BioGrid Access Request – Applicant’s User Guide
BioGrid Access Management System
Applicant’s User Guide
Jana Graenz
Phone 03 9342 3165
BioGrid Australia
Royal Melbourne Hospital
Grattan Street
Parkville VIC 3050
Page 2
BioGrid Access Request – Applicant’s User Guide
1 Before submitting an application 2
1.1 Where do I apply? 2
1.2 Who can apply for access? 2
1.3 How do I apply for access? 2
2 New applicants 4
2.1 What information do I need to provide? 4
2.2 Application – Step by step 4
2.2.1 Start new access request 4
2.2.2 Step 1 – Project Details 5
2.2.3 Step 2 – Select your data 7
2.2.4 Step 3 – Include people 8
2.2.5 Step 4 – Security arrangements 10
2.2.6 Last Step - Application summary and submission 10
3 Further access requests for existing projects 12
3.1 Who can make a further access request? 12
3.2 What information do I need to provide? 12
3.3 Application – Step by step 12
3.3.1 Start your access request 12
3.3.2 Step 1 - Review Project details 13
3.3.3 Step 2 – Select your data 14
3.3.4 Step 3 – Include people 15
3.3.5 Last Step - Application summary and submission 17
4 After lodging an access request 18
4.1 Every person included receives an email 18
4.2 Agreement to BioGrid principles 18
4.3 After your agreement 19
4.4 Check your application status online 19
1 Before submitting an application
1.1 Where do I apply?
Online. You must be connected to the internet and open the BioGrid Access Request website.
Fig 1:Start page of the access request website
1.2 Who can apply for access?
à People involved in a research project, requiring access to data for research purposes. The application process will differ for the following applicants:
New Applicants
You have a new research project which is not registered in BioGrid yet and you would like to access data in BioGrid for this research. Detailed information about the application web form to submit a new access request, can be found in Chapter 2.
Registered Projects (with a Project ID)
You are working on research project and you have applied to access data in BioGrid before for this research. You have already received a BioGrid Project ID. This means your research/ project is already registered in BioGrid. You can request to receive further access (for example to more databases or access for more people who are working on your project). Detailed information about submitting a further access request, please see Chapter 3.
1.3 How do I apply for access?
You will need a computer and internet access. There is an online application form, open your browser (for example: Internet Explorer) and go to the website
New Applicants
Click on the Button “NEW ACCESS REQUEST” to start your application. The website guides you through the application process. For detailed information go to Chapter 2.
Registered Projects (with a Project ID)
Click on the Button “FURTHER ACCESS REQUEST” to send another access request for your research project.
The registered Principal Investigator will receive an email which includes a link to a BioGrid access request form. For detailed information, please go to Chapter 3.
Using the web form:
The web form where you enter your application details includes 4 pages where you will enter details about your research project, you will be guided through.
How far you are with your application can be seen on the Progress-Menu just above the web form. The high-lighted step indicates where you are at the moment.
Going forward and backward:
You click the “Next”-Button if you want to go to the next page or click the “Back”-Button to go to the previous page in case you need to edit your information.
Fig 2 Example for Progress bar and Page-Navigation
2 New applicants
2.1 What information do I need to provide?
Project/ Research Details
· Name, short description of your project or the research you are doing
· Principal Investigator of this research project– Name, Phone, Email, Institution
· Prime Contact for the study – Name, Phone, Email, Institution
· Institution + Department for the project
· Sources of funding
· Authors (and sequence in case of publications)
· If the project is commercial: Commercial purpose and commercial lead
Databases required
· Select the databases in BioGrid you wish to access. (You will be able to browse which data are available. This will be explained in more detail chapter 2.2.3)
· Explain the Science/ Questions you want to answer with these databases.
People involved
· Give Details of all people who will require access to the databases.
à Name, Email, Phone, Institution
Security arrangements
· Describe security and archiving arrangements for downloaded data.
2.2 Application – Step by step
2.2.1 Start new access request
Click on the Button “NEW ACCESS REQUEST” to start your application.
Fig 3 New Applicants - Start Page
This will open the page seen in Fig 4.
Fig 4 New Applicants - Steps outline
There is a link to our “BioGrid Principles and Requirements” document. Read the document and print it for your records. Click on the “Next”-Button to get to the next Page where you can outline your Project Details.
2.2.2 Step 1 – Project Details
Enter your Project details in the text fields provided. You can use the Tab-Key to “jump” from one field to the next for faster navigation or set your cursor into the text field.
Fig 5 Project’s Details
Select an institution
Drop down menus provide you with options that you can select to answer the question. You don’t need to type any text, just click on the correct value. For example, select the Project’s Institution from the list.
Fig 6 Select an institution
If your Institution is not in the list …
Select “Other” from the list. A new text field “Specify:” is shown where you can enter the name of your Institution.
Identify a registered person by email
For Principal Investigator’s Details (and Prime study contact if different from Principal Investigator) you will need to enter the person’s email address in the provided text-field. Click “Ok”.
If the email address is registered in BioGrid, you will see the person’s name underneath the text box.
Fig 7 Email field – Person is registered
If the email address is unknown, you will be asked to enter the full name, phone and institution of the person. Always provide the email address that is most frequently checked by that person and watch for correct spelling.
Fig 8 Email field – Person is not registered, more information is needed
When you have entered all data on the Project Detail’s Page, click on “Next”.
2.2.3 Step 2 – Select your data
On the next page, you can specify which databases you would like to access and explain the research question or analysis you wish to answer with this data.
Fig 9 Page to specify required data
By default all databases are shown and categorized in disease groups and diseases (or research results). If you only want to show data within a specific disease group or data from one particular institution, you can use the drop down menu “Search by”.
