TechConnect Program Application
Instructor’s Name and current Program:
All one-hour programs mustselect a minimum of three Foundation courses from the Career Clusters below. Introduction courses will be taught in a one-semester format. Each program will consist of 3 Introduction courses + Career Aspects course, which will equal (two years) four semesters of instruction.
Career Aspects
TEC 2000 All Aspects of the Industry(All programs must take this course)
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Audio and Video Technologies and Film/Telecommunications
TEC 1110 Introduction to Telecommunications
TEC 1111 Introduction to Cabling
TEC 1112 Introduction to Networking
Printing Technology/Visual Arts
TEC 1113 Introduction to Graphic Communications
TEC 1506 Introduction to Multi Media, Digital Imaging and Web Design/Publishing
TEC 1115 Introduction to Commercial Art and Photography
Performing Arts/Journalism and Broadcasting
TEC 1117 Introduction to Film/Video Editing, Broadcast Technicians and Journalism
Architecture & Construction
TEC 1201 Introduction to Interior Design, Planning and Design
TEC 1802 Introduction to Surveying and Landscaping Design
TEC 1203 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (Architecture)
TEC 1908 Introduction to Technical Writing
TEC 1210 Introduction to Cabinetmaking
TEC 1211 Introduction to Building Construction Technology
TEC 1220 Introduction to Carpentry (Residential and Commercial)
TEC 1230 Introduction to Concrete and Cement Masonry
TEC 1240 Introduction to Brick Masonry
TEC 1250 Introduction to Heating & Air Conditioning
TEC 1260 Introduction to Electrical Trades
TEC 1270 Introduction to Plumbing
TEC 1301 Introduction to Sheet Metal
TEC 1214 Introduction to Highway Maintenance
TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding
TEC 1417 Introduction to Construction/Industrial Equipment
TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment
Production/Maintenance, Installation & Repair
TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding
TEC 1301 Introduction to Sheet Metal
TEC 1302 Introduction to Metal Fabrication
TEC 1303 Introduction to Precision Machining
TEC 1304 Introduction to Plastic Manufacturing
TEC 1204 Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting (Mechanical)
TEC 1305 Introduction to Fluid Power
Manufacturing Production Process Development/Quality Assurance/Logistic and Inventory Control
TEC 1306 Introduction to Engineering
TEC 1307 Introduction to Process Improvement
TEC 1308 Introduction to Lab Technicians
TEC 1309 Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing
Health, Safety and Environmental Assurance
TEC 1310 Foundations to Health,Loss Management andSafety
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Transportation Operations/Logistics Planning and Management Services/Transportation Systems-Infrastructure Planning, Management and Regulation/Health, Safety and Environmental Management
TEC 1400 Introduction to Logistics and Management Concepts
TEC 1401 Introduction to Transportation Management
Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations/Sales and Service
TEC 1402 Introduction to Distribution Center Management, Labor Management, and Inventory Management
TEC 2205 Introduction to Distribution and Logistics
Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance
TEC 1410 Introduction to Automotive Repair
TEC 1411 Introduction to Aviation Maintenance
TEC 1412 Introduction to Auto Body Repair
TEC 1503 Introduction to Microprocessors Systems
TEC 1413 Introduction to Diesel Service
TEC 1414 Introduction to Marine Repair
TEC 1415 Introduction to Motorcycle Service
TEC 1416 Introduction to Farm Machinery and Equipment
TEC 1417 Introduction to Construction/Industrial Equipment
TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment
TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding
TEC 1305 Introduction to Fluid Power
TEC 1303 Introduction to Precision Machining
Information Technology
Network Systems/Programming and Software Development
TEC 1500 Introduction to Electronics
TEC 1501 Introduction to Network Systems
and Data Communications
Information Support and Services
TEC 1503 Introduction to Microcomputer Systems
TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce
TEC 1505 Introduction to Information Technology Services
Interactive Media
TEC 1506 Introduction to Multi Media, Digital Imaging and Web Design/Publishing
TEC 1507 Introduction to GIS
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Engineering and a Technology
TEC 1600 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
TEC 1601 Introduction to Application to Technology
TEC 1602 Pre-Engineering
Science and Math
TEC 1605 Introduction to Applied Math for Engineers
TEC 1606 Introduction to Technical Mathematics
Health Science
TEC 1700 Introduction to Health Careers
TEC 1701 Introduction to Health Sciences
TEC 1705 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers I
TEC 1710 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers II
TEC 1715 Introduction to Integrated Science and Health Careers III
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
TEC 1800 Introduction to Greenhouse, Nursery, and Garden Center
TEC 1801 Introduction to Turf and Lawn Management
TEC 1802 Introduction to Surveying and Landscaping Design
TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition
TEC 1804 Introduction to Maintenance of Landscape Plants and Plant Propagation
TEC 1085 Introduction to Horticultural Pest Management
TEC 1300 Introduction to Welding
TEC 1418 Introduction to Two & Four Cycle Power Equipment
Business, Management & Administration
TEC 1900 Introduction to Business Financial Management
TEC 1901 Introduction to Accounting and Bookkeeping
TEC 1902 Introduction to Business Management
TEC 1903 Introduction to Marketing, Sales, and Public Relations
TEC 1904 Introduction to Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations
TEC 1905 Introduction to Administrative and Information Support
TEC 1906 Introduction to Medical Office Management
TEC 1907 Introduction to Legal Office Management
TEC 1908 Introduction to Technical Writing
TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce
Human Services
TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition
Hospitality & Tourism
TEC 2100 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism
TEC 1803 Introduction to Food Science Technology & Nutrition
Marketing, Sales & Services
TEC 2200 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
TEC 2201 Introduction to Management
TEC 2202 Introduction to Customer Service and Sales
TEC 2203 Introduction to Advertising and Promotion
TEC 2204 Introduction to Project Management and Research
TEC 2205 Introduction to Distribution and Logistics
TEC 2206 Introduction to Marketing, Sales and Public Relations
TEC 1504 Introduction to E-Commerce
Diversified TechConnect Program
Selection of any three courses from the Foundation courses plus the Career Aspects course.
TechConnect Plus Program
TechConnect Plus programs are designed for 11th & 12th grade students when access to advanced career and technology programs are not available or special needs are identified. Schools must apply with the appropriate occupational division for approval of a TechConnect Plus program.
All applications must be signed and dated by the Superintendent.
For additional information contact:
Larry Bullock
ODCTE TE/T&I Division
1500 W. Seventh Ave
Stillwater OK 74074
(405) 743-5147
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