Welcome, Students and Parents!
Dear Students and Parents:
At Melrose Area High School, our goal is to create a positive, but challenging environment
so all students can succeed. A successful environment is created by students respecting and getting along with one another and working towards good citizenship as well as developing good character, self respect, and a desire for learning. We believe that students can build in these areas by giving their best effort in class and by getting involved in the many activities available to them at Melrose Area High School.
As with each new school year, changes take place. This year, we have new faculty in the areas of Physical Education, Agriculture/Business and Special Ed. We welcome Mr. Brandon Welle, who will be teaching a mix of parochial and high school phy-ed classes, Ms. Megan Thurk, who will be teaching a mix of agriculture and business related courses, and Ms. Sara Engelmeyer, who will teach in the special education department.
Parents and students, it is important that you take time to read through this handbook. Each student is responsible for reading the handbook, being knowledgeable on the policiesand giving his or her best effort on the enforcement of these policies. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.
I look forward to working with you this year and wish you success for the 2014-15 school year. If there is anything that I can do to assist you in making the most out of this year’s school journey, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Communication is vital for our school’s success.
Have an enjoyable and successful year!
Chad Doetkott
(320) 256-5160
Melrose Area Public Schools Calendar 2014-2015
August 18, 19, 20, 21Staff Inservice
Wednesday, August 20All School Open House 4:00-7:00 PM
Monday, August 251st Day of School
Monday, September 1Labor Day – No School
Thursday/Friday, October 16-17 No School -- Education MN
Monday, October 20No School – Staff Inservice
Thursday, October 30End of 1st Quarter
Friday, October 31No School Staff Workshop/Inservice
Tuesday, November 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 – 8:00 PM
Thursday, November 6Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00 - 8:00 PM
Friday, November 7 Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00–11:00 AM
Staff Inservice 12:15 – 3:15
Thursday/Friday, November 27-28 No School: Thanksgiving
Monday, December 1 No School – Staff Workshop
Wednesday, December 24 No School -- Winter Break Begins
Monday, January 5 First Day of Classes after Winter Break
Friday, January 16 End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
Monday, January 19 No School – Staff Inservice
Friday, February 13 No School – Staff Inservice
Monday, February 16 Presidents’ Day – No School (1st Weather Make Up Day if Needed)
Thursday, March 26 End of 3rd Quarter
Friday, March 27 No School – Staff Workshop/Inservice
Friday-Monday, April 3-6 No School Spring Break
Monday, April 6 2nd Weather Make Up Day if Needed
Monday, May 25 No School – Memorial Day
Friday, May 29 Graduation
Friday, May 29 Last Day of School: Dismissal at 12:30 PM
Monday, June 1 Teacher Workshop
The school building is open daily from 7:40 a.m. to 4:20 p.m. Classes meet from 8:15 a.m. to 2:50 p.m. Students are expected to bring all materials needed for the day with them at the start of the day. Only in emergency situations will students be allowed to go to their cars during the school day. Students are not to leave the building at any time without permission from the Principal’s office.
Faculty arrives7:05-8:15
Warning Bell8:05 and 8:11
1st Hour8:15-9:04
2nd Hour9:08-9:57
3rd Hour10:01-10:49
4th Hour10:53-12:10
1st lunch line (9-12)10:49-11:14
2nd lunch line (6-8)11:17-11:42
3rd lunch line (9-12)11:45-12:10
Students will be dismissed for 3rd lunch line no earlier than 11:45AM
5th Hour12:14-1:03
6th Hour1:07-1:56
7th Hour*2:00-2:50
(*7th hour Includes 2 additional minutes for end of day announcements)
Faculty leaves2:55-4:05
Changes in the Daily Schedule
Late-start/Early-out Schedule
Unless specified, the following guidelines will be followed in the event of an unplanned late start or early out. Depending on the situation, late starts may either drop 1st and 2nd hours or modify the 7 period day with a shortened hourly schedule. A two-hour early out means that 6th and 7th hours are cancelled for the day.
School Closings
Please listen to the following to determine if school may be closed or delayed due to weather, etc.: Radio – KASM 1150 AM Albany, KEYL 1400AM Long Prairie, KIK 100.7 FM Alexandria, WCCO 830 AM Minneapolis and KCLD 104.7 St. Cloud, at 7 a.m. or earlier. Closings/delays will also be broadcast on television stations WCCO 4, KSTP 5, KMSP 9 and KARE 11. The district also uses a parent notification system called School Reach to notify parents regarding closings, late starts, early outs and other important information. Any of the phone numbers (home, cell, work) that parents provide the school will be called.
Before and After School Hours
Students should not be in the building before 7:40 a.m. unless absolutely necessary. Those who do arrive before 7:40 a.m. must be supervised by a staff member or should report to the library; they should not go to their lockers and should not be in the halls. Students are expected to leave the building promptly upon dismissal each day. Those who remain in the building for work with a teacher or for a regularly scheduled activity are expected to remain with that teacher or activity. Students who stay after school to use resources in the library should be working on school-related assignments. Any student who does not comply with these rules will be subject to disciplinary action.
