tamworth Borough Councils Intranet. Please check for current version before using.

Revision History

Revision Date / Version Control / Summary of changes
September 17 / 01.01.02 / Minor, titles and formatting, Community Impact Assessment attached

Approvals Creation and Major Change

Name / Title / Approved

Approvals Minor Change and Scheduled Review

Name / Title / Approved
Anica Goodwin / Director / 19/05/17

Approval Path

Major ChangeAction


OwnerHead of Paid Service

TULGConsultative Group

CMTCorporate Approval

Appts & Staffing CommitteeCouncil Approval

Minor Change


TULG Consultative Group

DirectorDelegated Approval

Document Review Plans

This policy/ procedure will be reviewed on a 3 yearly basis unless it has:

  • A monetary value included within it, in which case an annual review will be required, and/ or
  • A legislative change is required as directed by government.


The document will be *distributed through NETConsent and *will also be available on the Intranet and paper based copies.

Security Classification

This document is classified as SEC 1 Routine with access restricted to Tamworth Borough Council Staff and business partners.

  1. Scope

This policy contains guidelines for Council staff in considering and accommodating requests for work-experience.

This policy applies to all requests for work-experience received by Council.

This policy does not apply to volunteers working at the Council as they are covered under a separate policy.

  1. Objectives

Council acknowledges the importance of work-experience to job seekers and students.

As a major employer in Tamworth, the Council accepts a responsibility to provide meaningful work-experience as an opportunity for participants to gain an understanding of the requirements of the particular occupational area in which they are placed. As work-experience requires close supervision of participants, this responsibility must be balanced with Council's operational requirements.

Council will not use work-experience participants as a substitute for filling vacant positions. Work-experience positions are supernumerary positions.

The provision of work-experience is considered to be an important public relations exercise for Council in the local community in addition to providing the opportunity to attract applicants to future positions.

  1. Definitions

Work-experience programs are programs that are arranged as part of a recognised program or course of study and include:

a) school work-experience programs

b) college/university work-experience programs or compulsory work placements

c) government and community-based work-experience programs including Staffordshire Open Door

d) recognised rehabilitation programs.

Voluntary work-experience occurs when a person volunteers their services without pay, for the purpose of improving their work-related skills. Voluntary work-experience does not form part of a recognised work-experience program.

Child-related employment is employment that involves direct contact with a person under 18 years of age.

Direct supervision occurs when a responsible Council officer is present at all times observing and directing, as required, the activities of the work-experience participant.

  1. Responsibilities

Approval of work-experience placements

The Head of Service of the appropriate section will ultimately determine whether or not a work-experience participant can be accommodated. Completion of Appendix 1 is essential for all work placement applications.

Service responsibilities

Each service shall:

  • ensure that work experience is not provided in operational areas that pose potentially serious occupational health and safety risks, and carry out and document risk assessments
  • ensure that work experience is not provided in areas that may compromise the confidentiality of Council's business
  • determine the amount of work experience that can be realistically provided and respond to all requests fairly and in good time
  • allocate a responsible person to supervise the work-experience participant and ensure they are supervised at all times;
  • provide the work-experience participant with details of the appropriate contact officer in case of emergency or inability to attend
  • maintain records of the work-experience participant's attendance
  • ensure that prior to placement; work-experience participants undertake appropriate training to ensure they meet relevant occupational health and safety requirements
  • ensure that the work experience student undergoes relevant induction procedures and checklists are signed to record details of the induction process
  • ensure work-experience participants adhere to Council Policy, relevant legislation and regulations at all times
  • complete any required appraisals of the work-experience participant's performance during the period of work-experience
  • notify Human Resources and the relevant institution, where appropriate, of any concerns regarding the work-experience participant immediately they become apparent

Responsibilities of the work-experience participant

The work-experience participant shall:

  • provide Council with a completed Work Experience Application form (Appendix 1) and any documentation from the relevant institution/organisation to demonstrate the work-placement is an approved part of a relevant program or course of study
  • comply with all Council Policy, procedures, relevant legislation and regulations and the reasonable lawful instructions of the work experience supervisor
  • comply with Council's standards of professional behaviour including courtesy and confidentiality during the period of their work-experience
  • contact the Council officer designated as their supervisor during the period of the work-experience within 30 minutes of the agreed starting time, should they be unable to attend on any particular day
  • discuss any issues or concerns relating to the work-experience activities assigned to them with the Council officer designated as their supervisor
  • discuss any issues or concerns relating to the work-experience placement with either the Council officer designated as their supervisor, the Council's Human Resources Team and/or the work-experience supervisor from the relevant institution
  • ensure that they are appropriately attired taking into consideration the nature of the duties, occupational health and safety requirements and contact with the public

Responsibilities of the Human Resources Team

The Human Resources team shall:

  • develop and maintain the policy and procedures associated with requesting and carrying out work-experience placements
  • store and manage any documentation obtained to support the work-experience placement, including contact details.
  • advise on any clearances required.
  • assist the supervising service to oversee work-experience placements, including, ensuring appropriate induction programs are completed, monitoring the progress of the work-experience participant and handling any grievances.
  1. Duration of work-experience

The duration of work-experience should generally be:

  • a maximum of two week for secondary school students
  • a maximum of 12 weeks for tertiary students and all other work experience participants.

