GASFAA Executive Board Meeting Minutes
Transitional Meeting- Day 2
Central Georgia Technical College
Macon, GA
June 15, 2007
President Bledsoe began the meeting by thanking everyone for volunteering to serve GASFAA. The items that he would like to cover for the day is the Agenda, introduce members to the Bylaws and Policy and Procedures of GASFAA and a close examination of the 2007-2008 budget. President Bledsoe asked Secretary Morgan to provide the Executive Board with the most current policies and procedures for GASFAA. President Bledsoe mentioned that he would like for the Executive Board to consider the need for a new Finance and Budget Standing Committee. Based on the Strategic Planning Survey from 2006-2007, the membership seemed to support the idea of adding this committee.
President Bledsoe commended past-secretary Angie Wilson on a phenomenal job with updating the Policies and Procedure Manual. In reviewing the Policies and Procedure document, President Bledsoe asked each member of the Executive Board to review the timeline within their section and to make updates as necessary.
President Bledsoe reminded everyone that in order to serve on GASFAA Executive Board, each member must be a paid member of GASFAA. He reminded Committee Chairs to remind their members of this as well. President Bledsoe asked all members of the board to blind copy him on all email communications. Also, prior to each board meeting, the board will be expected to submit their board report electronically to the Board. Also, he stated that as the board reviews proposed committee member, remember to develop a committee that is diverse. Also, President Bledsoe requested that travel reimbursement requests be sent within 30 days to Treasurer Jordan.
During the review of the ByLaws and Policies and Procedures Manual, a motion was made to add a Finance and Budget Committee as a standing committee to GASFAA. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Also, President Bledsoe mentioned that each committee should have a timeline included in the Policies and Procedure Manual. It was noted that the Professional Development Committee’s timeline need to be updated in the current Policy and Procedure Handbook. Also, President Bledsoe stated that the Strategic Planning Committee will be inactive for the 2007-2008 year but will begin again in 2008-2009.
Included in the manual is the User Guide to using ATAC. Contact Chair Barton for additional information on how to use ATAC.
Past- President-Jenelle Handcox
Stated that the GASFAA Executive Board follows Roberts Rule of Order but we are a “friendly” group so at times we may be somewhat informal.
She continued with explaining the procedure of how to address the chair when comments are necessary. The Chair will recognize you for the comment at that time. Past-President Handcox reviewed the name cards and explained that each person has either a blue or green card. Blue cards are representative of the Elected Board and have voting privileges and are able to present a motion to the board. She went on to say to remember that the board is the Leadership of GASFAA and should conduct him/herself accordingly. We all represent the membership of GASFAA not just our individual institution/organization. At this point Past-President, Handcox reviewed the Parliamentary Procedure. If any of the elected officers would like to make a motion, they should begin the motion with “I move that…” this is explained at the end of the handbook that was provided at the meeting. All motions require a “second” and at that point the elected officer can vote on the motion.
Treasurer-Kimberly Jordan
Serving on the board, members will incur expenses for travel. GASFAA does not reimburse lenders for travel expenses. For others who are serving, Treasurer Kimberly Jordan provided the membership with a copy of the reimbursement forms. When completing the form, please write legibly so checks can be mailed to the correct address. Each chair must sign the committee member’s expense statement. For the members of the Executive Board, President Bledsoe must sign off on the travel expense form. On the back of each travel expense form, are the instructions of how to complete the form. If there are any questions, please contact Treasurer Jordan. Treasurer Jordan requested that each member promptly cash his or her reimbursement checks. Credit cards are distributed to the following members:
Pennie Strong- President-Elect
Dave Bledsoe- President
Jenelle Handcox- Immediate Past-President
Jon-Paul Keenan-Vice-President for Programs
Charlene Morgan-Secretary
Doug Tanner-Vice-President for Professional Development
Credit cards may be used for any committee expenses or travel. Treasurer Jordan has an American Express Card, which accumulates points for the silent auction at the end of the year. A question on the floor was “if there is a GASFAA expenditure what is the procedure for requesting reimbursement?” Treasurer Jordan explained that members should complete the Expense Report and attached all original receipts. The form may then be submitted to:
C/O Kimberly Jordan, Treasurer
P.O. Box 10073
Carrollton, Georgia 30118
Treasurer Jordan said that as she updates the Expense form for the 2007-2008 year, she would have a section included where it can be noted that the expense was paid for by credit card (This is for the members who will have a GASFAA-issued credit card only). The new form will be on the web within the next two weeks.