It is the policy of School District 740 that no person within the jurisdiction of this school shall on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, marital status, handicap, status with regard to public assistance, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity, or in regard to any employment procedures or practices. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to the Principal(s) or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, D. C.
Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
Students shall have the right to:
1.Attend school and benefit from all educational opportunities provided.
2.Be informed of all school rules and regulations and the consequences of breaking the rules and regulations.
3.Due process in all disciplinary actions.
4.Receive an appropriate education and the opportunity for success in achieving this education.
5.Understand each teacher’s grading system and keep up with his or her own progress in each class.
6.Respect and protect school facilities, properties, and materials.
7.Consider and respect the point of view of others.
8.Seek personal, academic, and vocational counseling.
9.Be shown personal respect by other students and school personnel.
10.Participate in co-curricular activities and clubs for which they are eligible.
Students shall have the responsibility to:
- Attend school and all classes on a regular basis.
- Know and observe all school rules and accept the consequences of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
- Cooperate with school personnel in cases involving disciplinary action and final decisions and consequences.
- Participate in educational opportunities and complete classroom assignments and home work to the best of their abilities.
- Understand each teacher’s grading system and keep up with his or her own progress in each class.
- Respect and protect school facilities, properties, and materials.
- Consider and respect the point of view of others.
- Seek personal, academic, and vocational counseling.
- Show respect to all other students and school personnel.
- Abide by the rules and guidelines of co-curricular activities and clubs.
All classes are semester classes and are worth one credit. The total number of credits needed for graduation is 46.
Graduation Requirements
It is the mission of School District 740 to provide the best possible educational experiences for the total development of the individual student with the human and physical resources available. The total educational environment is intended to provide the experience necessary for a successful adjustment in a democratic society. School District 740 further recognizes that the highest level of educational outcome is the ability to think critically and solve problems. To promote maximum student learning and appropriate levels of instruction, a two-tier diploma system is available to students.
Regular Diploma
1.A student shall satisfactorily complete the Middle School program.
2.A student must earn a minimum of 46 credits in grades 9-12.
3.Required courses:
Grade 9 Grade 11
Two semesters of English Two semesters of English (see below)
Two semesters of Social Two semesters of World History/Careers
Two semesters of Math Two semesters of Math in grade 11 or 12
Two semesters of Physical Science Biology II & Science Elective or 1 year of
Two semesters of Physical Education College Biology
Two Art related electives in grades 9-12
Grade 10 Grade 12*
Two semesters of English Two semesters of English (see below)
One semester each of Biology I & General ChemistryTwo semesters of Social Studies:
Two semesters of Math One semester of American Government
Two semesters of P.E./Health *One semester of Economics
Two semesters of U.S. History *(Class of 2012 & beyond)
11/12 English: In grades 11 and 12, students must successfully complete one course from Category A and one course from Category B in order to graduate. Additional elective English courses are offered under Category C.
American Literature*Composition & Literature Mass Media
War LiteratureBritish Literature Performing Arts
Multicultural LiteratureMyths and Legends Creative Writing
Film Science Fiction Literature
Young Adult Literature
Social & Professional Writing
*To be considered a senior a student must be entering his/her fourth
year of high school and must have completed at least 32 credits.
4.Remaining credits needed to satisfy the 46 credit minimum may be selected from available electives for a total of 14 elective credits and two art credits.
5.One-hour semester classes count as one credit; two-hour semester classes count as two credits.
6.Unless there are circumstances deemed necessary by administration, students will not be allowed more than one study hall per semester. This means a student shall enroll in a minimum of six periods of academic credit per day. Teacher assistant positions are service credit.
Honors Diploma
An honors diploma recognizing advanced academic course selection is available to students. Students participating in the Honors Program must maintain a 3.0 grade point average and complete 48 credits in grades 9-12. Students must complete all of the requirements for a regular diploma and earn 24 credits of their 48 credits from courses designated as honors courses. A list of such courses is available from the Guidance Counselor. Basic instruction selections shall not qualify.
Graduation Exercises
It is the policy of the School Board that graduation exercises shall be conducted in a dignified and decorous manner. Students involved with the consumption of mood altering chemicals, including alcoholic beverages, the period proceeding or hours before graduation ceremonies shall not be allowed to participate in the graduation exercises. This policy is to be interpreted as meaning coming to school after having consumed, be in possession of, or consuming while on school property. All school obligations must be met before a student will be allowed to participate in graduation exercises. Any senior who engages in illegalactivities or who severely disrupts the educational environment (especially during the last few days of the school year) may be prohibited from participating in graduationexercises. In addition, students must have earned 44 credits by the end of the regular year to participate.
Early Graduation
One semester early graduation will be allowed under certain conditions:
- Written application for early graduation must be made by the second semester of the sophomore year. Application shall be made to the Principal.
- The student must meet all school academic standards. This would include 46 credits for a regular diploma or 48 credits for an Honors Diploma.
- A consultation must take place with the Principal, counselor, parents and student.
