Intent to Re-Enroll


The Brewton Elementary School Recorder Class

(Revised, 9/22/15)

Your child may re-enroll in the class using this form only if he/she has his/her recorder and Recorder Karate book; otherwise, he/she will need to enroll as a new student so a recorder and book can be ordered for him/her. If your child needs to enroll as a new student, he/she will need a different enrollment form; he may not use this form to enroll in the class if he needs another recorder/Recorder Karate book. Other required materials for the class are: a 1” three-ring binder with pockets, two (2) pencils, Recorder Karate CD (please include a blank CD if he/she has lost or damaged the old one). If he/she has lost his/her belt(s), he/she must re-test for replacement belt(s). In order for your child to officially re-enroll in the class, the following is required (by Friday, October 30th):

·  Submission of this form (if the student is re-enrolling and has his/her recorder, Recorder Karate book and other required materials)

·  Parental enrollment in Remind (texting @bespipes to 81010, or sending an E-mail to )

Students who are not officially enrolled by the deadline above will not be allowed to participate.

Name______Homeroom Teacher______



Primary Home Phone______

Work Phone Number(s)______


Whom should we contact in case of an emergency?

Name Relationship Contact Number(s)

Your signature indicates that you give your child permission to participate in this class. Your signature also indicates that both you and your child have read and/or discussed the guidelines and expectations for this class and will adhere to them. Your child’s failure to do so may result in his/her immediate expulsion from the class. Please be sure to enroll in Remind by October 30th to ensure that your child is officially re-enrolled in the class.


(Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian)

If you have a Facebook account, please consider joining the BES Recorder Class Facebook Group for up-to-date information regarding recorder classes. You’ll also be able to see pictures of your budding musician(s)!