Board Reports were presented next.
Vice President for Programs- Jon-Paul Keenan
Chair, Keenan provided the board with his goals and objectives for the 2007-2008 year. His committee plans to:
· Provide informative conferences for the entire membership.
· Monitor and stay within assigned budgets for both fall and spring conferences.
· Evaluate prior conferences to determine what works well for the membership.
· Work closely with the representatives at the hotels in preparation for the conferences.
· Come up with creative conferences that embody a theme and promote more networking opportunities.
· To work closely with the Vendor Sponsor and Treasurer to work within the boundaries setup, also look at methods to reduce expenses that will benefit the members and association.
· To have sessions that will not be repetitive; but valuable to the participants of the conference.
Once the board approves the Program Committee members for 2007-2008, Chair Keenan will contact the members to see if they are still interested in serving and he will schedule his first meeting in July 2007. At this meeting, the Program Committee will begin planning for the 2007 Fall GASFAA Conference and pre-planning discussions for the 2008 GASFAA Spring Conference. Historian Little has agreed to serve on the committee for the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of GASFAA.
A question was raised of “where the July planning meeting will be held?” Chair, Keenan stated the meeting will be held in Macon. Both Chairs, Keenan and Tanner will meet at the Gwinnett Center to finalize plans for the Fall Conference.
Next, Chair Keenan reviewed his proposed list of the 2007-2008 Program Committee Members.
President Bledsoe opened the floor to entertain a motion to accept the proposed list of the 2007-2008 Program Committee members.
Gina Repak, Georgia Institute of Technology-Co Chair
Marcia Slade, Shorter College
Kimberly Daniel, Toccoa Falls College
Gail Campbell, Georgia Highlands College
Debbie Howard, Waycross College
Jay Sweeney, American Student Assistance
Robin Forte-Burell, edAmerica
Jennifer Heter, College Loan Corporation
Cindy Abbott, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Louis Scott, Georgia State University
Dianne Cox, Dalton State College
Willene Holmes, Augusta State University
Pat Simmons, Macon State College
Cheryle Brown, Okefenokee Technical College
Adrienne Brown, Savannah Technical College
Cindy Higgins, Ogeechee Technical College
Linda Casey,
Jill Vickers, Georgia Student Finance Commission
A motion was made and variously seconded and unanimously approved.
At this time it was brought to the attention of the board that the comprehensive volunteer list did not include all names of individuals who volunteered for a committee. President Bledsoe mentioned that an updated list was sent out via email of four additional volunteers. Some members mentioned that they did not receive the updated list. Thomas Meunier was one individual whose name was not included.
Per Past-President, Handcox One of the goals of GASFAA is to try to make sure that every volunteer is assigned to one committee. In the past, GASFAA had been criticized that some individuals who volunteered never made it to a committee. So each Executive Board really tries to make it a point to make sure that each volunteer is assigned to some committee.
Vice President for Professional Development- Douglas Tanner
Chair, Tanner provided the board with his goals and objectives for the 2007-2008 year. His committee plans to:
Provide training workshops for the membership, which includes the New Aid Workshop, a NASFAA training workshop. The NASFAA workshop topic for this year is Federal Methodology, which is basically the EFC calculation. Also, there will be some training on ethics, strategies for counseling and professional judgment. Also, there will be some presentations, which discuss budget development and explaining budgets to students. He would also like to offer a one-day Support Staff workshop during the spring and an Administrative Capabilities Workshop. This workshop would be included as a mid-level leadership workshop. Also, Chair Tanner proposed continuing with the tradition of having a “Hot Topics” session during the Spring Conference.
A question from President Bledsoe was raised as to “How many people would be interested in sending their staff to the NASFAA workshop?” Majority of the board said that they would send at least one member from their staff to the workshop as a professional development activity. President Bledsoe gave Chair Tanner the go ahead to continue planning for the NASFAA workshop-Federal Methodology.
