65103 712 Road Falls CityNE68355
April2016 Newsletter
Council and Voter’s Meetings………..01
LWML FC Zone Spring Workshop…. 01
Concordia Guild………………………01
LLL Zone 10 Spring Rally……………01
Life Quotes...... 02
Coupons for Mosaic…………………..02
Lutheran Hour...... 03
F.C. Food Pantry……………………… 03
Stewardship Minute...... 03
Pray for Us Calendar...... 04-05
Good News for Families...... Insert
Calendar – April2016...... Insert
Stewardship Newsletter...... Insert
Annual Reports
You may pick up your copy of the 2015 Annual Report on the table in the Narthex. Thanks.
Council Meeting and Voter’s Meeting
The St. Paul’s Church Council will meet on Tuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m. and there will be a Voter’s meeting after our worship service on April 10th.
LWML Falls City Zone Spring Workshop
The LWML FC Zone Spring Workshop will take place on April 9th at St. John’s Lutheran in Tecumseh. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. and the Workshop begins at 9 a.m. Brunch will be provided by the ladies of St. John’s. The theme is And you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. Isaiah 58:11b. The Bible studies will be on Fountains of Blessings. Please bring a bottle of shampoo for the Orphan Grain Train.
If you’re unable to attend the workshop you may bring your bottle(s) of shampoo and place them in the marked box in the basement. Thanks!
Concordia Guild
The Concordia Guild will meet on Monday, April 18th at 1:30 p.m. at FaithLutheranChurch in Humboldt. A program and auction will be featured.
LLL Zone 10 Spring Rally
The LLL Zone 10 annual Spring Rally will be held at TrinityLutheranChurch in Auburn on Sunday, April 24th. Registration begins at 3:30 p.m.
LWML ~ March 2016
The St. Paul’s LWML met on Wednesday, March 2nd at 2 p.m. in the church social room. Nancy Chapman led us in the topic “Love in Action” from the February Lutheran Witness. It was very interesting.
Jan Huebner, President opened our meeting with roll call. Ten members and 1 guest, Lorna Feek answered. The minutes and the treasurer’s reports from February 2016 were read. There were no corrections and the treasurer’s reports were placed on file for audit. Thank you’s were read from the family of Ron Niedfeldt and the Ben Micheel family.
Ramona Godemann gave us $40 back from the check we received from the Hayden family.
Sandy Eickhoff reported on the items received for Latvia and the OGT collection. Norma Roland reported on the Remembrance Committee noting the birthday visit to Evelyn Wissmann. Kathy Niedfeldt made a motion to give $100 to Sem student David McGinley. Dorothy Vollmer seconded. Carried. The ladies were reminded of the Zone Workshop on April 9th at Tecumseh. We were also reminded of the Lenten Worship on March 9th with LWML serving afterwards. Jan Huebner and Kathy Niedfeldt will serve.
Banner designs are needed for the upcoming District Convention in September. The theme is Partakers of Grace from Phil. 1:7b
Servers for March were Janice Boden and Kathy Niedfeldt. Visiting is Ramona Ebel and Judy Fritz. The birthday song was sung for Kathy Niedfeldt.
Respectfully submitted by Kathy Niedfeldt
April 3“On Easter Sunday, Christ became the firstfruits of the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20). Because He lives … you and I shall live and never die (John 11:25–26). This joyous message is for all ages because all who believe in Jesus have life in His name (John 20:31).”Ryan C. MacPherson, Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, Minnesota – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
April 10“God made it known to … you and me, through His Word and Spirit that He who created all things in this world, including life—and especially us, His crown jewel—ever loves, ever provides for, and ever walks with us daily, as we record our life’s book. And regardless of ‘bad’ pages, God is ever with us and, as His promise says, is working all things for good. This is the good stuff which makes up a truly full and abundant life!”Rev. Lyle Kath – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
April 17“Let us stand firm for the rights of all people, especially for the most vulnerable, defenseless of them all, the unborn children … The Church has confessed from the beginning that each life is created by God, that human life is the supreme gift of the Creator. Human life is not given unconditionally but is given under the condition that we will be responsible for preserving it.”Abbot Tryphon, Vashon Island, Washington – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
April 24“Instead of helping people to kill themselves, we should offer them appropriate medical care and human presence. We should respond to suffering with true compassion and solidarity. Doctors should help their patients to die a dignified death of natural causes, not assist in killing. Physicians are always to care, never to kill.”Ryan T. Anderson, William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles and Public Policy – A Life Quote from Lutherans For Life •
Don’t Throw Away
Those Coupons
Your manufacturer’s coupons are needed. Mosaic of Beatrice will accept coupons, Campbell’s Soup labels and used stamps. Take what you need from your Sunday morning paper and give the rest to Mosaic. They appreciate you helping them!
