· Review five or more pieces of educational software. You are free to choose any piece of software that is of value either for instructional, administrative, or professional purposes. You must have hands-on experience with the software... watching someone's software review is not sufficient.
· Write a paragraph describing each program and your professional opinion of its usefulness in education.
· At least one of your titles should be freeware or shareware that you have downloaded from the Internet.
· Include a screen capture from the software.
· Choose the best one from among these 5 for the formal software review/presentation.
Title / Review / Screen Capture
1 / Online
Map / http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/persuasion_map/
At this site you will find a very interactive and student friendly persuasive map generator. The program guides students through an online graphic organizer that lays out their persuasive arguments. The map includes sections for a thesis statement, 3 main evidence points, and 9 supporting details. Students will clearly see how every part of their argument links back to their original thesis statement. When students are finished with their maps, they can print them out and use them as outlines for their essay drafts. This program is extremely useful to both students and teachers. /
2 / Online
Story Map
With Multi
Organizers / http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/storymap/index.html
Students can use this online program to create four different types of story maps. The program guides students through each of the four map choices by asking them prompts that relate to each map’s purpose. Students can also print the maps out for study or project purposes. They will find this activity far more fun and interesting than filling out a regular graphic organizer with pencil. /
3 / Crossword
Generator / http://www.edhelper.com/crossword.htm
A great way for students to review subject matter is to create their own crossword puzzles. This site allows both students and teachers to create detailed puzzles that can be printed out and completed by the whole class. The layout is very easy to follow; just about anyone should be able to use it. /
4 / Pre-made
And Custom
Generator / http://www.makeworksheets.com/samples/rubrics/index.html
One of the hardest things a teacher can do is try to make their own rubric from scratch. This online program simplifies that hard task. Teachers may choose from pre-made rubrics or they can easily create their own. All you have to do is select a rubric table and fill out the guided questions. /
5 / Gradebook
Software with Grades Online / http://www.thinkwave.com/
This website offers a free download of gradebook software that allows students and parents to view grade online. Teachers can use the program to enter and tabulate class grades and then post those grades online. This is an excellent resource for teachers who are not provided with a grading program by their school. /
(2) Formal Software Review. In this activity you will be reviewing software that you would find useful in your roll as a teacher. Note, this is a review of software, not websites. Websites can be used only if they have a high level of interactivity and animation such as those at ExploreLearning.com. Although we have software on our local servers, much of it is antiquated, and students are best served by downloading freeware and shareware.
· Select one software product for formal review and presentation to the class. Write reviews for each according to the format guidelines provided on the following page. Post you selection.
Title: Online Interactive Persuasion Map
(1) Description of Program
Students can log onto this website and use the persuasion map generator to create an outline for a persuasive argument. One of the great features about this program is that it is very interactive and students enjoy using it. Students get to switch back and forth between each field by clicking on yellow arrows that make an amusing sound when you mouse over them. There are three sections to fill out. When completed, the map is an excellent guide for writing a persuasive essay or speech.
(2) Basic Information
(a) Title: Persuasion Map
(b) Publisher: ReadWriteThink.org
(c) Cost: Free
(d) Freeware
(3) Target Population
(a) Is program is designed for students to use.
(b) Students in any subject between third and ninth grade could use this program if they are composing a persuasive argument.
(c) This program can fit into any curriculum that requires students to write a persuasive argument. It is an obvious fit with English, but other subjects may find it useful as well. And, nearly every student can use this program if they have the ability to use a computer. The program is very easy in nature and can be filled out with simple or complex evidence.
(d) This software would maintain the interest of this population because it can be filled out quickly if the student has their information prepared beforehand. Also, it is more interesting than the standard pen and paper outline/organizer because it involves interaction with the material’s layout.
(4) Content Goals
(a) This program dose not necessarily introduce any new concepts because the students would have to know the parts of a persuasive argument before they fill out the organizer if they were using it to plan out their essays. However, the teacher could use the program to introduce parts of a persuasion argument as she explains each section to the class.
(b) This program is very effective at helping students organize their essays. It demonstrates how each part of a persuasive argument in connected.
(c) This program is just as good, if not better, as traditional techniques in teaching this persuasive writing. The online map contains all the parts of a traditional pen and paper outline, but it is also more modern and interactive. It can be more colorful and it has sounds as well.
(5) Process Goals
(a) This program focuses on the application of persuasive techniques. Students must take what they have learned about the content of a strong persuasive argument and create a persuasive outline in the form of a graphic organizer.
(6) Lesson Plan
I have actually used this program in an eighth grade English class when I was covering the persuasive writing standards. Students used the site to help plan out their essays and speeches. (See Scanned Lesson Below)
(7) Summary
I would definitely use this program again with my students. The feedback I got from them was very positive; they enjoyed the program and said that it was helpful. The usefulness of the program was also reflected in the essay grades.
(3) Formal Presentation of Software: One or two sessions will be scheduled for formal software review. During these sessions you will present your software in small groups or to the class using network sharing software such as Apple Remote Desktop. Once you have decided on software to review, post your decision on the newsgroup as specified in class or on the web-page. first-come, first-served.· Make a presentation of your software using the following guidelines Each presentation must be limited to 15 minutes.
· Your presentations should stress how this software can be used effectively in the curriculum.
· Do not spend time discussing mechanics (menu structure, etc.) nor shortcomings
· Illustrate how the software can be used to enhance instruction.
· Provide your peers with a "hands-on experiences" lesson if at all possible.