W. L. Lemmon Endowment Fund

2016-2017 Teacher Mini-Grant Application

This endowment was established by Bill and Rosa Lemmon to support Smyth County Public School teachers. The endowment will provide five (5) to ten (10) mini-grants. The value will range from $500-$1000 for the 2016-2017 school year. The grants will be distributed to the General Fund of the school of each recipient to be spent by the successful applicant on the designated project.

For the 2016-2017 mini-grant program, the following criteria will be used:

· The applicant must be a teacher or group of teachers employed by Smyth County Schools.

· Priority will be given to projects with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math) focus. Projects that focus on project based learning, creativity, and hands-on learning are encouraged.

· The successful applicant will provide a short summary of the success of the project at the end of the 2016-2017 school year.

· The deadline for applications is Monday, November 14, 2016. Please submit the grant to Amy Short at the Smyth County School Board Office.

Please read through these procedures and considerations before starting your application.

1. All applications must be signed by the applying teacher and his/her school principal or division supervisor.

2. Project funds must be spent by the end of the school year. Unspent funds must be returned to the Foundation.

3. A final expense report and short summary about how the project helped your students must be submitted to the Foundation.

4. Periodic site visits may be conducted.

5. The Smyth County Education Foundation reserves the right to publicize all grant programs.

6. The Foundation will appoint a selection committee to review applications.

7. Funds cannot be used toward personal honorariums.

8. Each teacher may submit only one proposal; however, a teacher is not prohibited from being a co-applicant for a proposal submitted by a larger group of teachers.

9. A blind review of your proposal will be conducted by a committee appointed by the Foundation.

10. Items purchased with mini-grant funds become the property of Smyth County Public Schools. As the foundation seeks to invest in and grow Smyth County, applicants are encouraged to purchase from and use as many local resources as possible.


Number of students impacted 10 points

Innovation 40 points

Potential impact on students 25 points

Whether project has lasting impact 25 points

W. L. Lemmon Endowment Fund

2016-2017 Teacher Mini-Grant Demographic Information

Applicant Name: ______________________________________________________

Applicant Position: _____________________________________________________

School: ______________________________________________________________

School Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

School Phone Number: __________________________________________________

Applicant Email: _______________________________________________________

Has your principal or division supervisor been notified of this application: Yes No

Name of Co-Applicants (if any): __________________________________________

Applicant(s) Signature: ______________________________





Principal or Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________

W. L. Lemmon Endowment Fund

2016-2017 Teacher Mini-Grant Proposal

Project Title: _______________________________________________________________

Amount of Funds Requested: __________________________________________________

Number of Students Impacted: _________________________________________________

Grade Level Served: _________________________________________________________

Targeted Academic Area: _____________________________________________________

Measurable Outcome Expected: ________________________________________________

Project Description: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activities Planned: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Project Objectives: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

General Timeframe for Implementation and Completion: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How will you determine if your objectives have been met: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Budget Details (Please be detailed as possible with how many of each material you are planning to purchase and the estimated cost of each item): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________