Minutes of the PPG meeting held at Wake Green Surgery on Thursday 18 May 2017
- Present: Ann Burness Chair (AB), Eileen McLeod (EMc), Ceri Matthias (CM), Angeline Hayes-Henderson Treasurer(AHH), Jim Armour (JA), Robert Korneich (RK), Barbara Grant (BG), Dr Nanny Chaddha (NC), Raj Dau Practice Manager(RD)
- Apologies: Julia Burton and Chris Beaton
- Matters Arising:
The fee for NAPP (National Association for Patient Participation) has now been paid.
DNA’s: there is still a small downward trend, and patients can now cancel appointments online and by text.
Friends and Family: figures are collected quarterly so there will be a report back at the next meeting.
GP Survey: as reported at the last meeting, there are issues with the on-line booking system, booking more than one appointment etc. There is a need to reduce duplication on system. There will be a new on-line screen in the surgery, and the surgery would also like to do their own survey for patients which the PPG would assist with.
- Treasurers Report (AHH)
AHHhad nothing to report.
- Carers Advice Session (EMc/AB)
Following the last meeting, AB and EMc had met and drafted a letter which went out to 25 carers/patients, for an afternoon event on Wednesday 24 May, to be held at the Moseley Exchange. However, due to the lack of carers expressing an interest or being able to attend (only four), it was decided to postpone the session and consider different ways of getting advice out/contacting carers. A cancellation letter will be sent from the surgery with a short questionnaire asking for reasons/suggestions.
RD suggested that the lobby area could be used to promote various topics, eg Carers, Flu injections, Shingles etc – one of the Receptionists (Katie) is keen to get involved with this.
- Report from GP Practice
A new full time nurse has been appointed- Anoko Hunter, and also new reception staff – Balal Butt, Chelsea Quigley and Aiden Stewart. Katie will be acting in a Customer Services role to assist Julie (Customer Services Manager). Dr Horton will be leaving the Practice at the end of June and has written a letter which will be on the noticeboard in the Surgery. Dr Awal has been appointed on a part-time basis which means that all doctors are now part-time. Sunny Aujla has also been appointed as a full-time pharmacist and will be dealing with acute prescriptions, queries etc relieving some pressure on GPs.
New reception screens are to be put in, and also there are arrangements to remove the carpet in the waiting room – thus dealing with some of the issues highlighted in the CQC report.
There had been an article in the Birmingham Post regarding M&S and the surgery – Dr Chaddha reported that she had been in touch with the MDU but they could not help as the doctors’ indemnity only covers them individually.
New phone system: the Practice is about to choose the new hardware shortly, which should much improve the service.
- CQC Report:
The surgery has been working hard to address the concerns raised by the CQC report, in particular, addressing the issues of vulnerable patients and end of life care. Dr Chaddha reported on the progress made in meeting residents in Care Homes in the area and the District Nurses Team. Meetings are held monthly with the District Nurses Team, and Dr Chaddha goes out to a nursing home every two weeks. There is thus now much improved communication with other health and social care providers in the area.
End of life policy: a training event is to be held at the end of June. This system needs to be more robust.
An ‘Away Day’ for the surgery will be held in September.
The CCG will carry out mock inspections on 8 June and 3rd August in preparation for the return of the CQC. The ‘official’ visit will possibly be in September.
An anonymous suggestion scheme is to be set up to try to address the negative comments made on Friends and Family scheme. Reception staff are encouraged to feed concerns upwardswith a bottom up approach and are to aim at improving the recording of complaints.
- Arrangements for Updating Patient Guide(EMc):
RD reported that Ned Tilling is employed as a new Data Clerk and will be working in the practice and updating the website, this role previously being held by Manjit Ghattuara. His work will also include updating the Patient Guide and other information. The new Patient Guide is likely to be out around September, together with a survey.
- PPG Awareness Week – June 19-24th
Due to the limited time available it was agreed to perhaps do something later dealing with this, possibly in the early autumn. Again, it was decided to use the lobby area for promoting the PPG as we did last year – the feedback from last year was positive so it is worth doing this again.
- Any Other Business
The posters regarding breast screening for women over 70 are still not suitable or relevant as they do not stress that women must request screening; also no telephone number was included. EMc offered to prepare a new poster which will be put up in the Reception area.
Date of Next Meeting
Date since agreed for THURSDAY 13 JULY 2017 AT 7.00PM