24853 Warren Road
Rainier, Oregon 97048
This document contains confidential information belonging to InventSuccess
Summary 1
ompany 2
ture 2
ssion 2
ocation 6
roducts 6
ervices 6
rademarks/Copyrights 6
atents 6
ment Plan 7
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tors 7
ment Team 7
ent Style 7
nal Structure 7
Strategic Partners/onsultants 7
ing Plan 8
taffing 8
lopment 8
anufacturing/Production 8
chnology 8
ontrol 8
nagement 8
ution 8
Service 8
afety 8
ental Impact 8
n Systems 8
g Systems 9
icenses/Permits 9
nsurance 9
ing Plan 10
nalysis 10
arket 10
Entry 10
ation 10
Profile 10
roduct/Service 10
ositioning 10
ricing 10
ods) 10
ackaging 10
e Analysis 10
ertising 11
Selling 11
tions 11
lliances 11
earch 11
ial Plan 12
umptions 12
ent 12
ement 12
Analysis 12
Sheet 12
yses 12
apital 12
ppendices 13
Appendix 1: Financial Projections 14
Appendix 2: Resume/CV 15
Appendix 3: Marketing Material 16
Executive Summary
Asperger’s Syndrome Disorder and High Functioning Autism are now reaching epidemic proportions…in general, 1 in 150 will be diagnosed on the Autistic Spectrum now and boys are at a level of 1 in 94.
Youth with AS and HFA seem to rarely fit into the traditional academic and employment roles and therefore are not always being served to the greater good of the individual or the communities where they reside. Most of these youth are not being moved into a successful, self-sustaining adulthood with their current available services.
InventSuccess was conceived to develop ways for those on the higher end of the spectrum and with other targeted learning disabilities, to gain skills for sustainable income through traditional and non-traditional training, apprenticeships as well as innovative, intellectual property avenues that use current and emerging technologies.
Most of these individuals have a “gift” or “passion” that they focus on and those are what this organization will seek to strengthen and market for them to become successful, self-sustaining adults. Those who have a more traditional career desire but will not succeed in the traditional avenue to gain that knowledge or skill will be assisted in non-traditional avenues to meet their career goal. InventSuccess is hands-on, goal oriented and provides out-of-the-box opportunities to meet successful, measurable end results.
InventSuccess is a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted program that will encompass educational, vocational and other avenues of opportunities that are both traditional and non-traditional concepts. By blending concepts and opportunities the individuals, school districts and partner agencies we assist or partner with will have increased opportunities for resource availability, services, successful experiences and overall more independence as a adult.
InventSuccess is building the bridges over the barriers that are currently keeping these individuals from a successful adult life. Join this adventure and see the results.
Executive summary is not fully completed
InventSuccess is located at 24853 Warren Road, Rainier, Oregon.
Our target service market is individuals aged 12 –24 (26 with exceptions) with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and other targeted learning disabilities that impede successful transition into adulthood.
InventSuccess is an Oregon non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation established in October 2003.
The Mission
Educate, train, support, encourage and sustain youth with Asperger’s Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and specially targeted learning disabilities.
v To provide alternative educational and career options to youth who struggle to succeed and thrive within the traditional educational, career training and vocational training settings so they may become successful, financially independent, self-sustaining adults and valued contributing members of society.
v To provide opportunities to obtain success through different models utilizing current, emerging, virtual and innovative technologies and strategies.
v To provide training opportunities for career success through individualized apprenticeships and mentoring programs.
The Vision
To accomplish our mission, we plan to construct 4 regional ASSET Centers
(Autistic Spectrum Specialized Education & Technology/training Centers), and numerous smaller, local ASSET Centers will be constructed to meet this increasing diagnostic need. The regional Centers will provide educational classroom curriculum in methods that are alternative and innovative in delivery method, teacher/student ratios, curriculum content and designated outcomes. We hope to augment school district curriculum that are within the regional centers coverage area for special education curriculum via remote delivery methods thereby assisting the school districts along with helping those students who need our specialized services. These centers will have a minimum of 3 trained Special Education Teachers in the most current and up to date teaching methods for children on the Autistic Spectrum but will also be specifically trained in all new, innovative techniques that will better identify learning and retention abilities in the student, evaluate student strengths and weaknesses in learning aptitudes and abilities, thereby capitalizing on the greater strengths for better retention and real-life applications.
Our centers will also be constructed to provide specialized vocational training based on the students strengths, passions and aptitude through careful evaluation and screening so the students will have the best opportunity to pursue choices that will ensure the most success and financial independence. Our centers will contract with paid and volunteer mentors and trainers in areas of student interests for vocational training, mentorship’s, apprenticeships and individualized, specialized training opportunities.
Local Centers will be designed to augment and enhance local school districts for curriculum, training opportunities, career counseling, assessment, transitional skills and guidance while also providing the students access to the upgraded and enhanced curriculum via a remote delivery method. This opportunity will help to level the playing field for education and career training for youth and young adults on the spectrum so it makes no difference what state or school district they reside in. This augmentation to the school districts will also help them to meet their federal and state guidelines for education requirements while enhancing the students’ educational opportunity in that school district.
Each local center will also act as a community resource center and community center to better integrate and introduce these special needs students into their local community and to local residents. Being informed, educated, trained and accepted, these students have a much greater opportunity for success and the communities they reside in will have better residents and a more informed demographic of population. Each center will partner with local mediation resources to assist parents and caregivers with IEP requirements.
