Powell County District Technology Plan


Stanton, Kentucky


Creation Date: December 14, 2012

As per the SLD: The technology plan creation date is the month and year the technology plan was written, not the date when you began to develop or draft it. The SLD defines the creation date as the date it first contained all five required elements in sufficient detail to support the services requested on your Form 470. The creation date must be prior to the date the Form 470(s) is posted.

Plan Start Date: July 1, 2013

Plan Expiration Date: June 30, 2014



District Technology Staff / School Technology Coordinators
Kelly Marcum – District Technology Coordinator / Bowen Elementary – Jennifer Francis
Anna Faulkner - Technology Integration Specialist / Clay City Elementary – Charlotte Denniston
John Estep – Systems Development Director / Stanton Elementary – Jessica Hall
Jordan Mays – Computer Maintenance Technician / Powell County Middle School – Crystal Neal
Craig Bowen – Computer Maintenance Technician / Powell County High School – Suzy Brown
School Library Media Specialists / Technology Integration Specialist
Bowen Elementary – Jennifer Francis / Anna Faulkner
Clay City Elementary – Charlotte Denniston
Stanton Elementary – Jessica Hall
Powell County Middle School – Crystal Neal
Powell County High School – Suzy Brown
Additional District Contributors / Students
Superintendent – Michael Tate / Matthew Melton – Powell County High School
Nathan Brooks – Powell County High School
Instructional Supervisor/Title I – Lynne Stidham
District Resource Teacher – Mariam Todd
Director of Pupil Personnel – Sarah Wasson
Angie Rogers – parent


Table of Contents

Executive Summary 1

Planning Process and Methodology 2

Current Technology and Resources 4

Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals 6

Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals – Evaluation 10

Student Technology Literacy Goals 11

Student Technology Literacy Goals – Evaluation 15

Staff Training/Professional Development Goals 16

Staff Training/Professional Development Goals – Evaluation 18

Technology Goals 19

Technology Goals – Evaluation 23

Budget Summary 24

Attachments/Appendices (Optional) 28


Executive Summary

The mission of the Powell County School System is commitment to preparing and inspiring all students to be life-long learners who are self-sufficient, responsible and productive members of our community.

The technology mission of the Powell County District is to provide instructional, curricular, and data management technology support for teachers, students and administrators.

The current District Comprehensive Plan focuses upon academic achievement in Reading/Math, improving the learning environment at all levels across the district, and new initiatives to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 1 and the components of Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning. The District Technology Plan provides support at the district and school level in the implementation of ongoing activities/strategies and new initiatives to meet these goals. Activities/Strategies providing support to the district focus are embedded in the District Comprehensive Plan.

The new initiatives of the technology plan include updating student workstations/labs, monitoring the technological progress of the new construction taking place at PCHS, monitoring all aspects of the District’s BYOD program, and supporting the district/schools in the implementation of Senate Bill 1 and Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning.

The main features of each new initiative follow:

Student Workstations – Over five years ago, the Kentucky Legislature funded the Instructional Device Upgrade (IDU). This funding provided the means to upgrade 13 of the student computer labs in our district. These labs no longer meet the minimum KETS standard and need to be replaced. All 13 labs need to be replaced.

New Construction at PCHS - A new construction project will begin in the late spring at Powell County High School. The project will include the renovation of twelve classrooms into nine and the addition of six new classrooms, a computer lab, and a Band Room. This project will include updating and adding new technologies along with the purchase and installation of as many intelligent classroom components as possible.

Monitoring BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - All buildings and classrooms currently have wireless access points installed and in use. Board Policy and Procedure has been updated to allow students and staff to bring personal mobile devices to school for instructional use. It is essential that the wireless network is monitored for sufficient bandwidth and signal strength to support all District initiatives using wireless access. The network must be monitored for the safety and security of our students.

Provide support to all schools in meeting the requirements of Senate Bill 1 and the components of Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning for next generation learners. As the district and the schools implement the components of Kentucky’s Unbridled Learning for next generation learners, the support of the technology department will be essential to success. The current discourse involves technical support in setting up and promoting shared space on the network for program review evidence and student portfolios, providing support to all schools in the implementation of ASSIST and CIITS, maintaining computers to meet the specs for End of Course Assessments and ACT/Compass, and the integration of technology throughout the common core standards.


Planning Process and Methodology

A district technology planning team has been established and consists of the following members:

District Technology Coordinator/Chief Information Officer

District Technology Integration Specialist

District Systems Development Director

Computer Lab Technicians

District Title I Resource Teacher

Media Specialists/ School Technology Coordinators



The district does not require a separate technology plan from each school but chooses to create a district plan, including district-wide initiatives with representatives from each school. Every two years, the district administers the AdvancEd Technology Survey to all teachers, encouraging feedback and suggestions to identify district needs and priorities for technology.

