Patient Participation Group
Twenty Fourth Meeting – 22nd September 2015
In attendance – Sheila Pearson, Angels Townsend, Diane Westway,
Jeremy Pinner and Elizabeth Carless.
Apologies - Dr Amin Kanji, Lucy Milton, Francesca Wall and
Heather Dempsey,
1) Patients who do not turn up.
There has been no calculation of those who have not turn up
for appointments for last month but hopefully as telephone
numbers are obtained for curtesy call reminders the number
of DNA’s will decrease.
2) Maternity and Paediatric Information
We were informed that as well as there being an increase in
Babies suffering from drug withdrawal symptoms i.e. cold
Turkey, there has also been an increase of babies being born
withDownes Syndrome. In the past this has been related to
to the older mother but this is no longer the case and it is
now occurring in all age groups. One of the Midwives is to
carry out a survey into this worrying increase.
3) Alzheimers Disease.
There was a general discussion about the difficulties experienced by those suffering with Alzheimers Disease and
those caring for them.
The Practice has now got an up to date list of Agencies who can help and advise.
There is also a web site – Care Advice Bucks .org where Patients can get advice on all conditions and subjects including Alzheimers Disease.
There was a general discussion as to whether Care homes were closing down in Bucks as they were doing a good job caring for those suffering from Alzheimers
4) Problems with the Service.
Three members of the committee voiced difficulties with some aspects of care provided by the Practice.
a)A difficulty with The Pharmacy, which hopefully will now resolve as the new Pharmacy Manager, Jag, has started.
Unfortunately another member of the Pharmacy team left in July who has to be replaced
b)Unconsiderate treatment of an elderly patient by a
receptionist as witnessed by a member of the Group.
In discussionwhile it was recognised that it can be a stressful job with some patients who are unreasonable, most patients are polite and need consideration/ kindness when visiting
the surgery ; soughting out problems when often feeling unwell therefore u nhelpfulness is unacceptable.
c) A young patient came down to the Practice suffering with
a severe headache. He was unable to see a Doctor although
known to have pathology.
5) Confidentiality in the reception area of the waiting room.
Mr Pinner bought to the attention of the group a difficulty with confidentiality, in the reception area and waiting room, with overheard discussions/conversations between the clinicians receptionist and patients.
The practice were looking at various options.
A) Do nothing
B) Screen wall to ceiling.
C) A bank style screen system with a half screen of Perspex
with a gap for the receptionist.
D) To extend the building into the play area and have the
seating further away.
There was a massive problem particularly on a Monday
morning when doors open at 8 amwith a queue of patients.
He asked for ideas and suggestions from the group to try and combat the problem.
It was suggested that there was an area where the blood pressure machine was placed which did have an alcove recess which was away from the main area of the waiting room, which could be used for giving patients there test results and for discussing private/ delicate/ personal information.
Turning waiting room chairs around.
Printing out test results and giving them to the patient rather than reading the result from the computer screen. This would serve two
purpose 1) confideniality 2) the patient has the result to refer back to if necessary.
Music to drown the conversations - This is already in place.
The next meeting is to be held on 10th November 2015 at 6.30pm at the Hughenden Surgery.
Elizabeth Carless @ ( please note change of email address)
If there are any issues which you wish to discuss – please advise.
E.C. would like to discuss prostatic awareness and treatment.
Ageism and treatement.
Help with putting together a PPG news sheet.
Message board for PPG news.