Malvern Historical Commission
January 9, 2018
Lynne Hockenbury, chair
Barbara Rutz, vice chair
Catherine Raymond, treasurer
Kelly Schmitt, secretary
Helen McDonnell, member
Zeyn Uzman, member
Barbara Stergiades, member
I. Reorganization
II. Public Comment
III. Approve Minutes from November 28, 2017
IV. Reports
- Financial report
- Preservation Awards Committee (Barbara, Zeyn,)
- Publications (Kelly, Cathy)
- email report (Lynne, Kelly)
V. Old Business
A. Legacy Box report
VI. New Business
A. 2nd monthly meeting
B. Update contact info
C. Map to have printed
D. Phoenixville Historical Society membership
VII. Adjournment
Next meeting: January 23, 2018
History Center Committee Report 12/26 and 12/27
Lynne, Barb, and Kelly hit up the History Center to organize the HSP collections as they recorded them for us in 2015.
- Events boxes are set for the first event in 2016. Everything is restocked in them, and the 3 boxes are under the windows along the north wall.
- Signed copies of Century are apparently all gone. We had about 20 on hold, but Alicia didn’t know that’s why they were in the locked cabinets. We’ve placed the books NOT for sale (signed by Nancy) in the bottom half of the display case as you enter the door with a big red sign on them.
- We have a lot of 75th anniversary pins (pinbacks), but they are really rusty. Can we sell them? Do we sell them? Can/how would we sell them online?
- Postcards need to be either restocked or new images chosen. Lynne has this on her to-do list for when VistaPrint has a sale.
2. Hanging plaques and photos in the meeting rooms, specifically the Heintzelman Room.
- Display was corrected by Lynne and Barb while Kelly prepared for the HSP marking.
- Kelly was tasked to correct one of the signs and create a new one for the display.
3. HSP organization.
- We began with the cabinet, and continued down the list until the collections.
- Lynne and Barb continued marking the collections on 12/27.