Prior to the development of the plan, the committee members review the results of the Technology Readiness Survey to determine needs and priorities. Suggestions from committee members for new initiatives are received and added to the plan as activities and strategies to meet the established goals.

Strategies/activities from the technology plan are embedded into the district and school comprehensive improvement plans. These plans are approved by school councils and the Powell County Board of Education and submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education for approval.

The technology plan is a working document for the technology department – guiding priorities and activities throughout the year. Twice a year, the document is reviewed by the technology department for specific progress on the activities (much like the Implementation and Impact checks of the district plan).

At times throughout the school year, the Program Coordinators may request support for previously unplanned initiatives to support teaching and learning. The Technology Plan and the budget are then revised to consider the immediate needs of the district by the District Technology Coordinator.

Status of 2012-2013 Plan:

Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals: Provide technical support to all schools for technology integration, improving teaching and learning.

This goal was met and a majority of the activities/strategies were completed. Mounted projectors increased to 100%, individual school funding was used to increase some intelligent classroom components such as smartboards, smart tables, audio enhancement systems, and interactive response systems. Destiny Library Management was purchased and successfully implemented. A new TIS has been hired and is in the process of being trained.

Student Technology Literacy Skills Goal 1 – Provide technical support to all schools in teaching and assessing student technology competencies.

While the goal was met for all schools, the results of the technology assessment indicate there is still a need to improve student proficiency in technology literacy.

Staff Training/Professional Development Goal 1 – Provide training for all school and district technology initiatives.

This goal was met in the previous plan. The last of the EETT formula grant money was spent on a district wide technology training day in August of 2012. The Integration Specialist worked with teachers throughout the year to provide onsite job embedded support and professional development.

Technology Vision Goal 1 – Provide, maintain and upgrade hardware, software and connectivity for all schools and administrators to sustain an exceptional network infrastructure in support of student achievement, the collection and management of data, and to enhance communication between all stakeholders.

This goal included some specific strategies and activities for upgrading the wiring closets, adding wireless to all buildings, and adding additional drops to all classrooms. Those activities/strategies have been completed. All wiring closets and switches have been updated. A minimum of 5 additional drops was added to each classroom and 2 to each office. Wireless now exists in each building and an access point is installed in every classroom. The district infrastructure remained the number one priority for the technology department. The migration to MUNIS hosted online has also been completed. A new phone system (VOIP) has been purchased and installed.


Current Technology and Resources

The District consists of three elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. The school system’s population includes over 190 certified employees and 2498 students. In addition, the District and the Technology Department provide network connections, hardware/software support, and training to the GED Test Coordinator. The district also provides and maintains a phone system with a phone in every classroom.

The Powell County School System is committed to providing technology to support school improvement and instructional practice. This commitment to technology is evident: we are presently supporting and maintaining over 1500 networked computers with Internet connectivity for every classroom. A new proxy server running Threat Management Gateway was installed in July 2011. All schools are connected via gigabit fiber. The majority of student machines are located in lab settings. Each school inventory includes:

·  a minimum of one multimedia networked lab and at least one wireless mobile lab

·  digital camcorders and cameras

·  presentation projectors

·  Smartboards

·  scanners

·  document cameras

All schools have mounted projectors in the classrooms. One elementary school has audio enhancement systems installed in all classrooms. Another elementary school has plans to purchase audio enhancement systems for all classrooms and the high school has systems in four classrooms.

The current individual school computer ratios are:

·  Bowen Elementary – 3.3:1

·  Clay City Elementary – 3.7:1

·  Stanton Elementary – 3.3:1

·  Powell County Middle School – 4.4:1

·  Powell County High School – 2.4:1

The District presently employs one full time District Technology Coordinator/Chief Information Officer (DTC/CIO), one full time District Technology Integration Specialist (TIS), one full-time Systems Development Director, and two full time computer technicians. In addition, each school has at least one School Technology Coordinator (STC) and four schools have an active Student Technology Leaders Program (STLP).

Current software applications available district-wide include Office 2010 Professional, Kidspiration, Inspiration, Type for Fun, Keyboarding for Kids, Microtype, STAR Reading, and STAR Math. Online services include Novel Stars, Renaissance Learning for Accelerated Reading and Math, Moby Math, KVL, Infinite Campus, KET Encyclomedia, Worldbook Encyclopedia Online, Learning A-Z, Tumblebooks, Career Cruising, Reading Plus, Fast ForWord, KVL, Education City, Discovery Education and Study Island.

Every certified and classified employee in the district receives an email/user account upon signing the District Acceptable Use Policy. All students and employees are provided with a copy of the Acceptable Use Policy each year and their signed user agreements are kept on file. Individual student email/user accounts have been established in grades 6-12. With the implementation of BYOD, elementary user accounts will be established and the AUP will be amended. These user accounts will not include email accounts at the elementary level.

