Table 1 Summary of studies addressing waterbird dispersal of alien species that were not included in Reynolds et al. (2015). The specific alien species, a summary of the main findings, the waterbird dispersal vector (sample size in parentheses, where given) and location are identified.
Reference / Method / Alienspecies / Summary of findings / Waterbirddispersalvectors (n)Endozoochory
Gillham (1956) / Field study / Avenasativa
Hordeum vulgare / Up to 119 viable seeds per pellet, 64% germinated
Seeds common in pellets / European Herring GullLarusargentatus; Lesser Black-backed Gull L. fuscus; Welsh islands, EU
Gillham (1970) / Field study / Lycopersiconesculentum / Viable seeds in many pellets / Gulls Larus spp.; Channel Islands, EU
de Vlaming & Proctor (1968) / Experimental feeding trial / PolygonumaviculareNasturtiumofficinale / Viable seeds retained in gut up to 29h
Viable seeds retained in gut up to 4h / Mallard Anasplatyrhynchos(6); KilldeerCharadriusvociferus (5);Texas, NA
Proctor (1968) / Experimental feeding trial / Malvaparviflora
Convolvulus arvensis
Chenopodium album / Viable seeds retained in gut up to 152 h
Viable seeds retained in gut up to 144 h
Viable seeds retained in gut up to 77h
Viable seeds retained in gut up to 8 h
Viable seeds retained in gut up to 8 h / White-fronted Goose Anseralbifrons (2); Mallard (5); Killdeer (5); Lesser Yellowlegs Tringaflavipes (3); Least Sandpiper Calidrisminutilla(3); Texas, NA
Morton & Hogg (1989) / Field study / Acinosarvensis
Solanum dulcamara
Chenopodium album / 1 seedling raised from pellets
14 seedlings raised from pellets
5 seedlings raised from pellets
Seeds in pellets, none germinated
1 seedling raised from pellets
8 seedlings raised from pellets
13 seedlings raised from pellets
1 seedling raised from pellets
3 seedlings raised from pellets
1 seedling raised from pellets
1 seedling raised from pellets
10 seedlings raised from pellets
Seeds in pellets, none germinated
Seeds in pellets and faeces, none germinated
53 seedlings raised from pellets
44 seedlings raised from pellets
2 seedlings raised from pellets
3 seedlings raised from faeces
2 seedlings raised from faeces / American Herring GullLarussmithsonianus; Ringed-billed Gull L.delawarensis; Barrier Island, Ontario, NA
Morton & Hogg (1989) / Field study / Solanum dulcamara / Seeds extracted from faeces germinated / CanadaGooseBrantacanadensis; Ontario, NA
Holt-Mueller & Van der Valk (2002) / Experimental feeding trial / Atriplexpatula
Chenopodium album
Echinochloacrus-galli / Recovered 24% of seeds, 26% were viable
Recovered 13% of seeds, 24% were viable
Recovered 2% of seeds, 53% were viable / Mallard (4-16); Manitoba, NA
Cummings et al. (2008) / Experimental feeding trial / Hordeumvulgare / One seed regurgitated intact / Mallard (10); Colorado, NA
Wongsriphuek et al. (2008) / Experimental feeding trial / Chenopodiumalbum
Rumexcrispus / Recovered 10% of seeds, 13% germinated
Recovered 2% of seeds, none germinated
Recovered 8% of seeds, 9% germinated
Recovered 11% of seeds, 6% germinated
Recovered 19% of seeds, 28% germinated / Mallard (20); Oregon, NA
Best & Arcese (2009) / Field study / Poa annua
Silene gallica / 18 germinants from 10 faeces samples (314g)
2 germinants
3 germinants / Canada Goose; British Columbia, NA
Denys et al. (2014) / Experimental feeding trial / Crassulahelmsii / One plant grew from faeces of geese fed on non-flowering plants / Barnacle Goose Brantaleucopsis (4); Belgium, EU
García-Álvarez et al. (2015) / Experimental feeding trial / Ludwigia grandiflora
Spartinadensiflora / Recovered 37% of seeds, 18% germinated
Recovered 1.5% of seeds, 15% germinated / Mallard (10); Greylag Goose Anseranser (10); Spain, EU
Heatwole & Walker (1989) / Field study / Solanum americanum / Fruits eaten, and spread between islands / Silver Gull Larusnovaehollandiae; Great Barrier Reef, AU
Secondary endozoochory
Rodríguez et al. (2007) / Field study / Atriplexsemibaccata
Opuntia maxima
Lantana camara
Achyranthesaspera / 162 intact seeds in pellets
119 intact seeds in pellets
42 intact seeds in pellets
13 intact seeds in pellets
8 intact seeds in pellets
1 intact seed in pellets / Grey Heron Ardeacinerea (199) predating lizards; Canary Islands, EU
Heatwole & Walker (1989) / Field study / Solanum americanum / Fruits clinging to feathers, and spread between islands / Silver Gull; Great Barrier Reef, AU
Vivian-Smith & Stiles (1994) / Field study / Sonchus asper / 4 seeds found on the feet or feathers / Brant Goose Brantabernicla (24); Bufflehead Bucephalaalbeola (5); New Jersey, NA
Cummings et al. (2008) / Experimental attachment / Hordeumvulgare
Zea mays
Oryza sativa / 17 seeds moved around a cage
45 seeds moved around a cage
65 seeds moved around a cage
13 seeds moved around a cage / Mallard (10); Colorado, NA
Choi et al. (2010) / Field study / Achyranthes japonica / 18 seeds found on feathers / Swinhoe’s Rail Coturnicopsexquisitus (1); Eurasian Bittern Botaurusstellaris(1); Korea, AS
Aoyama et al. (2012) / Field study / Cenchrusechinatus
Chloris barbata
Coronopusdidymus / 23 seeds found on feathers
11 seeds found on feathers
13 seeds found on feathers
2 seeds found on feathers / Black-footed albatross Phoebastrianigripes (41); Bulwer’s petrel Bulweriabulwerii (45); Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinuspacificus(45);Brown Booby Sula leucogaster(29); Japan, AS.
Johnson & Padilla (1996) / Experimental attachment / Dreissenapolymorpha / Larvae and juveniles moved between ponds by walking ducks, <0.5 mussel per trip / Mallard; Michigan, NA
Tøttrup et al. (2010) / Field study / Fistulobalanuspallidus
Fistulobalanusalbicostatus / 9 barnacles growing on leg rings / Lesser Black-backed Gull (7); Baltic Sea and Norway, EU
Rachalewski et al. (2013) / Experimental attachment / Crangonyxpseudogracilis / 24 amphipods moved between tanks on a duck's foot; 22 attached to simulated swimming duck; some attached to duck in simulated flight for up to 5 mins / Mallard; Portugal, EU
Águas et al. (2014) / Experimental attachment / Procambarusclarkii / 32 hatchlings moved between tanks on a duck’s foot; 17 attached to simulated swimming duck; hatchlings attached to duck in simulated flight for up to 6 mins / Mallard; Portugal, EU
Anastácioet al. (2014) / Experimental attachment / Procambarusclarkii / Juveniles attached to duck that was moved 5m between tanks; juveniles attached to homing pigeon survived flights of up to 64 km. / MuscovyDuckCairina moschata; Portugal, EU
Zoochory as nest material
Morton & Hogg (1989) / Field study / Agrostisstolonifera
Melilotusofficinalis / Viable rootstocks found in nests
Viable rhizomes found in nests
Viable seeds found in nests / Herring Gull;Barrier Island, Ontario, NA
NA, North America, EU, Europe; AS, Asia; AU, Australia.