Welcome to Emmanuel Church!

What can put us off-course in our Christian lives?

Sometimes the issue is suffering. The loss of a loved one, a painful illness or sudden unemployment all hit us hard, and we struggle to understand what God is doing.

For others, it’s not one big issue, it’s just a subtle drift away from the gospel to other, apparently more exciting, teachings and practices.

Either way, giving up on Jesus puts us in eternal danger. If we’re aware of the danger, we can refocus and stay on the right course.

On Sunday mornings this term we’re going to be looking at two very different books of the Bible, both of which will be a huge help to us all:

  • Habakkuk helps us to wrestle with the big question of suffering, and gives us some surprising and encouraging answers.
  • Colossians shows us why we needn’t be fooled by the latest Christian fads and fashions. Jesus Christ is all we need to be complete Christians.

We’ll also be continuing our monthly all-age services throughout the spring,looking at the exciting story of how God keeps his promises, from the book of Joshua. Do invite any families you know!

With very best wishes, Richard Hagan

Who we are…

Emmanuel Church is a Christ-centred, Bible-centred church in the heart of Canterbury.

Our passion is to know Jesus and to make him known as we proclaim his word, the Bible.

Where and when we meet…

Sunday Morning Church

10:30am, Kingsmead Primary School

Sunday Evening, Prepared to Serve

7:30pm, 5 Queen’s Avenue

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

7.45-9pm, 5 Queen’s Avenue

For more information…

Take a look at our website:

Contact one of the church staff:


Richard Hagan - 01227 200 857 //

07932 173 904

Pastoral Interns:

Dave Puttick – 07813 916 280

Mark Gelsthorpe – 07724 144 766

Michael Williams – 07837 985 377

(All staff email addresses are in the format )

January-April 2012

Sunday Morning Church

10:30am, Kingsmead Primary School

Faith under fire: Responding to suffering and evil (Habakkuk)

8th Jan†Looking for justice

Habakkuk 1:1-11

15th JanLiving by faith

Habakkuk 1:12-2:20

22nd JanFinding joy

Habakkuk 3:1-19

The Complete Christian: why Jesus is all we need (Colossians)

29th JanGospel reassurance

Colossians 1:1-14

5th Feb#§The Gibeonite deception

Joshua 9

12th Feb†Jesus holds it all together

Colossians 1:15-23

19th FebWe proclaim HIM!

Colossians 1:24-2:5

26th FebJesus plus = Jesus minus

Colossians 2:6-23

4th Mar#§Seeing the faithfulness of God

Joshua 10-12

11thMar†How Jesus changes heart, mind and will

Colossians 3:1-4:1

18thMarJesus-driven prayer and action

Colossians 4:2-6

25thMarJesus-shaped relationships

Colossians 4:7-18

1st Apr#§Covenant renewal

Joshua 23-24

Easter services at Emmanuel Church

Good Friday

6thApr#†Why did Jesus die?

Matthew 27

Easter Sunday

8th Apr#Why did Jesus rise again?

Matthew 28

† Lord’s Supper during service

# All age service (no Sunday School)

§ Bring and share lunch at Kingsmead School

Sunday Evening, Prepared to Serve

7:30-8.30pm, 5 Queen’s Avenue

Prepared to Serve is our Sunday evening training course for growing Christians. Each week we look at what the Bible says about a crucial topicand have time for questions.

Prepared to Serve starts on 15thJanuary, and ends on 1st April.

This term, we’ll be thinking about world mission, looking at what the Bible says about being human, learning about the Reformation and why it matters today, and thinking about how the gospel transforms our lives.

Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting

7.45-9pm, 5 Queen’s Avenue

We meet each week to study a bit of the Bible together and to pray for one another, for Canterbury and for the world.

Thursday Student Home Group

7-9pm, 5 Queen’s Avenue

We’ll be continuing our look at Romans this term. Do come along and join us if you’re a student!

Emmanuel Church Partnership Course

Four sessions runfortnightly with different groups running at different times over the next two terms.

On this course we will have the chance to discuss what it means to belong to Emmanuel Church. Talk to Richard for more details.

Also this term:

16th Feb Holiday Bible Club Nano for 5-11s

10am-3pm at Kingsmead School

17th-19th FebThe Annual Student Getaway

at White Birch Farm, East Sussex

4th MarchWalk in Blean Woods after our Bring and Share lunch with tea at John Paul and Debbie’s afterwards