Academic Planning Cover Page/8.22.16
Northern Arizona University
Office of the Provost - Academic Planning Framework
Cover Page Template – Initiation of Idea or Concept, Initial Review
For the Academic Planning Framework process, submit this cover page and initial proposals to the Provost via email [ or as hard copy to NAU Box 4120. Proposals will be submitted to the Provost’s Academic Leadership Council (PALC) for further consideration.
Initial proposals (brief 1-2 pages) should summarize what academic plan is being proposed and why. Please include information that addresses the three key filters described in the academic planning framework (Input #1):
• Positive impact on university priorities (strategic goals and performance)?
• Preliminary data to suggest a likelihood of true student demand or value to state?
• Any substantial legal, statutory, or political barriers?
In addition, for minors and certificates only, please address the following potential resource impacts. Will the proposed minor/certificate:
· Require thedevelopment of new courses? If so,how many and who will develop and teach them?
· Impact future hiring requests? If so, please describe.
· Impactcourse capacity and scheduling for existing courses? If so, which ones and how will this be managed?
· Require administrative oversight? If so, how will this be managed?
· Require an increase in library holdings and electronic or research resources, equipment or technology, changes in the classroom space?If so, please describe.
If additional resources are not received, how will the academic unit change its course offerings, course
capacities, and/or teaching loads in order to accommodate the inclusion of this minor into the curriculum?
Proposal contact information
Name (Person to contact regarding this proposal) Title
Title of Proposal Requested effective term/year
College/School/Vice Provost area School/Department
Will new state resources be required? Yes___ No___ Not sure____
Signature Date
My signature above signifies that I strongly endorse the establishment of the proposal and will work with the Provost’s office/designates for future development of the proposal if approved.
This section to be completed by Provost’s Office
1. ______Initial proposal submitted to PALC and assigned to PALC member.
2. ______Report to PALC on outcome of initial review
3.______Assign to Provost Advisory Group to develop full proposal
4. ______Submit full proposal (to include business plan) to PALC:
5. ______Outcome of PALC review
6. ______Submit full proposal to Central Administration
7. ______Submit proposal to Academic Strategic Plan