"The Lutheran Hour"
Listen to KTNC on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. for "The Lutheran Hour" or catch these other times: KOIL 1290 AM at 7 a.m., KFEQ 680am at 8:30 a.m. or WIBW 580am at 7:30 a.m. and at KNZA 103.9fm at 7:30 a.m.The Lutheran Hourwill soon begin airing weekly on KOIL/1290 AM.
Food Pantry Needs
The F.C. Food Pantry needs your help. The pantry is dangerously low on supplies and would appreciate community support to resupply the cupboards. The need remains at a high level despite the decline in donations.
Refrigerated items:
Milk Fresh farm eggs
Freezer Items:
Bread Meat
Non-Perishable Food Items:
Canned Pasta Meals
Microwavable Meals
Instant Dry milk
Canned Meat: Chicken & Tuna
Canned Vegetables Except: Corn, Peas & Green Beans
Canned Fruit
Pasta Pasta Sauce
Instant Potatoes Rice
Peanut Butter Jelly
Cereal –Hot & cold
Juice Instant Pudding
Box Jell-o
Personal Care Items:
Baby Items
Formula Baby Food
Diapers: Sizes 3-6, and Pull-ups (all sizes)
Baby Wipes
Cleaning Items:
Dish Soap Laundry Detergent
Toilet Paper Paper Towels
Facial Tissues Clorox
Bathroom/Kitchen Cleaner
The SENCA Food Pantry is either out of these items listed above or the supply is very low. This ministry supports the people of RichardsonCounty, not just those in FallsCity. Please help resupply the Food Pantry. Donations can be taken to Courthouse Office #103. Thank you for all of your support.
This list of items that are needed has been posted in the church basement. Please help.
Stewardship Minute
There is a fascinating letter to the editor of the April issue of Stewardship.
The writertold of how his parents had taught him to tithe as a very young child. He said they believed if they gave a tithe or more the rest of their income would “go farther” if God had the first share.
He went on to say that he was given a dollar each week, of which he then set aside ten cents for their church and another ten cents for Missions. That was more than a tithe but he said, “I was delighted with the eighty cents I had left to spend.”
As he grew older and made his own money, he still gave the first ten percent that he earned to the one who made possible anything at all.
Hiswonderful witnessbrings to mindaquote from Proverbs 22: “Train children in the right way and when old, they will not stray.”
Let me quote another wonderful proverb,which is not in the Bible,but is very wise advice:
“Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God.”
That was a motto that an Englishman named William
Carey penned in the late 1700’s.
He became a missionary to India and was so passionate in his work that he has been called “the founder of modern missionary work.”
A pastor tells about a parishioner who was a very kindly steward. He owned a small company and gave quite generously to the church.
One day, someone asked him why he was so generous in giving to the churchandother worthy causes.
He had a wonderful sense of humor and answered with these words:“God has been very good to me and my family.
And I figure that if I don’t give back to him and his church, He might stick out his foot and trip me.”
Of course that generally made his listeners smile, whichwas the fellow’s intention... hopingto bring a sense of joy.
Loving God, we are constantly blessed by you. Therefore we express to you our hearty gratitude and great love. In our Savior’s name.
St. Paul’s Evangelical
Lutheran Church LCMS
65103 712 Road
Falls CityNE68355
Happy ______
"To serve the needs of all members so as to grow in the true Word and Sacraments, so that we share God's blessing among ourselves and reach out with them to those who need Jesus Christ's love."