Saint Ambrose of Woodbury Catholic School
HandS (Home and School Association)
Minutes forAugust 5, 2014
Attendance: Jen Kimlinger, Lisa Wurtinger, Ann Limegrover, Betsy Hand
1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Approval of May 20th, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes
Spelling correction for Julia Bray to Julie Bray
4. Report from Board Members
A. Principal’s Report- Betsy Hand
Congratulation to our new Principal! Betsy is excited and has received great support starting this new position. She was at Sunday Mass promoting St. Ambrose education and enjoyed seeing so many alumni families sending well their well-wishes.
Hiring for vacant positions continues to move forward. New families are still coming through St. Ambrose requesting information and tours of our school. The "Good Shepard" program is also moving forward now identifying "Mentor Families" to match up with new families. An email went out this past Monday to new families asking if they would like to have a mentor family. The response was overwhelmingly position. Betsy will continue to work with Kathy Wolf to implement this program.
B. Treasurer’s Report -Ann J.
The report is pending several outstanding items and will be available for September's meeting.
C. Fundraising Coordinator's Report- CJ
On-Going Programs
Box Tops and Labels for Education
- Box Tops
- End of the year Box Tops were submitted in June
- This money is seen in the December check ($864 "banked")
- Labels for Education
- Current balance is 22,060 points.
Target Red Card
- Current 2013-2014 donation to SAW is $8660. (August is final month! Hope to see $9000+ in that annual check)
- Plan to reinvigorate advertising of this program
Original Works
- Will meet with Mrs. Padellford in September to discuss 2014-2015 timing
Magazine Sale
- August 10th meeting with Jen and Betsy to solidify 2014-2015 plan.
- Potentially last year.
Amazon Smile
- Similar to Target Red Card
- 0.5% back to our school on eligible purchases
- Plan to introduce in the September Newsletter.
- October 4th, Saturday-Shannon Yocum and Lisa W/.
- 8am set-up with 9am start time
- "Crusading for a Cause" theme
- Family-focused event with 100% pledges directly to school
- Nurse station and check-points to be determined.
D. Volunteer Coordinator's Report- Kathryn (Jen).
Volunteer Opportunities sign-up sheet will be made available prior to Back-To-School night as requested. Most fall chair positions have been filled. Will continue to communicate need for open positions. Kindergarten Welcome will be Sept. 18th and Family Fall Event tentatively Nov.15th. More volunteers expected to sign-up during Back-To-School night.
5.Report of Special Committees ~ Finished Business
A. New / Used Uniform Sale (7/21) - Jen
Overall positive feedback from parents. Some confusion over gym uniforms and if younger grades needed to purchase these items. Sales were $3529.
6. Report of Special Committees ~ Current Business
A. Teacher / Staff Back To School Luncheon (8/25) Julie (Jen)
Rosanna Bamsey will again chair.
B. Back to School Day (8/28, 3:00-6:00pm) - Jen
1. Volunteer Early Access (1:30pm-2:30pm)
Continue to find volunteers.
2. Class assignments will again be posted online prior to event.
C. Spirit wear- Jen
Meg Davis will continue to work on orders.
Hard deadlines 9/5, 11/6, 1/16, 3/20. The first deadline will insure delivery by Marathon date.
D. Marathon - Lisa
Event has been approved and date set for Saturday, Oct. 4th.
8am set-up with 9am start time. "Crusading for a Cause" theme.
Family-focused event with 100% pledges going directly to school.
Nurse station and check-points to be determined.
7.Report of Special Committees - New Business
A. Kindergarten Welcome- (9/18th) - Ann L.
Similar format as last year with party in back parking lot. Will provide popcorn, drinks and popsicles. May have VIP guest appearance, working with Jeanine Korf. Cheerleaders available to help. Hoping to invite new K-2 gym teacher. All kindergarten teachers welcome.
B. Teacher / Staff Luncheon - Fall Conferences - Ann L.
Date set for Oct. 9th. Jeanine Korf to again chair.
8. Deadline for September Newsletter: Monday, August 25, 2014
9. Adjourn
September 9, 2014 - Fr. Pingatore Room, 7:00pm