Fig 10 Define the search for data
Browsing available data
Available data in BioGrid is presented in a tree structure. For example if you are part of an Oncology Research Project, you can find all oncology data in BioGrid under the branch “Oncology” which again will be divided in tumour streams and other results.
Tree nodes can be contracted and extended by clicking on the – and + symbols.
Selecting required data
When you find your required databases, tick on the empty white box next to it. A list of databases you have selected is shown underneath the tree.
You can remove a selected database by either unticking the box in the tree or clicking on “Remove” in the list.
The links “Show all nodes” and “Hide all nodes” either expand all nodes or collapse the whole tree (for a better overview).
Fig 11 Selected data
Describe your science
Write a short description in the text field provided about your science or what analysis you wish to answer with the BioGrid data you have selected above.
Click the “Next”-Button.
2.2.4 Step 3 – Include people
All people requiring access within your project will need to be added in this step. It works exactly the same as the first page where you gave details about the Principal Investigator and the Prime Contact – using an email text field to validate if the person is already registered in BioGrid. If Principal Investigator or Prime study contact also require access, please add them to this list again.
Fig 12 People requiring access
· Enter the person’s email address in the field. (Remember to use the email address that is frequently checked and spell it correctly.)
· Click “Ok”
Email is registered and the person identified
If the person is in our database and registered in BioGrid with this email address, you will see the person’s name underneath the text box. Click “Add”.
Fig 13 Add registered Person
Email is unknown, add the person’s details
If the email address is unknown you will be asked to enter the full name, phone and institution of the person. Always provide the email address that is frequently checked by that person and watch the correct spelling. Click “Add”.
Fig 14 Add new Person (not registered yet)
All people you added will appear in two lists. People that are registered in BioGrid and people you just added. You can change their details by clicking on “Edit” or remove people from the list by clicking on “Remove”.
Fig 15 People included in this access request
If all people requiring access are listed, click the “Next”-Button on the bottom of the page.
2.2.5 Step 4 – Security arrangements
This is the last information you need to complete. If you are not sure what belongs to each question, click on the link “Example” next to the Header.
Click on “Next” to see a summary of your application.
Fig 16 Security Details
2.2.6 Step 5 - Application summary and submission
This page provides you an overview of your application details. Read it thoroughly.
If you need to make changes, click on the “Edit Application”-Button on the left bottom corner and you will get to the last page you have filled in. From there you can go “back” and browse to each page you have filled in and change the details if needed. Your information will not be lost if you go back.
If all information is correct, click “Submit application”.
BioGrid Office will receive your application immediately. You can view your application status once you have submitted the access request. Go to and click on the button “View Application Status”. Enter your application details and click “Send”. You will be referred to a page that displays the status for each database you have applied for.
To find out what happens after lodging your access request, go to Chapter 4.
Fig 17 Page with a summary of your application
2.2.7 Attaching Documents to your access request
Immediately after submitting the application
After you submitted the application you will see a message that your application was submitted successful. You can then attach supporting documents to your application, e.g papers explaining your science etc. Click on the link “Attach Documents now” and “Browse …”. Select the file you want to upload in the explorer window which will pop-up. Click “Open” in the explorer window and then “Upload this file”.
The files you have uploaded will be shown in the list above.
Attach documents later on
Go to and click on the link “Attach Documents to your application” underneath “Submitted requests”. Enter you access request details (please refer to the confirmation Email you have received) and click “Send”. On the next page you can add documents, maximum file size is 2MB.
Click “Browse …”. Select the file you want to upload in the explorer window which will pop-up. Click “Open” in the explorer window and then “Upload this file”.
3 Further access requests for existing projects
3.1 Who can make a further access request?
Your research/ project must be registered with BioGrid, which means you must have submitted an online access request before. With this access request you have received a Project ID which you can find in correspondence with BioGrid (for example email correspondence). You will need this Project ID to make a further access request.
If your are not sure about your Project ID, please contact BioGrid Office.
The Principal Investigator of your research can make a further access request and will receive an email for confirmation before the access request can be submitted. The email includes a link to the website where you submit your access request.
3.2 What information do I need to provide?
Project Detail’s review
You will need to know your Project ID, which you have received with your last access request and which you can refer to for all future access requests for your project.
The Principal Investigator only can lodge another access request. So you must either be the Principal Investigator of your project or if you are a member of the research project, contact him/her to request more access.
If the Principal Investigator of the project changed since the last time you lodged an application to access databases, please inform BioGrid Office about this (including the person’s contact details). You can then make a new access request as soon as the new Principal Investigator has been changed by BioGrid Office.
Databases required
You will need to select the data which you would like to access.
People involved
You will need to list all people requiring access to the databases you have selected in the step before.
à Name, Email, Phone, Institution of each person.
3.3 Application – Step by step
3.3.1 Start your access request
Enter your Project ID from the drop down menu and click on the Button “FURTHER ACCESS REQUEST”.
Fig 18 Start Page – Registered Projects
After this the Principal Investigator of your project will receive an email to ensure no one requested further access on your behalf. The email contains a link to a website where you can enter details about your access request and submit it.
3.3.2 Step 1 - Review Project details
If you click on the link in the email the Principal Investigator received, you will see the following page in your browser:
Fig 19 Page to review project details
Here you can see a summary of your project details you provided when you applied the first time to access BioGrid data. Under “Access Requests for your Project” you can see a list of your previous applications for access.
Your project details changed
Please review the project details. If there were any changes (for example, the prime study contact, institution or anything else described there), please write a note into the field underneath and BioGrid Office will change the information.