Next, Chair Tanner reviewed his proposed list of the 2007-2008 Professional Development Committee Members.
Kathleen Caldwell, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Diane Crowder, American Professional Institute
LaTonya Harrell, Georgia State University
Sylvia Jones, Citibank
Sandra Johnson, Georgia Southwestern State University
Faith May, Savannah State University
Sherrille McIntosh-Reynolds, Georgia State University
Ann Simmons, Ogeechee Technical
Sarah Twiggs, Northwestern Technical College
Nicole Verrett, Bank of America
Lynne King, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Sherry Kent, Gwinnett Technical College
A motion was made and variously seconded and unanimously approved to accept the above list as the 2007-2008 GASFAA Professional Development Committee. Chair Tanner asked the board if there is a “specific way of selecting a co-chair?” A co-chair is selected at the discretion of the chair.
A motion was made to take a short break. This was unanimously approved.
The meeting reconvened at 9:42 a.m.
Secretary- Charlene M. Morgan
Secretary Morgan provided the board with her goals and objectives for the 2007-2008 year.
· To maintain accurate records of all GASFAA business reports and minutes.
· To submit reports/minutes by no later than 1 week after the meeting.
· Maintain/Update Bylaws and Policies and Procedures as necessary.
· Submit all 2007-2008 record to the GASFAA Historian by June 30, 2008.
· Verify all documents are submitted to the Electronic Services Chair in a timely manner.
· Provide special assistance with 40th Year GASFAA Anniversary (as necessary)
· Follow-up review Life-Time/Honorary Members of GASFAA with past-secretary Angie Wilson.
Secretary Morgan asked whether the new by-law change to add the Finance/ Budget committee need to be relayed to the membership 30 days from the transitional board meeting or 30 days from July 1st? Past-President Handcox stated that the information need to be submitted 30 days before the membership will vote on the change. The vote will occur at the 2007 Fall GASFAA conference. The information will need to be sent out via the listserv stating “we have a proposed by-law change…”. At the conference there will be a sheet in the packet that states “ this is the proposed by-law change…” The sheet should include a brief description of the new standing committee.
Treasurer- Kimberly Jordan
Treasurer Jordan provided the board with her goals and objectives for the 2007-2008 year.
· To assist the Finance Committee by providing detailed information concerning resources, expenditures and endowments.
· Prepare an analysis of conference costs and conference attendance for the last several years.
· Investigate the use of an online product for committee chair use.
· Create a base year budget that can be used for estimating yearly expenses from year to year.
· Work very closely with the Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator to ensure vendor and sponsorship monies are invoiced for and received in a timely manner.
· Complete a Treasurer’s procedures manual.
· Work toward providing online payment options for membership and registration.
Within the next couple of weeks, Treasurer Jordan stated that she needs to:
· Set up the Quicken database for 2007-2008 budget and specific line items
· Update the Expense and Reimbursement Request form for board members/committees; deliver to Electronic Services Chair for website
· Set up credit cards for new appropriate board members.
· Update Bank of America and Edward Jones information to include appropriate board members.
· Updated the bonding information to include the new President.
Next, Treasurer Jordan went over the Proposed GASFAA budget for 2007-2008. The first change in this budget is to separate Advertising into two separate line items (web and newsletter). The expense line item for the Strategic Planning Committee should be changed from $1000 to $0. The expense line item for Directory has been removed permanently. The Expense line item for the Historian should be $1000. Last year, it was $3000 because the Historian was looking into the cost of electronically archiving previous GASFAA materials.
A question was raised about the Electronic Services line item. The question was when is the fee paid to ATAC for maintenance of the GASFAA website? Monthly. The fee is approximately $300/mo. When there are extra charges, we receive an additional bill.
The Electronic Survey will no longer come out of the Electronic Survey Committee line item but the Strategic Planning Committee Line Item.
Secretary Morgan mentioned that the association should purchase letterhead this year since the supply is limited. She has obtained one estimate from FedEx Kinko’s and will need two additional quotes. Vice-President of Programs will obtain one quote from the company that prints the GASFAA Grapevine.