This is usually conducted in a single block, however, single or half-days over a period of time may be approved at the discretion of the Head of Service in consultation with Human Resources.

  1. Payment for work-experience

Payments are not made by the Council for work experience placements.


Information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed.

Personal Details

Title: Surname:Forename:

Address for correspondence:

Date of birth:




Next of Kin:






Teacher/careers adviser:



Dates of work experience:

Area/department required (please tick):

TamworthCastleMuseumPlanning & Development

Environmental HealthCommunity Wardens


Democratic ServicesGraphics

Specify area of interest:

Are you related to any officer or Councillor? yes/no

If yes, please list:


Please give details of the subjects/qualifications you have or are working towards

Subject / Awarding Body / Grade/Expectation / Date (to be) Taken

Work Experience

Please give details of any jobs or work experience you already have.

Role (including duties carries out) / Employer / From / To

Supporting information

This is your opportunity to promote yourself, to identify why you would like to gain some work experience at the Council. Please use this space to provide any supporting information to go with your application. Supporting information can be anything that is not already covered by questions on the form and may include any hobbies, interest or other activity either within or outside school, which you enjoy (continue on a separate sheet if necessary):

Signature (student):

Print name: Date:

Part 1 – Details
What Policy/ Procedure/ Strategy/Project/Service is being assessed? / Work Experience Policy
Date Conducted / 19/02/2018
Name of Lead Officer and Service Area / Zoe Wolicki
Commissioning Team
(if applicable) / N/A
Director Responsible for project/service area / Anica Goodwin
Who are the main stakeholders / Employees
Describe what consultation has been undertaken. Who was involved and what was the outcome / CMT
Outline the wider research that has taken place (E.G. commissioners, partners, other providers etc)
What are you assessing? Indicate with an ‘x’ which applies / A decision to review or change a service / 
A Strategy/Policy/Procedure / 
A function, service or project / 
What kind of assessment is it? Indicate with an ‘x’ which applies / New / 
Existing / 
Being reviewed / 
Being reviewed as a result of budget constraints / End of Contract / 
Part 2 – Summary of Assessment
Give a summary of your proposal and set out the aims/ objectives/ purposes/ and outcomes of the area you are impact assessing.
All people who apply for a work experience with TBC. This policy provides guidance on the process of recruitment and selection
Who will be affected and how?
This policy applies to all requests for work-experience received by Council and provides guidance on the recruitment and selection process as well as the experience the Council will provide.
Are there any other functions, policies or services linked to this impact assessment?
If you answered ‘Yes’, please indicate what they are?
All employees
Part 3 – Impact on the Community
Thinking about each of the Areas below, does or could the Policy function, or service have a direct impact on them?
Impact Area / Yes / No / Reason (provide brief explanation )
Age /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of age
Disability /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of disability
Gender Reassignment /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of gender reassignment
Marriage & Civil Partnership /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of marital status
Pregnancy & Maternity /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of pregnancy and maternity
Race /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of race
Religion or belief /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of religion or belief
Sexual orientation /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of sexual orientation
Sex /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of sex
Gypsy/Travelling Community /  /  / Not a factor
Those with Caring/Dependent responsibilities /  /  / The policy applies consistent and fair treatment irrespective of carer responsibilities
Those having an offending past /  /  / Not a factor
Children /  /  / Not a factor
Vulnerable Adults /  /  / Not a factor
Families /  /  / Not a factor
Those who are homeless /  /  / Applicants need to supply a home address
Those on low income /  /  / Not a factor
Those with Drug or Alcohol problems /  /  / Not a factor
Those with Mental Health issues /  /  / Not a factor
Those with Physical Health issues /  /  / Not a factor
Other (Please Detail) /  / 
Part 4 – Risk Assessment
From evidence given from previous question, please detail what measures or changes will be put in place to mitigate adverse implications
Impact Area / Details of the Impact / Action to reduce risk
Eg: Families / Families no longer supported which may lead to a reduced standard of living & subsequent health issues / Signposting to other services. Look to external funding opportunities.
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Work Experience Policy

Part 5 - Action Plan and Review

Detail in the plan below, actions that you have identified in your CIA, which will eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and/or foster good relations.

If you are unable to eliminate or reduce negative impact on any of the impact areas, you should explain why

Impact (positive or negative) identified / Action / Person(s) responsible / Target date / Required outcome
Outcomes and Actions entered onto Covalent

Date of Review (If applicable) ………………………………………………..

End of Document

1 of 13 / Classified: SEC1 Routine