OCTOBER 4, 2012
Members Present: Bill Hartman, Seana Ankers, Cathy Thompson, Sherry Garlem, Bryan Folts, Eva Edwards, Meredith and Joe Thompson, Dave and Stacey Morgan, Pat Whitney, Paul Yates, Laurie Blankenship, Ann Chambers, Robert Harper, Roger Mitler, Donna Wilkers, Tonetta Matthews-Smith, Matt Yonkey, Leigh Darcy, Diane Searles, Kathy Fine, Merle Fallon
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm.
Welcome--Kathy Fine
Secretary's Report--Stacey Morgan
•Approval of Minutes--Minutes were approved with the change below.
•Change the golf date to April 26, 2013.
Treasurer's Report--Diane Searles
•Account Report
•The checking account had several deposits. You'll find that 99% is money in and turned right around to money out. As of August 30th our balance was $20738.47 We took in $19220.48, and the expenses listed as $4371.89 mean we've paid it and the check is cleared. Upcoming Expenses will need to be paid out between now and March. These include any things that have been paid, but have not actually cleared yet. Our final net balance is $5798.47.
•The Snacks and Food number will change each time, getting smaller month to month, depending on what we ordered and paid for our Friday meals and snacks.
•Feel free to ask Diane at any time if there are questions.
Fundraising Report
•Kathy briefly reviewed the video that was playing. DVD's are still available.
•Tag Day Wrap-up
•We raised a little over $10,000, even through the rain.
•Attractions Book
•This ends tomorrow 10/5. The orders are filled within one day. $1690 is the current profit from this, and more orders are still coming in.
•There are filled orders waiting to be taken home in the brown box in the band room.
•We still have some, so if anybody wants one next week we can fill the order.
•Christmas Ornaments
•We have a bunch of these left from before, and we are bringing them out of storage to sell at the concert on Oct. 30. They are $20 each, and we keep $10 and pay $10 to the producer. They are beautiful blown glass ornaments.
•Growl Towels
•Laurie Blankenship briefly explained how we use the growl towels (wear hung on the waist, wave during touchdowns, etc.) and showed them to us. They are available tonight, and are $5 each.
•This fundraiser is on a hiatus for the time being.
•Giant Cards
•Holly Hartman is chairing this. Kathy explained that we get 5% of the card value. There is no additional cost to us as users. A $50 card will cost $50, and you get $50 worth of groceries. The profit comes from the Boosters purchasing them at a discounted rate.
•We do need to purchase these up front, so Seana requested a raise of hands just to gauge the interest in this.
•Holly is looking into Giant and Wegmans. If anyone would like us to look at another store as well please let her know.
•Sheetz Coupons
•Seana shared that we are postponing this until the spring.
•Pie Sale
•We will start selling these soon. Look for the form. These will be delivered in time for Thanksgiving.
•Bake Sale at Concert
•Please volunteer to run the table and to provide baked goods. There is a signup sheet in the back.
•Golf Outing
•Seana will be getting the flyer out in the next few weeks. She is looking at some other clubs. We will have this on April 26, 2013.
•Spirit Nights
•Subway 10/30, 1/29 10% of sales from 5:00-8:00 pm.
•Tropical Smoothie 2/26, 4/30
•Chick-Fil-A 11/27, 3/26, 5/28 We need to have volunteers there to hand out forms, and they have also asked to have music performed.
•Next Year's Fundraisers--we discuss these at the February meeting, bring ideas!
President's Report
•October 12th Game--we are hosting Liberty HS as well as the 8th graders. We are feeding the 8th graders dinner, but we need volunteers to provide snacks and desserts for Liberty, us, and the 8th graders. Please avoid chocolate for snacks, or other messy things.
•We set up tables by the shed, and will need volunteers for that, as well as chaperoning.
•During halftime Liberty will perform, then we will perform.
Band Director
•Kathy explained the situation with the Gator. Our current one is too small, and the company is giving us a great trade-in amount. In 2009 we purchased our Gator for $3000, and the trade-in offer is $2300.
•Mr. Yonkey explained that it is on it's second transmission, and with the growth of the band we are hauling much heavier things. The new Gator has a better suspension, transmission, and more.
•The new Gator is due to arrive tomorrow, hopefully in time for the game.
•Our scaffolding blew over during the storm on 9/8. The total cost for parts was $324.10.
•Mr. Yonkey mentioned that when the scaffolding was purchased, we also purchased extra parts, so they helped to offset what we needed.
•A big thank you to Bill Hartman who drove out to pick up everything.
•There was some damage to the field fence that it landed on, and that has been repaired.
•Gateway Chiropractic sponsors us, giving us $350 to hang their banner up. Please consider using them if you need chiropractic care.
•Football Game October 5th
•We will begin by storming the halls in the morning.
•Kids can wear anything KR inspired, or section shirts, or pink shirts for the Pink-out. They will be wearing their Green shirts for competition Saturday. Students will have pink ribbons on their uniforms for the game.
•Peewee Football (Fauquier Youth Football) will be at the game and play at halftime. Since Saturday morning is the SAT, the band will be playing at 6:40 during pre-game, followed by the Star Spangled Banner, rather than after the game. Volunteers should arrive at 6:00pm.
•Students who are taking the SAT's can leave after the second quarter if they need to.
•Dave Morgan is planning to help the parent volunteers with the drum-stands in the stands, and will do so for any home games.
•As long as a parent is helping the band, and comes in with the band, they can come in without admission. All other parents will need to pay admission.
•Band Competition October 6th
•There was an error initially on the time and dinner details. Kids need to be at the stadium at 3:00pm, not 12:00pm. They need to bring a dinner to eat on the bus. They need something that will not be messy to eat (wearing uniforms!), and only water to drink. They can bring money for snacks while there.
•The WVU will play at around 9:00pm, before the awards ceremony. They give an impressive show, and we have many folks associated with them.
•These should be in by the end of next week.
•Warm-up Suits
•Leigh Darcy said that there has been interest from folks, and she will have an order form soon.
•Fall Concert--October 30, 2012
•Begins at 7:00pm. Admission is free. Groups from the entire music department will perform.
•Mr. Warner has helped us to acquire concert uniforms for Symphonic band. Guys will need black dress shoes or marching shoes, black dress socks (cover the ankle), solid white undershirt (preferably short sleeved), and a tux shirt. Michael's Arts and Crafts carries them, for a great price. Girls will just need need black dress shoes.
•We purchased 100 pink ribbons, and kids will be wearing them on their uniforms for the Friday game. We have some extras, if parent volunteers would like to wear them.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm.
The next Booster Meeting will be held on November 1, 2012.