The district uses various sources of information to assess telecommunication services, technology literacy, software and hardware needs. The hardware inventory is updated and analyzed annually for replacement, upgrade and maintenance issues. The Technology Readiness Survey is also completed annually, giving an overall view of the technological resources of the district. The Powell County Software Request Process is followed to meet software needs. The District Technology Coordinator and the Integration Specialist meet and communicate to all district department coordinators, the various hardware/software or training needs of any personnel. When a need is identified, the DTC and the TIS work to secure funding from various sources and assist in purchasing and/or providing appropriate hardware/software or training to meet the identified need. The Kentucky Digital Driver’s License is being used to assess digital citizenship proficiency in 8th and 12th grade students as well as teachers and administrators.

During the past few months, all wiring closets and switches have been updated. Additional CAT6 drops have been added to all classrooms across the district. All buildings are now wireless with access points in every classroom. An updated phone system with Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) has been installed and implemented.

The district hosts an annual Technology Day each August. This is a district wide event for all certified teachers and administrators, as well as any classified staff who wish to attend. We offer approximately 58 sessions covering basics like Office 2010 as well as new sessions on blogging, podcasting, Web 2.0 tools, BYOD, using skydrive, greenscreen, and KET media resources. All certified staff and administrators have received CIITS training. All administrators have received initial training on ASSIST. Additionally, throughout the year when funding allows, professional development sessions are offered in the fall and spring in after school sessions. The TIS is available to all schools for onsite job-embedded professional development.


Curriculum and Instructional Integration Goals

Goal 1

Provide support to all schools for technology integration, improving teaching and learning.

Action Plan: Projects/Activities

Project/Activity / Instructional Outcome / Indicator / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Funding Source
1. Share, via email and teachers’ meetings, the resources available through KET/KDE. / Increase technology integration in classroom instruction / Website Login Usage Report / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Anna Faulkner
2. Investigate funding resources for intelligent classroom components (audio enhancement, slates, and interactive response systems. / Increase teacher /student access to technology resources and improve technology integration. / Hardware Inventory / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum
3. Investigate funding sources for Ipads, slates, e-readers, etc. for teachers. / Increase teacher/student access for successful BYOD. / Hardware Inventory / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum
4. Attend administrators’ meetings and teachers’ meetings to review technology components of the Common Core Standards, NETS standards and the new evaluation standards for teachers. / Clear communication of technology standards for teachers and students / Meeting Summary / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Anna Faulkner
5. Review usage logs of existing online subscriptions and solicit feedback from teachers as to which programs are beneficial to student achievement (Study Island, Fast ForWord, Lrg A-Z, Tumblebooks, World Book Online, Discovery Ed., Ed. City, Reading Plus, Novel Stars, Renaissance Lrg, etc). / Prioritize needed purchases most beneficial for classroom instruction / Surveys
Usage Logs
Email comments / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum
Anna Faulkner
6. Purchase Schoolpointe Web Hosting Service / Increase communication between stakeholders / Purchase Order / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum / General Fund - $3500
7. Provide technical support to the high school as needed for dual credit and online courses. / Provide needed technology for student learning / Tech Request Report / 7/01/13 – 6/30/14 / John Estep
8. Provide technical support to all schools in the implementation of reading, math, and RTI initiatives. (Learning A-Z, Renaissance Lrg. Reading Plus, Study Island, Novel Stars, Moby Math, Discovery Ed, Education City, etc.). / Provide support to the district in efforts to increase student achievement / School/District AYP/AMO scores. / 7/01/13-6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum
John Estep
Anna Faulkner / SES - $4500
ESS - $1500
PCHS SBDM - $4500
GF - $2
Title VIB - $1000
Title I - $4379
9. Provide collaboration/support to all schools in the implementation of BYOD and tech integration. / Provide support to the district in efforts to increase student achievement and technological access. / PD logs
Tech Request Report / 7/01/13-6/30/14 / Anna Faulkner
10. Create online teacher request for scheduling onsite collaboration with TIS. / To increase technology integration with emphasis on BYOD / Teacher Request Report / 7/01/13-6/30/14 / Anna Faulkner
John Estep
11. Attend teachers’ meetings to familiarize teachers with KATE and TICK – free KY online resources for technology integration. / Increase teachers’ ability to locate a collection of lesson plans incorporating the use of technology throughout grade levels and content areas. / Sign In Sheets / 7/01/13-6/30/14 / Anna Faulkner
12. Provide support for Destiny Library Manager. / Improve efficiency of student use of all resources. / Purchase Order / 7/01/13-6/30/14 / Kelly Marcum / SBDM – each school - $500
GF – $1725
Local Tech - $1725