Minnesota Falls Prevention Initiative
Grants to Keep Minnesotans Right Side Up!
Falls are common among older adults and often lead to loss of independence or even death. More than one-third of individuals 65 and older fall each year, with 10% of those falls resulting in serious injury. More people 65 and older are hospitalized as a result of falling than any other type of injury. Most falls are associated with one or more risk factors (e.g., muscle weakness, gait and balance problems, vision, medications and environmental hazards). Research has shown that attention to these risk factors can significantly reduce fall rates. Learn more by visiting the Minnesota Falls Prevention website at www.mnfallsprevention.org.
Minnesota Falls Prevention Initiative (MNFPI) is a statewide initiative promoting independence and quality of life among older adults by reducing falls and fall-related injuries. The MNFPI has funds available for community-based organizations to address falls among older adults and keep Minnesotans right side up.
Up to 10 applicants within Minnesota will be awarded $1,000 or $2,000 to address either of the following categories: Fall Prevention Partnership Development or Fall Prevention Community Activity projects.
Fall Prevention Partnership Development
Fall Prevention Partnership Development grants are targeted to community-based organizations that will:
- Develop partnerships in local communities to address falls among older adults by increasing fall prevention knowledge, coordinating fall prevention efforts and referral procedures, or increasing the availability of fall prevention interventions. Partners to consider include the Area Agency on Aging, local public health departments, public safety organizations (e.g., fire and emergency medical services), public works departments, social service providers, health care service providers, local policy makers, and others.
- Strengthen an existing aging or health network or coalition to specifically address fall prevention among older adults.
Fall Prevention Partnership Development grants may:
· Hold a planning summit to identify community priorities and strategies for preventing falls.
· Complete a community inventory of fall prevention programs and services, identify gaps in programs and services, and develop a plan to fill the gaps.
· Develop a coordination, referral and linkage plan among organizations that offer fall prevention programs and services.
Fall Prevention Community Activity
Fall Prevention Community Activity grants are targeted to community-based organizations that will work in partnership to:
Conduct one local fall prevention activity to increase awareness among older adults, family caregivers, professionals, and/or local governments of falls, fall risk factors (e.g., muscle weakness, gait and balance problems, vision, medications and environmental hazards) and actions to prevent or reduce an older adult’s risk of falling.
Activities may include:
· Convene a multidisciplinary group of professionals to develop and implement a plan to promote the use of screening questions and referral procedures.
· Host a community education and screening event that includes representatives from partner organizations and addresses fall risk factors: an occupational therapist demonstrating assistive devices, pharmacists offering medication reviews, eye doctor offering vision assessments, physical therapist demonstrating exercises, and/or a podiatrist to discuss foot care and footwear.
· Host an education session for public safety organizations (e.g., fire and emergency medical services), public works departments, social service providers, health service providers, volunteer networks and/or local policy makers on fall prevention.
Fall Prevention Community Activities are encouraged to take place during Fall Prevention Awareness month (September 2008) and could be offered on the first day of fall (September 22, 2008).
No single organization can reduce falls alone. Consortiums of community based organizations are encouraged to apply but must select a lead organization that will be responsible for overall coordination. Please include letters of support from consortium/partner organizations with the grant application. Applicants must be a non-profit organization.
Awardees will: 1) participate in 3 technical assistance conference calls with Minnesota Falls Prevention Initiative partners; 2) have their work highlighted on the Minnesota Falls Prevention website (www.mnfallsprevention.org); 3) provide a final evaluation report that includes a summary of accomplishments, challenges, and conclusions or next steps.
· May 5, 2008……………..Announcement distributed.
· June 9, 2008………….…...... Applications due.
· June 16, 2008…………….……...…..Grants awarded.
· June 23, 2008..….....1st conference call with awardees.
· December 31, 2008………Final evaluation report due.
Minnesota Falls Prevention Initiative
Keep Minnesotans Right Side Up!
Grant Application Form
Applications must be received by June 9, 2008 at 4 pm
SECTION ONE – Applicant Details
Name of lead organization:______
Organization address:______
Contact person and position:______
Telephone: ______Fax: ______
Email: ______
Names of partner organizations (please attach letters of support)
Would you prefer confirmation we have received your application by: Email Letter
Check one category:
Fall Prevention Partnership Development (complete section two)
Fall Prevention Community Activity (complete section three)
Total funding requested: $1,000 $2,000
Please list the cities and/or counties that will be served.
SECTION TWO – Fall Prevention Partnership Development
If you are applying for a Fall Prevention Partnership Development grant, please provide the following information.
Is this a new or existing partnership? New Existing
Fall Prevention Partnership Development Description (briefly describe what you intend to do)
If you require more space, please attach a separate page.
SECTION THREE – Fall Prevention Community Activity
If you are applying for a Fall Prevention Community Activity grant, please provide the following information.
Activity name: ______
Date and Location:
1) Target Group: Who do you expect to attend your activity?
Expected Numbers: ______
2) Activity Description: Please provide a brief description of what you intend to do. Include a description of how your activity addresses two or more of the fall risk factors.
If you require more space, please attach a separate page.
SECTION FOUR - Budget and Signature
Your expenses should be broken into items that show how the money will be spent. It should be clear from your description how the expenses relate to your project.
Expenditure Item Total
Total / $Signature:
Please note: Applications without signatures and/or submitted after
June 9, 2008 will not be considered.
Please make sure that you have:
Completed all sections of the application form.
Attached letters of support from partner organizations.
Signed and dated the application form.
Submitted one copy of your application.
Made a copy of the completed application for your own records.
Please send your completed application to:
Emily Farah-Miller Email:
Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging Phone: 651-245-2927
2365 N. McKnight Road, Suite 3 Fax: 651-641-8618
North St. Paul, MN 55109