- Early graduation will be allowed for extenuating circumstances only. Emergencies will be considered.
- The Principal will make recommendations to the superintendent and the school board will make a final decision.
Home-Schooled/Online Students
Participation of Home-Schooled/Online students in District 740’s academic honors is available by meeting the following:
- The student must receive eighty (80%) of their high school “core” credits from District 740 to be designated as Salutatorian or Valedictorian.
- To receive academic honors the student must receive eighty percent (80%), 37 credits, of their high school credits from District 740 to be a part of the academic honors program.
- The student must attend the public school full time during their junior and senior years.
- Academic honors are defined as honor roll, class ranking, academic lettering, etc.
- The student must be a full time District 740 student for three years from grades 10-12 to receive any scholarship District 740 cooperates in.
Honor Roll
The honor roll is an indication of high student achievement. The honor roll is calculated after every report card and will be published in the local paper. It is figured on the basis of 4.00 for an A; 3.6666-3.9999 for an A-; 3.3333-3.6665 for a B+; 3.00 – 3.3332 for a B. The published honor roll will denote Honors Program students by placing an asterisk (*) by their name. You can figure out your own average by using the following: A = 4.00; A- = 3.666; B+ = 3.333; B = 3.00; B- = 2.666; C+ = 2.333; C = 2.00; C- = 1.666; D+ = 1.333; D = 1.00; D- = .666 and F = .00. Student GPA’s are calculated by the semester. In the event of a tie for class honors, quarter grades will be utilized to break the tie.
National Honor Society
High school students in grades 10-12 are eligible to apply for National Honor Society. A list of eligibility requirements for interested students is available from the National Honor Society Advisor.
The grade of incomplete will be given to a student who has been absent from school and has not had enough time to make up the work that was missed. The rule of thumb is “one day for every day missed plus one.” Thus, a student who is absent for three days has three days plus one, or 4 days, to make up any missed assignments.
Note: When a test date or a deadline for an assignment is announced in advance of the student’s absence, the student is expected to take the test immediately upon his/her return to school and/or to turn in the assignment upon return. The responsibility for taking the test or for turning in the assignment rests with the students.
If the work is not made up in the specified time, the student may receive an “F” for the work missed and his/her grade would be lowered accordingly. The teacher will notify the student regarding exactly what work has to be made up, but it will be the student’s responsibility to see that it is done.
The teacher may require the incomplete work to be made up before the student receives credit for the course; the student may not choose to take an “F” on an assignment that the teacher requires to be complete before credit will be given.
All incomplete grades must be made up within 5 school days after the quarter ends. (If the work is not completed by the end of the 5-day period, the student’s grade will become an “F”. The grade may be changed at a later date if the student turns in the incomplete work and the teacher determines that all requirements have been met.)
If a student fails a first semester course, the Guidance Counselor will recommend that the student make up the coursework during second semester at the Area Learning Center. Any made up credits other than Area Learning Center credit recovery will need prior approval at the discretion of the principal.
If an 8th grade student has more than four (4) semester courses left from middle school to make up and does not make them up between the summer of 8th and 9th grade, the student will be referred to attend the Area Learning Center. Attendance at the Area Learning Center will be required until said student is caught up academically with other students in his/her academic grade.
Minnesota Graduation Rule
Basic Requirements Testing
We have a complete testing program. Results of tests and other information may be obtained from the Testing Coordinator at 320-256-5160ext. 4212. Your test results are your own confidential records. Be sure to look at them so you can make intelligent decisions about your future. Students who entered 8th grade in 2004-2005 or earlier must pass the Basic Standards Tests (BST’s) to receive a diploma from a public high school. The BST’s are in reading, mathematics and writing. Students entering 8th grade in 2005-2006 or later will take the MCA-II/GRAD tests. These tests are in written composition, reading and mathematics. In addition to the regular diploma requirements for graduation, a student in a public school in Minnesota must obtain a satisfactory score on each of these tests to graduate.
Post-Secondary Enrollment Options
State legislation allows high school juniors and seniors to enroll in college and vocational courses. The state will pay for these courses and credit may be gained both toward high school and post-secondary graduation. Melrose Area High School juniors and seniors who are interested in this program should visit with the Principal or Guidance Counselor before committing to a program at a college or vocational school. We will do all that we can to help our students take advantage of this opportunity. (Sophomores who have been accepted into a post-secondary options program for their junior year will be allowed to make one visit during the school year to a post-secondary institution without being marked absent, provided that the visit is scheduled through the Guidance office.)
All accidents must be reported to the supervising teacher, Principal’s office or the Nurse’s office as soon as possible. The school does not provide an accident insurance plan for students.
Assemblies and Pep fests
Seating at pep fests will be by grade level. Students are asked to sit in the areas designated for their grade. This applies to the north gym, the south gym, and to the auditorium. Student behavior at assemblies, etc., should positively reflect on our school.
All students have a responsibility to attend school every day. It is a primary educational responsibility of parents to ensure regular student attendance. Good attendance is essential to the efficient process of teaching and learning. A good attendance record indicates maturity and a sense of responsibility.