Regional and Local centers will also be designed and staffed to assess specific talents that could be capitalized upon in the realm of intellectual property protection to develop these students strength or passion into an alternative avenue of income that has potential to be sold, licensed or marketed to provide an income stream to sustain them.
InventSuccess also plans to purchase and develop a number of unique work/camp/respite centers throughout the United States to provide work/career training sites that will also continue teaching necessary life and transition skills ie: coping skills, leadership skills, life skills, work ethics, team-building skills, social and social interaction skills. Currently, there are no respite centers that are affordable for the typical American family trying to live, work and manage jobs, home and siblings of children on and off the spectrum. Insurance doesn’t cover a camp and a respite stay may be covered if there is a profound medical reason for such. With this in mind and to assist parents and caregivers the opportunity to have some down time to regroup, recharge & take an opportunity to refocus and care for their children who are not on the spectrum or reconnect with their spouse, our work sites will also have continued education, camp and respite options for these families across the US on an affordable basis through a variety of funding and participation options.
InventSuccess will seek strategic partnerships with various transportation modalities including the airlines for affordable plane fares to the designated sites or regional ASSET Centers for those camp /respite opportunities.
Regional centers will also be designed with University partnerships in mind that offer continuing educational credit to professionals. With this aspect, professionals will be “immersed” within a center and it’s Autistic Spectrum residents and staff to have a better and more hands-on perspective of behaviors, attitudes, strengths and weaknesses that are presented by the students. This would allow an opportunity that is not available to those professionals in a typical treatment or interactive setting.
With this opportunity, the professional (teacher, doctor, counselor, judicial) will have a better perspective of the Autistic Spectrum disorder thereby allowing them to be better trained and informed when they go back into their communities and attend to those that they may teach, counsel, treat or represent or may show up in their jurisdiction of services. This immersion opportunity should also provide a more compassionate understanding of the person who has the Autistic Disorder, along with their parents and caregivers as well. This increased knowledge and compassion would then, in hopes, be a common tie of unity between those community’s residents’, service personnel and providers. With that goal, we could then hope to see a more unified basis of general treatment and understanding of those who are living within the Autistic Spectrum nightmare.
InventSuccess also will strive to be the “go to” resource for the United States. Uniting resources into one area for quick and accurate reference and contact information via our interactive US Map where resource data will be listed by state>county>city. This resource map will be regularly maintained/updated and a reasonable annual fee will be assessed for professional listings only. All state, county or non-profit resources will be listed on a no-fee basis.
InventSuccess Centers will also strive to develop special support outsourced business communities for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum and other targeted disabilities. These business communities will provide necessary or needed support in areas of traditional employment deficits (disability management, supported working environment, team building) for projects, etc. to create or enhance employment, individual financial success and independent success strategies. This opportunity will provide continuing opportunities for developing employment skills, adequate work ethics, socializing and leadership skills while providing businesses with options and opportunities for success with trained individuals to do the required work without cost-prohibitive workplace adaptations.
InventSuccess Centers will also strive to develop special support communities (not group homes or institution-like settings) for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. These communities will provide necessary or needed support in areas of resident deficit (financial management, living skills, etc which are assessed prior to taking up residency) to continue to allow them to live independent lives without being subjected to restricted or confined resident options or continuing to live with their aging parents. This opportunity will provide continuing opportunities for developing living, coping, socializing and leadership skills while providing the parents/caregivers with a sense of relief for their charges well-being should they not be able to care for them in the future.
To create a “GREEN” city around the Center, leasing out land for green business development and renewable energy options and opportunities while integrating those businesses into potential work training sites or apprenticeship sites for our students. Our vision is to facilitate opportunity to create sustainable businesses and farming opportunities and for our students to become a more environmentally friendly, upcoming population that will better manage the land and resources.
Central and Eastern Regional Sites are yet to be determined. Please refer to organizational data for more in depth information.
Camps and Respite Centers are necessary for both children and caregivers. There are currently none that are financially affordable for most of the families with children on the higher end of the spectrum, therefore the caregivers get little or no relief unless they have a family member who is willing to take over duties for a short period of time. Even a few days isn’t really enough for these caregivers to get recharged adequately to go back to full time care taking.
Regional ASSET Centers will be located in areas to best serve the states within the designated service region.
Western Region: (13 states) Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona. Colorado, Alaska, Hawaii.
Central Region: (13 states) North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana.
North Eastern Region: (12 States) Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New York New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut.
South Eastern Region: (12 States) Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
Local ASSET Centers will be opened within designated areas to assist and supplement local school districts, resource agencies and the targeted area communities.
Products to be marketed will be dependent on what is developed by the students to create viable income for financial independence goals and opportunities.
InventSuccess will provide the following services:
1) Education via specially trained special education teachers and innovative delivery technologies
2) Career & Vocational training programs
3) Outsource resources for businesses seeking qualified personnel
4) Mediation Services
5) Camp & Respite Opportunities
6) Continuing professional education (Teachers, Professionals, Researchers, Agency Personnel)
7) Research Projects and Partnerships
8) Virtual Community & Interactive Role Playing Website
9) Live, video and/or Web educational opportunities/links to local ASSET centers that are linked into local school districts to assist in delivering educational benefits. These would also provide access to opportunities within the virtual community, socialization, leadership skills, and alternative income opportunities.
InventSuccess is currently seeking to trademark the InventSuccess and ASSET Center names.
There are currently no trademarks or copyrights filed for students at this time, but it is anticipated that several will result from the opportunities presented to the students.